
Act 17: Fourth Underworld: Yayauhqui (5/6)

AP Cost5
Bond Points0
Quest EXP0
Quest TypeEvent

Quest Overview

Nahui Mictlan - Main Quests
  • NPC Leonardo da Vinci (Rider) is at Level 90, has NP Level 3 and Skill Level 8/8/8.
  • NPC Habetrot is at Level 80, has NP Level 3 and Skill Level 8/8/8.
  • Master must deploy either NPC Habetrot or NPC Leonardo da Vinci (Rider) as part of the starting lineup.
  • The battle is over once the first Break Bar of enemy Beast I:L is depleted.

Class Advantage Notes:

  • Camazotz is Beast I Lost Class:
    • Deals 2.0x damage to: Saber, Archer, Lancer, Berserker, Foreigner
    • Deals 0.5x damage to: Avenger, Moon Cancer
    • Takes 2.0x damage from: Rider, Caster, Assassin, Moon Cancer
    • Takes 1.5x damage from: Berserker
  • In short, Camazotz is weakest against Moon Cancer, and also is weak against Cavalry Classes, while strong against Knight Classes and Foreigners.
Part 1
Guest Servant: Habetrot
Fatal Battle 1/1
  • Battle Start:
    • Change And Fly, Repel The Light: Increase own NP Damage Resist by 50% (3 turns) [Unremovable] and apply Immobilizing Debuff Immunity to self (3 turns).
  • After enemy uses 1 active skill (including Master Skills):
    • "One!": No effect.
  • After enemy uses 2 active skills in a single turn (including Master Skills):
    • "Two!": No effect.
  • After enemy uses 3 active skills in a single turn, the following effect is triggered:
    • "And, three": Vukub-Came (Death of Seven): 
      • Decrease all enemies Buff Success Rate by 50% (3 turns) [Unremovable].
      • Apply buff to self (3 turns)  [Unremovable]: When attacked, 15% chance to inflict Instant Death on the attacker.
  • Whenever the enemy perform an Arts chain, the following effect is triggered:
    • Dagger Cave Chayim-ha: Increase own ATK by 30% (6 turns) and increase all enemies' ATK by 30% (3 turns) [All Unremovable].
  • Whenever the enemy perform a Buster chain, the following effect is triggered:
    • Bat Cavern Zotzi-ha: Inflict Poison (3,000 dmg/turn, 6 turns) to all enemies [Unremovable] and apply a buff to self (6 turns) [Unremovable]:When attacking, drain 1,000 HP from the target.
  • Whenever the enemy perform a Quick chain, the following effect is triggered:
    • Den of Leopards Balami-ha: Inflict Terror (6 turns) on all enemies: 30% chance to get Stunned (1 turn) every turn. Increase own NP Bar by 1 and Increase own action limit by one (1 turn) after the current turn (1 time).  
  • Whenever the enemy perform a Mighty chain, the following effect is triggered:
    • Ice Chamber Xuxulim-ha: Inflict Defensive Buff Block (6 turns) and Damage Cut Buff Block (6 turns) to all enemies. Increase own NP Damage Resist by 50% (1 time, 3 turns). All effects are [Unremovable].
  • Whenever the enemy perform a Brave chain, the following effect is triggered:
    • Hall of Darkness Quequma-ha: Inflict ATK Up Buff Block (6 turns) and Critical Damage Up Buff Block (6 turns) to all enemies. Apply Evade (1 time, 3 turns) to self. All effects are [Unremovable].
  • Whenever the enemy perform three Noble Phantasm in a turn, the following effect is triggered:
    • Hun-Came (Death of One): Apply buff to self (6 times) [Unremovable]: When attacking, inflict Poison (6 turns, 500 dmg/turn). Decrease NP Gain by 100% for all enemies (6 times).

Quest Drops

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Quest Rewards

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