Chaldea Tam Lin Cup Pre-Release Campaign

Prerelease Campaign for Fate/Grand Order's upcoming Chaldea Tam Lin Cup event

Campaign Period
10/31/2024 21:00 - 11/7/2024 19:59 PST
Unlock Requirements
- Clear Fuyuki to claim Login Bonuses!
- All other campaigns are available to all Masters!
General Information
Login Bonus
- Login 7 times during the campaign to receive up to 7 Golden Fruit!
- * If logins are started late, it may not be possible to receive all rewards!
- Requirements: Clear Fuyuki
- Period 10/31/2024 21:00 - 11/7/2024 19:59 PST
Limited Master Missions
- A limited set of Missions will be added to Limited Time tab in the Master Mission screen during the campaign!
- The missions are separate from weekly missions.
- Mission Period 10/31/2024 21:00 - 11/7/2024 19:59 PST
- Claim Period 10/31/2024 21:00 - 11/14/2024 19:59 PST
- * If all Advanced Quests are already cleared, then all related Missions will automatically complete.
1/2 AP Rank Up/Interlude Quests
- All Rank Up and Interlude Quests will be 1/2 AP for a limited period during the campaign!
- Period 10/31/2024 21:00 - 11/7/2024 19:59 PST
All EXP and Class Dailies available
- For a limited time, all Ember Gathering (EXP) and Training Ground (Class) daily quests will be available at once!
- Period 10/31/2024 21:00 - 11/7/2024 19:59 PST
Featured Servants
Summoning Campaign