Sherlock Holmes Interlude 1: Thinking Of When It Was Lost
Table of Contents
Quest Overview
- This Interlude has 3 Parts.
- Part 1:
- Sherlock Holmes is the only Servant that can be used in this part.
- Wattson's Fire Support: Reduce a random Enemy's Defense at the start of every turn [1 turn].
- Part 2:
- Only NPC Support Sherlock Holmes and Helena Blavatsky can be used in this part.
- Both NPC Supports are at Level 90, have NP Level 4 and Skill level 8/8/8.
- Masters cannot use Mystic Code and Command Spell.
- Inspiration of Mahatma: At the start of the battle, both Sherlock Holmes and Helena Blavatsky gain Arts Performance Up and NP Generation Up [5 turns].
- Part 3:
- Sherlock Holmes must be on the front-line.
- I'm Gonna Kill Everyone !: At the start of the first turn, Henry Jekyll and Hyde gains a Critical Chance Up [5 turns].
- Malicious Spider Thread: At the start of the first turn, Archer of Shinjuku will grant Henry Jekyll and Hyde Taunt and a Death Trigger: Fully charges the NP Gauge of Archer of Shinjuku upon being defeated.
Part 1
Battle 1/2
Fatal Battle 2/2
Part 2
Fatal Battle 1/1
Part 3
Battle 1/3
Battle 2/3
Fatal Battle 3/3