
Boss Guide: Ch22-8 (Lostbelt 7 Nahui Mictlan Part 2)


Enemy Layout


Boss Statistics


  • ORT Xibalba has a total of 7 HP bars (100k, 150k, 200k, 250k, 100k, 300k, 500k HP), and is Foreigner Class.
  • The boss has several notable effects that are important to party selection:
    • Order Change will generally be unusable due to the boss's Order Change Seal effect.
    • Debuffs placed on the boss will be quickly cleared when the boss is first able to act, and will also give the boss a minor ATK buff.
    • The boss can drain 20% NP Gauge each turn (30% chance), and if it succeeds the boss will gain 1 NP charge.
    • The boss will nullify any effects that change the battlefield type.
    • All party members start with 5,000 HP flat damage when the battle starts. They also will additionally take 500 damage each turn.
  • The boss's NP notably inflicts Buff Block for 3 turns, drains 50% NP Gauge, and also inflicts a hefty 3k damage burn for 3 turns.
  • The boss can also sometimes use a skill that randomly either steals 1 Offensive Buff, or 1 Defensive Buff.
  • The boss's break effects are as follows; generally all are unremovable:
    • 1st Break: Arts Seal to the party for 2 turns, and Damage Resist +20% (5 times, 5 turns).
    • 2nd Break: Arts Seal is cleared. Normal attacks start absorbing 500 HP per hit, and passive flat damage per turn increases by 100. Gains another Damage Resist +20% (6 times, 5 turns).
    • 3rd Break: Ignore Invincibility for 2 turns, and Damage Resist +20% (7 times, 5 turns).
    • 4th Break: The boss puts itself to sleep every turn. This break bar is essentially breathing room for the party.
    • 5th Break: Normal attacks start removing 1 buff at a time (starting from most recent). Damage Resist +20% (8 times, 5 turns).
    • 6th Break: Critical Hits will instantly kill, ignoring Instant Death Resistance or Guts! This does not apply if only 1 Servant is left. Damage Resist +70% (5 turns).

Team Recommendations

  • This encounter is soloable using low rarity Servants such as Xu Fu (see video links).
  • Alter Ego Damage Dealers are the best for both Offensive/Defensive Class Advantage against the boss. Xu Fu in particular is a rather powerful F2P option, given her strong sustain / self healing abilities.
  • Having a strong Last Stand Servant (if not soloing) is highly encouraged, especially due to the boss's ability to instantly kill Servants if they are not the last one alive on the final break bar.
  • Taunt Support can help take the heat off the damage dealers, especially for the last break bar instant kill effect.
  • NP Gauge / Damage Support of the damage dealer's card color of choice is helpful. The usual suspects of Altria Caster, Lady Avalon, Skadi/Skadi Ruler, Koyanskaya, Merlin, Waver, and Reines are all great. Note that since the battle is a longer-lasting one (due to 7 HP bars), simply looping in three turns is not enough.
  • Healing or Defensive Support is also extremely helpful provided how lengthy this fight can be. Altria Caster, Merlin, Lady Avalon, and Hans are some examples of decent sustain supports. Xu Fu also functions as one, although mostly for herself only.
  • Since Order Change effects will be generally unavailable during this battle, make sure to take this into account for Mystic Code selection.

Quick Servant Suggestions

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Jan 18, 10:06 AM

I don't know the exact pattern, but this is missing the off-field support Kuku's buffs/actions

Jan 18, 11:31 PM

I never got to see Kuku's NP. Is there a reason or was I DPSing too hard?

Jan 25, 8:52 PM

Is the Honey Lake CE absolutely necessary for the KP solo run?

Jan 28, 4:52 PM

It isn't really necessary, although having an ATK-stat centered CE is helpful.

Feb 7, 3:31 PM

yeah I did it with aerial drive, though my KP is grailed to 100. It got pretty close on last break bar, I should have put some code cures on her.

Also btw it's Earnest union not Ernst
