
New Year 2025 Campaign

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Campaign Period

  • 12/31/2024 20:00 - 1/10/2025 19:59 PST

Unlock Requirements

  • Clear Fuyuki to claim login bonuses!
  • All other campaigns are available to all Masters!

General Information

Login Bonus

  • Masters who log in during the New Year for the first few days will receive a free 30x Saint Quartz!
  • * If login period is missed, the presents will not be received!
  • Requirements Clear Fuyuki Section 3
  • Login Period 12/31/20245 20:00 - 1/3/2025 19:59 PST
  • Additionally, logging in the first three days of the New Year provides additional high value rewards, including a Crystallized Lore, a Holy Grail, and 50x 4* EXP cards!
  • * If login is missed for a day, the present for the day can no longer be obtained!
  • Requirements Clear Fuyuki Section 3
  • Login Period 12/31/2024 20:00 - 1/3/2025 19:59 PST

Trial Quest: Grigori Rasputin

  • Masters can try out the new Servant, Grigori Rasputin in a limited time Trial Quest during the campaign!
  • Period 12/31/2024 20:00 - 1/10/2025 19:59 PST

Social Media Campaign

  • Masters can obtain rewards by participating in the Fate/Grand Order Social Media Campaign! Reaching 20,250 combined Facebook reactions / shares and Twitter likes/reposts by the end of the campaign period awards all Masters a limited Craft Essence and QP!
  • Campaign Period 12/31/2024 20:00 - 1/7/2025 23:59 PST
  • Reward Period 1/8/2025 20:00 - 1/9/2025 19:59 PST
  • Rewards include 20,250,000 QP and the limited time Craft Essence, Love It!

Limited Panel Missions

  • A limited set of Panel Missions will be added during the campaign!
  • The missions are separate from weekly missions.
  • Mission Period 12/31/2024 20:00 - 1/10/2025 19:59 PST
  • Note some Missions will not become available til later. All missions should unlock by 1/6/2025. For more AP efficiency, it might be better to wait until all Panel Missions are available before running quests, since quests cleared do not count until the Mission unlocks.
    • Masters may end up clearing many missions in their normal daily farming process as well, so Masters can choose from the list below for the most AP-efficient options for cleaning up any remaining quests.
  • For the quests that require a Servant with specific traits, Koyanskaya of Light covers 4 of the 5 traits needed, so only a LUK A+ Servant will be needed afterwards! Otherwise, Masters can select a Servant they own from the lists linked or shown in the Mission table above.
  • Generally, first clear the quests that fulfill battlefield / enemy type requirements, and if the drops didn't end up satisfying the Item drop requirements, the Class Dailies can be farmed until they clear.
  • The most efficient route totals 32 AP (plus any additional AP spent if item missions don't clear, based on drop luck) for full Master Mission completion.

Mystic Code: New Year's Attire

  • A new Mystic Code, New Year's Attire, will be available for a limited during the campaign!
  • Clear the Mystic Code Acquisition Quest to obtain the Mystic Code!

Limited Daily Mission Bonus

  • For a limited time, daily mission reward Mana Prisms and Monthly Tickets will be doubled!
  • Additionally, during the campaign period, if all Daily Missions are cleared Masters will gain a Stargazer's Teapot!
  • Mission Period 1/1/2025 16:00 - 1/8/2025 15:59 PST
  • Teapot Use Period 1/1/2025 16:00 - 2/1/2025 19:59 PST

New Year My Room Appearance

  • My Room will have a special New Year's celebration appearance for a limited time!
  • Period 12/31/2024 204:00 - 1/10/2025 19:59 PDT

Prior Mystic Code "Splendid New Year" Permanently Available

  • The Mystic Code Splendid New Year and its Acquisition Quest will be added for free permanently for Masters that cleared Final Singularity: Solomon!
    • If Masters had exchanged for the Splendid New Year Acquisition Quest from the Rare Prism shop, the Rare Prisms will be refunded once Solomon is cleared.
  • Requirements Clear Final Singularity: Solomon
  • Period 12/31/2024 204:00 PDT - Indefinite

Mana and Rare Prism Shop Updates

  • Da Vinci's Mana Prism Shop will have several limited time items available during the campaign!
  • Exchange Period 12/31/2024 20:00 - 1/10/2025 19:59 PDT
  • The Rare Prism Shop will also have several limited time items available during the campaign!
  • Exchange Period 12/31/2024 20:00 - 1/10/2025 19:59 PDT

Monthly Mana Prism Exchange Update

  • Starting from the Campaign and moving forward, the number of EXP Cards available in the Mana Prism shop after every monthly reset will be increased from 5 sets to 10!
  • Period 12/31/2024 16:00 PST - Indefinite

3x Super/Great Success

  • For a limited time, when performing enhancement, the rate of Super (double EXP) or Great (triple EXP) Success will be tripled!
  • Period 12/31/2024 20:00 - 1/10/2025 19:59 PDT

0 AP Main Quests + 1/2 AP EXP, Class Dailies

  • During the campaign, Masters will be able to do all Main Quests up to and including Part 2 Lostbelt 6 for 0 AP!
  • Additionally, Ember Gathering (EXP) and Training Ground (Class Dailies) will be 1/2 AP during the campaign!
  • 1/2 AP Dailies Period 12/31/2024 20:00 - 1/10/2025 19:59 PDT
  • 0 AP Main Quests Period 12/31/2024 20:00 - 2/28/2025 19:59 PDT
  • 0 AP Quests:
    • Part 1 Main Quests (Fuyuki - Solomon)
    • Part 2 Main Quests up to LB6 (Anastasia - Avalon le Fae)
    • Pseudosingularities, Lostbelt 5.5 Heian-kyo, and Lostbelt 6.5 Traum are not included.
  • 1/2 AP Quests:
    • Ember Gathering (EXP Dailies)
    • Training Ground (Class Dailies)

Start Dash Bonuses

  • The Start Day Day 7 Login bonus for new Masters will be doubled for a limited time!
  • Period 12/31/2024 20:00 - 1/14/2025 19:59 PDT

Returning Master Bonus

  • Masters that are returning from being away from the game can receive consecutive login bonuses!
  • Requirement 1 Did not log in between 11/20/2024 20:00 - 12/31/2024 19:59 PDT.
  • Requirement 2 Clear Fuyuki by 1/29/2025 19:59 PDT.
  • Period 12/31/2024 20:00 - 1/30/2025 19:59 PDT

Summoning Campaign

Lucky Bag Summon

  • The Lucky Bag Summon guarantees 1 SSR Servant!
  • This summon is limited to 1 summon per account, where Masters must choose 1 of 20 possible banners, each with a different Servant pool. Once one is selected, all other banners will disappear.
  • To roll, 15x Paid Saint Quartz must be used!
    • Please note that when purchasing Saint Quartz, a fraction of the Saint Quartz are counted as "free". The quartz noted as "Bonus (Free)" does NOT count as Paid.
    • The cheapest option to obtain 15 Paid Saint Quartz is to purchase the 12 pack ($11.99) followed by the 4 pack ($3.99), totaling $15.98. However, the largest 86 pack is the most cost effective for Quartz per dollar.
  • The full list of banners are below, with the possible 3, 4, and 5 Star Servants listed.
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