
Lostbelt 7 Nahui Mictlan Pt2 - Tier List Change Log

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  • The latest chapter release introduces a new Servant:
    • Tezcatlipoca
    • Tenochtitlan (Tlaloc)
    • Kukulcan
  • Additionally, Servants have received Rank Up quests:
    • New Year Countdown Campaign:
      • Gilgamesh
      • Enkidu
  • All Servants that were discussed for tier placement or movement are detailed below.

5 Star Servants

Tier A+
The Aztec god of war himself, Tezcatlipoca is an AoE Arts Assassin whose greatest claim to fame is an almighty party-wide 30% NP charge skill that also comes with a 50% NP charge for himself, making him a strong asset to any team. He additionally has a party-wide Invincibility buff, albeit with a demerit that nullifies the next Invincibility buff used for 3 turns. He also has all three flavors of offensive buffs for himself, with the ability to further enhance the attack of any allies that have Guts on (which he himself conveniently has access to). For more challenging encounters, he has the ability to Ignore Invincibility on his NP. He deals bonus damage against the decently frequent niche of Divine trait enemies, along with Super Giant enemies, which come up quite often in the higher difficulty farming quests. On top of everything, every time Tezcatlipoca uses his NP, all allies will gain 10% NP Gauge as well, making Tezcatlipoca's entire kit extremely potent for accelerating damage output for the team. If anything holds him back, it would be the built-in Assassin 0.9x damage multiplier, although even then his damage is respectable so long as he does not have Class disadvantage. He works well with any premiere Arts support, or with a copy of himself to mutually receive the Guts-related damage bonus and NP charge. Masters will not be disappointed with this divine weapon enthusiast should he grace their Chaldea.
Tezcatlipoca: x -> A+ (Avg Score: 9.33) - [NorseFTX - A+][WhiteRabbit - A+][Rathilal - A+]

Tier A+

Kukulcan is a powerful Foreigner Class Servant that deals AoE Buster damage, with bonus damage against both Earth Attribute and Threat to Humanity trait enemies. Her entire skill set has the gimmick of being able to optionally be further powered up by spending 10 Critical Stars, and to help with this she has a passive that gives 10 Stars each turn, and her NP also generates a flat 30 Stars at minimum. All told across her kit, she can reach up to 50% ATK, 30% Buster, and 30% NP Damage bonus, all lasting three turns. This is only further amplified if enemies have her targeted trait types, doubly so if they are either Pretender or Berserker Class. To help give her access to her NP ASAP, she has a targetable 50% NP charge skill, which with 10 Stars also provides Evade and Sure Hit effects. She also has a self Invincibility skill, a party-wide Critical Rate Resist buff (which mitigates likelihood of critical hits), and the ability to Skill Seal on her NP. With a double Koyanskaya setup, she both gets easier access to Stars from Koyanskaya's second skill, and also can double up on some of her offensive buffs from the cooldown reduction, making her an extremely potent powerhouse for farming nearly all types of enemies especially if premiere Buster Support is available, only being less effective against Alter Egos. Her damage ceiling is among the highest of Servants due to the wealth of offensive buffs available to her, and she is among the best in the omni-farming role.

Kukulcan: x -> A+ (Avg Score: 9.22) - [NorseFTX - A+][WhiteRabbit - A+][Rathilal - A]

4 Star Servants

Tier B+

Tenochtitlan, also known as Tlaloc, is the first AoE Quick Pretender to join the roster. She is capable of looping decently well due to her self 30% NP charge, additional 10% NP regen per turn, and her NP Gain buff that occurs before her NP deals damage. She also has access to all three types of offensive buffs within her own kit. She interestingly can inflict an extremely strong defense debuff if the enemy has Guts effects active. On the utility side, she can apply Sure Hit to all allies to make sure any Evade effects are not a problem, and she can also provide the Near Water field type for 3 turns. Her main weakness is that defensively, she only has a Damage Cut effect to her name, with no hard defensive options, mostly being reliant on support to survive enemy NPs or hard hitting attacks. In spite of this, she still makes for a decent choice as a farmer when facing mixed Knight Class (Saber/Archer/Lancer) waves, or against the occasional Alter Ego wave. She performs very well with premiere Quick Supports such as Skadi or Skadi Ruler, and when combined with her NP charge skills, can decimate waves one after another.

Tlaloc: x -> B+ (Avg Score: 8.22) - [NorseFTX - B+][WhiteRabbit - B][Rathilal - B+]

Tier List Movements

5 Star Servants

Tier A -> A

Gilgamesh's latest rank up with the New Year Countdown Campaign gives his Charisma skill an additional burst of up to 20 Stars, as well as extra NP Damage buffs for all Heaven attribute allies (including himself). The Stars synergize well with his Star Gather Rate buff, enhancing his ability to deal potent Critical Hits on demand. The buff is a welcome one, although overall was thought to not be enough to push him up a tier and he remains solidly at A.

Gilgamesh: A -> A (Avg Score: 9.11) - [NorseFTX - A][WhiteRabbit - A+][Rathilal - A]

Tier A+ -> A+

Enkidu also receives a rank up at the same time as Gilgamesh, giving their third skill a much coveted 50% NP charge. This greatly improves Enkidu's overall ease of use, allowing Enkidu quicker access to their NP when necessary. This amazing buff to an already amazing Servant was agreed to not quite push them above A+ rank into the EX tiers, although it solidifies Enkidu among the upper echelon among single target damage dealers for their unique survivability and solo ability against the right enemies.

Enkidu: A+ -> A+ (Avg Score: 9.33) - [NorseFTX - A+][WhiteRabbit - A+][Rathilal - A+]

Tier List Change Log History

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