
MMM - Sussy Scorned Spellcaster from Salem Sets up Seasonal Salutations, Simultaneously Saigai of Suomi Summons Shivers (Christmas 2024)

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The Modern Magus Magazine

Ah, the holiday season is upon us, and unlike the corporate world, FGO has the decency to put out its Christmas event in the actual Christmas season, imagine that.

With that in mind, I’m sure there’s absolutely no controversies plaguing Lasengle and the game as a whole, at the moment.

…on an unrelated note, I just so happen to have a NP5 Louhi. No, I didn’t buy any Quartz. Don’t ask me where I got it from.

(This is a joke. I’m nowhere near competent enough to bug abuse.)

JP Release DateNA Release Date


Ah, the marvels of lesser-known mythological figures. I’ll freely admit Scandinavian mythology isn’t in my wheelhouse, but from what I can see Louhi is about everything I could imagine from a villainous force in northern mythology. Winter winds, old crones, transforming into animals, having sex with horses…wait, that was Loki.

All I need to know is that she’s very fluffy. Then she gets bigger and…girl, aren’t you cold? Sheesh, put some pants on.

As an SSR Berserker, Louhi immediately gets a ticket to some of the most potent offences the Servant roster has to offer, and she certainly takes advantage of it. With the 2nd-highest Attack and tied lowest HP of any SSR Berserker, she lives and dies (sometimes literally) by the class’s principle of glass cannon offence, and she’s all the better for it. With the sheer stats that will back up every attack she makes, she’s already a good step ahead of most other SSR damage dealers by virtue of her colossal attack.

That damage output is further enhanced by her passives. While her Madness Enhancement is fairly mediocre, extra damage on Busters is still good, and her Territory creation provides a notable boost to her Arts card’s, well, everything. She also packs a rarity for a Berserker in Magic Resistance, granting her a notable chance to shrug off debuffs. Nothing unique, but the passives she does have are all very desirable, even if she doesn’t get a boost to her primary card type of Quick.

So how is Louhi on the whole? Well, on the one hand, she’s got so much on the table it’s giving me literal chills:

  • +With the sheer offense provided by her high Attack, Berserker class perks, and the general benefits of Quick-oriented support, Louhi hits like an absolute truck, even without use of Black Grail setups. Her ramping damage boosts from her NP simply means, whether in farming or difficult content, she’ll be able to build herself up to an absurd amount of damage and NP refund, while simultaneously providing the same perk to her allies.
  • +Offense isn’t Louhi’s only strength. The team support she provides in the form of team Evasion and AOE Stun is essential to keep an aggressive team alive, or simply supplement the protection of her own supports. While these factors don’t contribute to her performance as a damage dealer, having a Berserker with an actual game plan to survive if the enemy gets a turn is usually handy, as her HP stat and class isn’t going to keep her alive, that’s for sure.

However, she’s also getting something of a chilly reception, and I’m not talking about the recent controversy:

  • -While Louhi has a lot of potent tools to her, most of them are only useful in difficult content, and even then specific kinds of fights. Her second skill is essentially useless in farming, and even in its strike zone, effects like Defensive buff removal don’t help versus bosses whose defensive buffs aren’t removable, or healing reduction versus enemies who don’t heal. With those tools discounted, her tool kit is rather…bare.

Louhi is a very comforting presence to have in one’s roster, and I don’t mean because that coat looks cuddly. With her superb gauge charger and generally excellent offensive might, she’s a Quick farmer that is easily on par with, if not better than, Sen-no-Rikyu, and in general her capabilities for offense in both farming and difficult content are on par if not better than some of the best Servants out there.

But while Sen-no-Rikyu boasts incredibly high offensive peaks with her effective damage and critical damage boosts, Louhi essentially leans wholly into the force and repeatability of her NP. That’s compounded by her useful defensive tools to the benefit of both herself and the team, ensuring she’s not entirely leaning on her supportive lineup to keep alive.

It’s not all sunshine and rainbows, though. Her offensive output, while well above the bar for a universal farmer, will still pale in comparison to what a Servant with greater offensive peaks and class advantage like Melusine can manage, and her difficult content-focused tools are largely situational, and might result in her being put aside for a more fitting offensive Servant with true class advantage or stronger critical damage offense when such fights come your way.

In spite of that, Louhi is still superb. Reliable and powerful offense is the tag-line of Berserkers, and Louhi embodies that to a T with her strong gauge charging, ramping refund, and highly competitive damage output. If you’re lacking a good universal farmer and have the Quick support lineup to back her up, Louhi is an option you should absolutely consider adding to your roster, though she doesn’t introduce anything ground-breaking in the grander scheme of the game. Rath™ Seal of Approval.

Abigail Williams (Santa)

When it comes to a Master obsession contest, Abby might have everyone else beat, given the extent she’s gone to in the story as well as being the first to straight up just throw her literal daydream into her NP in order to live it out.

All the while doing it in a Christmas alt. I know Disney-style fairytales are sort of Christmas-y, though that could just be the capitalist propaganda working, but even that feels a little shameless.

As one of the few Pretenders in the game, and an SR Welfare, Abby doesn’t have a wide range of competition, but of those she is contending with, she looks pretty bad by comparison, with the 2nd-lowest Attack stat by a wide margin, in exchange for the 2nd-highest HP stat by a very slim margin. She’s got nearly 800 less Attack compared to Baobhan Sidhe in exchange for around 200 HP more, the worst trade deal in the history of trade deals, maybe ever.

While I could go on more about it, the point is her stat spread isn’t great relative to her class, but Pretenders still have relatively good stats for 4*’s, so she’s still decent on the offensive front despite being one of the weakest of a strong bunch.

She also has a good selection of passives to help shore up her weaknesses. Magic Resistance, Outer Entity, and Territory Creation provide a dependable combo of Debuff Resistance, Star generation, and a modest boost to her primary card type, all something she appreciates to stay in the fight and dish out better damage all the while. She additionally has the unique passive Fantasy Prima, which provides a bonus +20% Star generation to her Arts cards. In practical terms, it means that her Arts cards suddenly have star generation in between that of Buster and Quick cards - better than Busters, not as good as Quick cards. Considering she’s got a BAAAQ card deck, it’s a fantastic perk to ensure her star generation isn’t hampered by her card deck.

So how does Abby’s Santa form ultimately shape up? Well on the one hand, she’s a sweet treat in festive dress, primed to dance and impress:

  • +With all the boosts to her Arts cards, Star Generation, and Critical Damage available, Abby is more than capable of becoming a crit machine with the right support behind her, simultaneously fuelling her NP and generating more stars for follow-up crits as she attacks. Even if she lacks an offensive NP, her regular card damage can reach some pretty impressive heights, especially with the right Arts supports to supplement her own buffs.
  • + Naturally, with her team gauge charge and supportive NP, Abby is capable as a low-cost and investment support option. She might not provide much in the way of immediate power in her skills, but similar to Reines and some others, if you’re willing to roll her in with a gauge charge CE and NP on turn 1, she can provide some pretty vital offensive buffs to a given damage dealer, as well as still provide the potent offense she can personally dish out if need be.

However, a dismal display, the clock strikes twelve, and in a scrambling scour, the resplendent princess peels back to become little but a miserly maid:

  • -Even if Abby’s offensive buffs are on par with some of the stronger damage dealers out there, the lack of an offensive NP is, as always, a serious drawback that requires damage buffs on the level of Superhuman Orion’s to compensate for. Among other welfares, it’ll be a struggle for Abby to match the offensive output of Van Gogh Miner, Kagetora, or so on. That goes doubly for when said competitors have their class advantage, since the Pretender class’s 1.5x class advantage might have a broad scope, but doesn’t provide the punch to compete with other classes.
  • -In a similar story, Abby’s supportive capabilities aren’t really that impressive, either. Servants like Ruler Da Vinci provide the same gauge charge with more desirable and versatile offensive buffs, and don’t require the time-wasting of using a support’s NP in order to set up the necessary buffs. Team gauge charge is always a useful tool, there are other options available with similar capabilities, and their offensive buffs are often more desirable, leaving Abby Santa in the dust.

Abigail has managed to do the impossible, and despite having a welfare that is, by all means, filled out with useful effects in her skills and NP, still manages to struggle to actually compete in any field she might excel at. Her kit is perfected under scientific conditions to be perfectly torn between being a Arts Critical Damage dealer, and an Arts Support, and as a result she’s not that great at either.

Don’t get me wrong, the power in her kit means, if she’s well suited for the fight, Abby can definitely take names, hit for good damage, and support her team with her NP, but there are very few scenarios you want a Servant who focuses 50% on damage output and 50% on support instead of someone who goes 100% one way or the other. It’s the reason you see more Koyanskayas and Castorias in support lineups than Himikos and Yamanami Keisukes. The math often just pans out that having two Servants giving their 100% to support a single Servant giving their 100% to do damage works better than multiple Servants half-assing it.

So even though Abby does have plenty of good points to capitalize on, she doesn’t do any of them better than more specialized alternatives, even among other welfares. She’s nice to have around, especially if you lack a good offensive Pretender to throw at Alter Ego boss fights, but that limited scope doesn’t really amount to much in the grander scheme of the game. Sorry, but you’ll have to find a different dance partner.


And that brings us to the end of 2024. Yet another year of ups and downs, and another Servant silhouette image we’ve been baited by (curse you, Van-Gogh Chan and your weird-ass pickaxe), but we’re now looking past this year into the endgame.

2025 marks the 10 year anniversary of FGO, as well as the promised conclusion to Part 2’s story. Just typing that out makes me feel a weight, knowing this game has been an inseparable part of my own life for nearly a decade. Of course, there’s still the New Year’s Servant and celebrations before the date turns, but the next MMM will be in the New Year.

Let’s hope things go out with a bang, shall we?

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