
Boss Guide: Ch17-6 (Lostbelt 7 Nahui Mictlan Part 2)

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Boss Statistics


  • A battle against Camazotz once again, with three HP bars (402k, 451k, 504k HP). Camazotz is Beast I Lost Class, which is weak against Cavalry and Moon Cancer Class, while strong against Knight and Foreigner Class.
  • Nitocris (Alter) will thankfully provide support from the side, nullifying all the Card Chain skills that the boss used in prior encounters. Masters are free to use Card Chains as they like in this encounter.
  • Avoid using more than 2 Active Skills per turn! If a total of 3 skills are used in a single turn, the boss will debuff the entire party, causing buffs to miss 50% of the time for 3 turns if buff success rate buffs are not available. Additionally, if 3 skills are used, the boss also gains a buff that allows their attacks to inflict instant death for 3 turns.
  • Every time a total of 3 NPs are used, the boss will decrease NP Gain for the party by 100% for 6 times, and inflicts Poison on the next 6 hits. This is less potentially debilitating than the active skill debuff, but is worth noting.
  • First break: The boss gains a removable Break Bar Guts effect that lasts 2 times! He will revive with 10% HP each time before his HP bar is broken. He additionally gains a permanent ATK buff while debuffing ATK for the party and removing all their buffs.
  • Second break: The boss gains removable Guts effect that lasts 3 times, also reviving with 10% HP each time. He gains max NP Gauge and an additional 1 NP charge each turn as well.

Team Recommendations

  • Mandatory NPC Supports Habetrot or Da Vinci Rider are available. Both offer decent support to the party, where Habetrot is more specialized for defensive support for a female ally while Da Vinci Rider is more generalized. Habetrot also is capable of self death if Masters wish to swap in a back liner.
  • This battle is possible to solo with welfare Servants such as BB (see video links).
  • Moon Cancer Damage Dealers are the best choice for this battle, since they have both Offensive and Defensive Class Advantage against Camazotz. Alternatively any Cavalry Class (Rider, Caster, Assassin, Berserker) damage options are serviceable as well.
  • Buff Removal is helpful in this battle for the Guts effects from the boss on his 1st and 2nd break effects.
  • Debuff Clear Support is also helpful to deal with the NP Gain debuffs, ATK debuffs, and HP draining debuffs inflicted by the boss.
  • NP Gauge / Damage Support of the damage dealer's card color of choice is helpful. Bringing a good Buster Crit Support such as Koyanskaya or Merlin also can come in handy even if the damage dealer does not have a Buster NP, just so their Buster Cards can crit down the Archer enemy.

Quick Servant Suggestions

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Jan 17, 3:06 PM

I've never used 3 NPs in a single turn but Hun-Came (Death of One) activated nonetheless. It activated every time I used Mash's or Castoria's NP, so my guess is it activates every time you use a non-damage NP.

Jan 28, 4:49 PM

It should be 3 NPs total, rather than in 1 turn! Sorry about that. The table is updated; the text should already be corrected but I missed the mention in the table.

Jan 25, 2:35 PM

I also had issues with Hun-Came activating without me using 3 NPs in a single turn but it would happen even after damaging NPs. I noticed it activated after 3 NPs even if they weren't in a single turn. So I think the count actually carries over between turns contrary to what the guide suggests.

Jan 19, 3:01 AM

Weird, about to start the third fight and so far I've used both mash's and castoria's NP, Hun-Came never activated
