
MMM - Enchanting Effigy of Eras Eternal Evokes Essays of Emotion, Evading Ear of Eastern Enchanters whose Estate Embodies Expansion (Valentines 2025)

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You know, the thing I’m discovering more and more about Japanese History is, in spite of the characterization of the Heian period as the “boring” era where the country isn’t in ruin, or fighting itself, or being invaded, or killing (totally real) ancient Youkai endangering the nation, due to the merits of being the time where everyone sat down and wrote poetry…there’s a lot written about it. Insightful, I know.

Point being, the flood of Heian-period writers continues to expand to names I actually don’t know for once, and simply leaves me wondering why we’re still without Abe no Seimei, or any of those associated fellows who (according to anime) should be around in the same time period with the fancy hand gestures and multitude of eyes who really like grading themselves.

But nope, nowhere in sight.

Will just have to settle for the seasonal Valentine's loneliness, then.

JP Release DateNA Release Date

Ono no Komachi

For how well Japan has kept its history documented, it’s always a treat when you have a historical figure that has writings attributed to them, and everyone agrees existed, but nobody can ascertain anything about who they were, except perhaps her gender.

Arguably those details don’t matter when you’re a writer, but contextualizing works to someone’s personal experience can be handy. We can put a face to her name, in the context of Fate, at least.

As an SSR Caster, Komachi is gonna naturally pay the tax of pretty poor offense regardless how her stats pan out. Thankfully, she at least avoids dethroning Scheherazade in that regard, packing the 3rd best Attack stat among her competition, in exchange for the tied 4th worst HP. While she’s strictly outclassed by Aesc stat-wise, simply having a very offensive statline is a good start for an offensive Caster.

In addition to the Caster standard passives of Territory Creation, improving her Arts card, and Item Creation, making her debuffs slightly more consistent, she packs an unknown passive, at least in terms of name/lore, providing a hefty Damage Plus boost typical of Divinity skills, and immunity to Instant Death. While ending up with the Divine tag as a result, making her more vulnerable to some effects, isn’t great, having immunity to Instant Death is fairly handy, especially as difficult fights with Death effects tied to NP’s or normal attacks aren’t absurdly uncommon. The classic case of “powerful in enemy hands, mostly a joke in player hands”.

How does Komachi shape up on the whole? Well on one hand, she’s a bona-fide cupid, with words that truly encapsulate the nature of the human heart:

  • +While it does come with some conditionals, Komachi makes for a competent farmer, with dependable damage output in her best setups, as well as a solid range of enemy types versus whom she can gain effective damage to raise her ceiling further. With a 50% gauge charger and good refund, she’s also more capable of flexible setups than many other Quick farmers, too.
  • +Between her plethora of utility effects and anti-Evil effectiveness, Komachi isn’t a half bad option in difficult content, either. Capability for Sure Hit and gaining Evasion allows her to survive big hits while ensuring her own NP lands, while the debuffs on her NP can be devastating on the right fights, continually preventing the enemy from retaining powerful buffs, and even “wasting” enemy skill actions in the right circumstances. Paired with her superb star generation and high normal card NP gain, her capability for NP spam is essentially enhanced in such scenarios.

However, she feels like nothing more than a ghost writer, without even much of a name to be known by. In the end, Cupid is so dumb:

  • -Komachi’s kit, while capable of hitting sufficient damage output and having the essential tools to be a competent offensive Servant, is ultimately pretty bare. Many of her skills feature conditional or very narrow use case effects that ultimately mean the only functional benefits provided by her kit are the gauge charge and damage boosts she nets. Those might pay off, but many other SSR Servants, such as fellow AOE Caster Aesc, have at least one other powerful tool or offensive gimmick that makes them stand out significantly. You could consider the buff removal effect to be along those lines, but it’s not like there aren’t options for reliable buff removal upon use of a NP.

Komachi does pack the necessary numbers within her tool kit to function as a dependable Servant, capable of a solid performance in both farming and difficult content should you turn to her, but ultimately it does feel like she’s lacking something of substance.

With the amount of Servants in the game only increasing with each passing week, the truth of this game is newer Servants, even if they don’t break the boundary of power the meta has established like Koyanskaya and Oberon managed, still need a certain spice that makes them stand out more than just their damage numbers. So when we get a Servant like Komachi who, gameplay-wise, can pretty much be boiled down to what her damage numbers and farming capability are, it’s a little sad.

Even other Servants I’ve considered mediocre like Kurohime at least pick a narrow specialty and focus on it, making them potentially an ideal pick in a specialist or themed team. By comparison, Komachi just has a bunch of sporadic somewhat interesting capabilities that don’t formulate a consistent focus or gameplay cycle. This is ultimately me complaining about Servant gameplay design rather than Komachi’s actual performance, which is really just passable.

It’s hard to find anything significantly better than Komachi for an AOE Caster, and if you want to use her as a universal farmer she’s also capable, especially when she can utilize her effective damage. She just doesn’t fire my neurons in the way some other Servants do, in spite of their lesser strength. If her farming loop wasn’t so consistent for a Quick Servant I’d definitely not look as fondly upon her, that’s for sure. Rath™ Seal of Approval.


We get to keep it short and sweet this time, just like a chocolate, eh?

…Give me some slack, I have to stay on theme somehow. Ahead of us lies White Day, which is often a pretty eclectic design space for the event schedule, there’s honestly no indication if it’ll be a story-focused pseudo-event with no new Servant or something unprecedented, but all I know is it’s a chance to get one of the many NPC-locked male Servants into the game and playable. Give us Camazotz or Azi Dahaka, you know we want them.

Regardless, the unknown lies before us, much like life - which you could say is like a box of cho-okay, I’ll stop now. Until the next belated writing piece!

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