
MMM - Serpentine Symbols of Sovereignty and Self-harming Sacrifice to the Snake Slither Sensationally in Sisterhood (My Little Dragon)

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The Modern Magus Magazine

To the surprise of absolutely nobody who could assess the event bonus Servant list, we have a snake and dragon themed event on our hands.

Even more shockingly, it’s an event without Liz as the highlight, albeit a participant. A Christmas miracle, if that joke weren’t severely out of date.

At this rate, though, we’re on course for an event matching every Chinese Zodiac each year. Give it enough time and we might even be able to slap all the events on top of each other to make a Drident.

JP Release DateNA Release Date


Whose dragons is this? Y’all lost a dragon in my gacha game.

My sincerest apologies to any reader native to Milan, or I guess big Alfa Romeo nerds (you already have been hard done by due to Top Gear), but whenever a non-Eastern figure gets made into a Servant and I have no clue who it is, it usually feels like they were pulled out of nowhere by FGO’s writers.

But to their credit, if Albion can (sort of) be a Servant, then Biscione is basically the same thing. As much as I’d like to imagine the big ‘ol white dragon was real, humanity loves to invent fake dragons for heraldry.

…Wait, why don’t we have Albion on the English flag, like Wales does with their dragon? Criminal, I say.

As an SSR Lancer, Biscione has to weigh up against a bunch of titans in base stats, and sadly the size of one’s dragon form doesn’t count for it. With the tied 6th worst Attack stat and tied 4th best HP stat of her competitors, Biscione isn’t the most offensively designed Lancer out there, but she does have good enough stats to make it workable. With the Lancer class’s attack modifier her Attack stat pans out to dead on the average for an SSR, and she comes packaged with a lot of bulk to work with - she strictly outclasses Enkidu with her base stats, which should say enough.

She’s not done yet, though. With a quartet of passives to supplement her baseline stats, Biscione comes packaged with Magic Resistance to raise her defence against Debuffs, as well as both Presence Concealment and Independent Action to improve her Critical Damage capabilities, and lastly a (sort of) unique passive, Dragonkin. While it’s been seen on Ibuki at a higher rank, it’s pretty exclusive otherwise, providing a good boost to her Buster cards, as well as passive damage cut, which takes a notable chunk out of normal card damage, especially when paired with defensive buffs.

With her above-average stat total and useful passive package in hand, Biscione has a good start to lay the foundation for the rest of her kit.

So how does Biscione shape up overall? Well on the one hand, she’s a symbol of sovereignty, a superior snek, and you’d best watch out when she slithers through the grass:

  • +Biscione is admirable for managing the impossible - making Poison damage actually viable. While she does have to jump a few hurdles for it, the damage output in a proper team composition once she’s racked up a few Poison debuffs is well worth it, obliterating many bosses through the might of a high effective damage multiplier, in spite of her low damage buffs on paper. Not many single-target Servants can match that damage output. Especially those without skill or NP strengthenings backing them.
  • +While it’s a bit spread out, Biscione does come packaged with some handy utility. With her solid stargen and the bonus effect on her Busters, a continual stream of NP’s will also provide a windfall of Critical Stars to both improve her damage output through her Critical Damage buff and get her next NP ready. That also comes with her personal Invincible buff to endure enemy NP turns, Healing Reduction, and the NP gauge drain on her NP. Combined, they mean she provides more than simple damage output tied to stacking up debuffs.

However, she’s also heralding back to the ancient roots of Fate, the great ancestor of the dragon-based waifus in this series - the dreadful CGI Dragon that haunts us all with the specter of DEEN fuelling it:

  • -Biscione has a bunch of minor flaws, but the most fundamental one is rather obvious - she’s entirely dependent on landing a lot of Poison debuffs for her damage output. While the boost to her Debuff Success Rate at least means she won’t get cheesed by normal Magic Resistance, enemy Servants with Goddess Core or Debuff Resistance buffs will prove an obstacle. Then again bosses that debuff cleanse regularly…then again bosses that have Debuff Immunity (whether all the time or after certain gauge breaks)...then again running into, I dunno, a Rasputin boss if it comes up. She’s simply got a single point of failure she depends on, and it’s one that unfortunately gets countered rather often in FGO.

Biscione is certainly a bit of an oddity to look at. Her skillset is frankly pretty disappointing and unexciting on all fronts, and her general lack of straightforward damage buffs would normally be the death knell for a damage dealer’s capabilities.

Yet somehow, she’s actually pretty decent? Of course, there are certain fights you just can’t bring her to, due to the boss in question blocking her Poison debuffs one way or the other, but I will say that generally most bosses have a single debuff cleanse on a gauge break to content with, and nothing more. Ever since Arjuna Alter in LB4 I think Lasengle knows full well the playerbase hates bosses that no-sell entire specialties of the Servant roster, and we typically don’t see many bosses that would completely kill Biscione’s specialty.

And when Biscione gets to come to play…she kind of goes crazy? Servants with self-activating effective damage modifiers are rare, but even rarer are those that can easily go close to the cap of the modifier, and let me tell you, when you have a Black Grail and two Ruler Skadis backing you, a +150% multiplier to your NP damage is really absurd, even if your other damage boosts are weak. Add in a modicum of utility effects that tend to be handy in difficult content, and Biscione makes for a dependable, if not-always-applicable Single Target damage option. Plus she falls under like, all the niche traits that certain Servants support randomly (Demonic, Demonic Beast Servant, Kemono, Dragon) does open up avenues for unusual support options if that’s your angle.

So yeah, if you’re in the market for a ST Lancer that can really punch hard and can play into unusual synergies, Biscione is a solid option, though she’s nothing truly exceptional. Just beware the fabled Bond 11 “Interlude” WILL have a CGI Dragon. Rath™ Seal of Approval.


Okay, you can’t blame my ignorance for asking “Who?” on this lady, she literally doesn’t have an English Wikipedia page.

The TLDR for the backstory of Kurohime for those not adept in Japanese myth (which includes myself), is she was the daughter of some bigshot Samurai, her beauty drew the attention of a snake Yokai to become his wife, the Samurai didn’t like it and set up a rigged competition for Kurohime’s hand in marriage to try and kill the Yokai, but it failed and they raged, causing disasters, before eventually (retold in various different ways), Kurohime sacrificed herself to quell the Yokai.

I do have to ask, though…can the Japanese myth writers do something with their women that isn’t running off to the moon, or underwater, or turning into an animal, or killing themselves? I swear I can recall at least 5 myths that required a beautiful maiden to sacrifice themselves to resolve the situation. Whatever happened to depending on a knight in shining armor, or a wizard, or something?

Then again, I suppose their track record is probably better than how Greek myth treats women…

As an SR Saber, Kurohime is part of a very packed club, and one that makes counting her position in it a pain, but hell, I’ll do it anyway. With the 11th Highest Attack stat and tied 13th Highest HP stat, Kurohime is very cleanly in the middle of the pack for her class and rarity, and has a reasonably high Attack stat in spite of her relatively low base stat total, which is probably for the best.

When it comes to passives, she’s rather uninteresting, but typical for a Saber. Magic Resistance is that class passive classic, providing some defence against debuffs, while Riding provides a minor boost to her two Quick cards.

So how does Kurohime shape up on the whole? On one hand, she’s got that glossy finish and radiant volume befitting a hair product commercial:

  • +Compared to most SR Servants, Kurohime’s capabilities are rather broad. She packs defensive tools, self-healing, debuff immunity, Evasion and Defence piercing, and good enough NP refund to manage a fair amount of NP spam in difficult content. Paired with her potentially powerful gauge charger, she can hit pretty hard for her weight class.

However, she’s dressed like she’s ready to stare straight into the camera and undergo a Metamorphosis, and I don’t mean the butterfly type:

  • -Outside of her NP’s effective damage modifier, Kurohime’s kit is plagued with a bunch of trait-based conditionals which are ultimately hard to meet while actually using an optimal team composition. The trait-based Taunt is hilariously useless, and similarly even if you deploy Kurohime alongside a support like Oberon who has a matching trait, he’s unlikely to capitalise on NP Strength and Critical Damage buffs.
  • -Without hitting her effective damage modifier, Kurohime is severely lacking in damage output when stacked against her competitors, even among other SR Sabers like Saito Hajime or Munenori Yagyu (in terms of burst damage). When not facing her effective damage bonus there’s little reason to take her, and sadly said niche isn’t common enough to really justify having her around.

I’ll be the first to admit, I like Servants having a little bit of overspecialization sprinkled around. Things like Arcueid’s support toward Living Human Servants are that little spice that allows you to mess around with abnormal team compositions, without detracting from the more general experience of the Servant. It only really becomes a problem when a Servant over-specializes on a specific type of team or traits, to the point that much of their kit isn’t actually as loaded with power as you think.

Kurohime is pretty serviceable without the Snake and Dragon-related boosts from her skillset, but she does still end up being a single target damage dealer with not particularly impressive damage output. Her other utility effects are nice, but not enough to really compensate for her other weaknesses.

And that’s just the shame of it. The Snake and Dragon traits simply aren’t common enough, whether for players or enemies. And even when Kurohime does get that bonus damage in her specialty, she isn’t actually hitting as hard as some Servants with broader effective damage multipliers. If you want to bring a NP-spamming Arts ST Servant to your roster, there are better options, especially with the Saber class banners flying about at the time of this event. Kurohime is just strictly outclassed in the majority of use cases, and doesn’t have enough payoff in her specialty to be worth consideration.


Whew, this one admittedly came…a little late. Sometimes Lasengle just releases events at an inconvenient timing for me specifically.

The real takeaway from this event is that the NPC’s of any given event are scientifically engineered to look as desirable as possible, especially in comparison to the actual playable Servants, for the sole purpose of tormenting the playerbase. I mean, Azi Dahaka? Goddamn sign me up, I love Zoroastrianism and its Mythology.

But I think I can avoid complaining for the entirety of the outro. The future ahead is bound to be Valentines and White Day, followed by the dread “It’s not Golden Week yet” dead period, so we have that to look forward to. Until next time!

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