
Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart

Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart
# 36
Neutral Good
NPGainNP Gain
NPGainNP when Attacked (%)
NPGainStar Absorption
NPGainStar Generation per Hit
NPGainInstant Death Chance
Lv 1008,072
Lv 1209,514
Lv 10010,990
Lv 12012,924


Brynhild's Beloved


Tag Icon
Arts Support
Tag Icon
NP Damage Down
Tag Icon
Arts Resist Down
Tag Icon
Crit Rate Down
Tag Icon
Crit Stars Up
Tag Icon
Support Arts NP
Tag Icon
ATK Down
Tag Icon
DEF Down
Tag Icon
Protection of Muse (Fake) EX
Increase Arts Card effectiveness for all allies (1 turn).
Available from the start
Aesthetic Appreciation B
Decrease NP Strength for a single [Servant] enemy (1 turn).
Unlocks after 1st Ascension
Angel's Tune A

Decrease NP Strength for an enemy (1 turn). ▲ Decrease Arts Resist for an enemy (3 turns). ▲ Decrease Critical Rate for an enemy (3 turns). ▲

Upgrades after Rank Up 2. (Available 7/3/2023)
Eine kleine Nachtmusik EX
Gain Critical Stars.
Unlock after Rank Up Quest

Append Skills

Extra Attack Boost
Increase own Extra Attack Card effectiveness.
Load Magical Energy
Begin battle with NP Gauge charged.
Anti-Avenger (ATK Up)
Deal extra Special ATK damage to [Avenger] class enemies.
Special Attack Technique Improvement
Increase own Critical Strength.
Skill Reload
When using a skill, reduce the cooldown for the skill by 1 turn for the first time the skill is used per battle (Only 1 time per skill). Lv 1-5: 1 skill Lv 6-9: 2 skills Lv10: 3 skills

Class Skills

Territory Creation B
Increase your Arts Card effectiveness by 8%.

Noble Phantasm

Requiem for DeathB
Random chance to decrease ATK and DEF for all enemies (3 turns).
Decrease ATK for all enemies (3 turns). Decrease DEF for all enemies (3 turns). Inflict Curse for all enemies (3 turns).
Append Skill
Ascension + Skill

The Austrian musician dazzles and impresses as a cheap support Servant with some very impressive values on his skills. A Servant practically made for the Chaldea Combat Uniform, Mozart’s value in both Arts and Critical teams is immense...for a single turn. Mozart’s best use is as an instant Arts buff + Critical Star infusion for more powerful Servants by either swapping him in with Order Change, or vice versa. Mozart by himself provides little outside of his main two skills, with Aesthetic Appreciation being extremely situational at best and his stats being downright pitiful. His NP is the inverse of Hans, but suffers from a low hit chance and time spent charging it. Overall, he is worth raising due to his very low cost values and incredible proficiency in his niche.

🟢 Strengths

Powerful Arts buff

Mozart offers an amazing Arts buff for the team with a value of up to 44%, especially potent if it's during the NP turn of some Arts servants like Vlad or Robin Hood.

Critical Hits on Demand

Mozart can instantly guarantee a turn full of critical hits with his Eine kleine Nachtmusik at max level, ensuring an immense one turn burst for critical oriented teams. There is no other skill in the game capable of granting this many Critical Stars instantly. Despite the Arts buff in Mozart’s skillset, this capability alone makes him valuable in many Buster Crit teams as well.

Decent Debuff NP

With the same values as Hans’s buffs, the debuffs applied by Mozart’s NP offer a substantial hindrance to opponents and combines well with powerful overcharge effects like Robin Hood’s. However this NP rarely sees much use due to Mozart’s fragility and weak sustained performance.

🔴 Weaknesses

Combat Performance

Musicians are elegant creatures, unsuited for damaging enemies. During combat, Mozart is extremely weak due to a combination of poor stats, a lack of offensive oriented skills meant for himself and his Caster-class damage modifiers. Furthermore, Mozart’s base HP is low and lacks non-situational defensive measures. A stray critical hit will kill him. Generally, his on-field performance is simply best avoided and left to more capable Servants. Exploit his buffs through the use of Order Change on the Chaldea Combat Uniform.

Single turn

After casting his two primary powerhouse skills for 1 turn, Mozart usually cannot supply the team with much more. Charging his Noble Phantasm often requires too much time and his second skill is incredibly situational. With his two big skills on cooldown, “accidentally” letting him die to switch in someone more useful is usually better than letting him linger.

Level Up Skill Recommendations

Protection of Muse (Fake) EX
Increase Arts Card effectiveness for all allies (1 turn).
Aesthetic Appreciation B
Decrease NP Strength for a single [Servant] enemy (1 turn).
Eine kleine Nachtmusik EX
Gain Critical Stars.

Protection of Muse sees a substantial increase in value from levelling and should be raised for any Arts teams that feature Mozart. The 44% Arts damage for the entire team in 1 turn is fantastic and its value is close to Tamamo's signature Fox Wedding. A nice substitute for any Master without Tamamo. Can be levelled first for patrons of Arts Servants.

Aesthetic Appreciation is actually a contender for one of the most awful skills in the game, being extremely niche and very underwhelming even at max level. Unless materials are abundant, (unlikely), Masters can skip this skill.

Once Eine kleine Nachtmusik is acquired, Mozart is best described as an "I want to crit this turn immediately" button just because of how strong this skill is. It is a great idea to get this skill maxed as soon as possible for any Masters that wish to experiment with critical hit shenanigans. This skill can be levelled first or second depending on personal preference. Buster fanatics especially may prefer levelling this skill first.

🖼️ Craft Essence Recommendations

Due to Mozart’s low cost, Mozart can either carry a strong CE to further support the team or use the cost saved from his low cost to equip the other Servants with expensive CEs instead. There are however some fun possibilities to exploit with Mozart for clever Masters.

  • Golden Captures the Carp: What if one turn of stars isn’t enough? Equip this one to Mozart to try and stagger Mozart’s stars over 2 turns. Ideal for Servants with star absorption. Use this with Order Change from the Chaldea Combat Uniform.

  • Ox-Demon King: For fans of Buster Crit Servants, this CE is ideal for finishing off a boss with one powerful turn. Use this with Order Change from the Chaldea Combat Uniform.

  • Gudaguda Poster Girl: Putting a taunt on Mozart seems cruel, but Mozart is so fragile that this CE will enable a more fruitful Servant to come in after Mozart’s skills have been used.

  • A Fragment of 2030: For a Mozart that supports an Arts (Critical) team without exploiting Order Change, this CE will allow him to passively help the team.

  • Prisma Cosmos/Kaleidoscope: For Masters that do want to use his NP, boosting his NP gauge without relying on his combat performance is ideal.

Analysis by:

Interlude Quests

Chapter Completion:Orleans
Chapter Completion:Chaldea Gate
New Skill 3
Chapter Completion:Fuyuki
Skill 2
Instant Death Chance40.5
Damage Distribution Quick33,67
Damage Distribution Arts100
Damage Distribution Buster100
Damage Distribution Extra12,25,63
Damage Distribution NP


Bond Lv12345678910
Bond EXP3,0006,1256,1256,1256,125192,500210,000215,000220,000225,000
Haydn Quartets
Haydn Quartets
When equipped to Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, Increase NP damage of all allies by 20% while on the field.
Seiyuu (CV)Tomokazu Seki
Country/Place of OriginAustria
SeriesFate/Grand Order
Release Date (NA)Game Launch



Valentine's CE

Toy Piano
Toy Piano

Profile Entries

Character Info

A world renowned composer and a performer. He lived in the 18th century, and possessed a sense of sound that's out of this world. He left us with many wonderful scores, and was loved by God. A miraculous genius.

Profile 1

Height/ Weight: 180cm, 65kg Origin: History Region: Europe Alignment: Neutral-Good Gender: Male Secretly he is happy about his alignment being the same as the person he loves.

Profile 2

Highly interested in the world of Magecraft, there were legends that he was involved in secret societies. As a Heroic Spirit, he uses Magecraft based from Orpheus, and even has knowledge of the Magecraft used by Solomon. Normally, he would use sound as a catalyst to cast attacking spells.

Profile 3

Protection of the Muse (Fake): EX Originally, this skill was the manifestation of the divine protection from Muse herself. Here, this skill enables the user to distinguish sounds and perform brilliantly. It increases the effect of any Magecraft involving music. All these effects are manifested as one's "own innate ability."

Profile 4

A saint who devoted himself completely to music. Unfortunately, as a human being he's not as great. He likes to chat with people and make jokes. Out of all jokes he likes dirty ones the most, but he has forced himself to stop making them (because Marie told him to).

Profile 5

His music is always dedicated to one woman. When he was a child, he was summoned to the palace in Vienna. There he met a fair maiden, who shone more brilliantly than anybody... The girl's name was Maria, later known as "Marie Antoinette." The tragic Queen who was put to the guillotine.

Profile 6

He passed before Maria's death. "If I was alive, I would never have let that happened... her tragic death under a guillotine, she would never had to face that." He understands that he may not have the right, bUt he can't help but wish... that one day, happiness befalls upon his beloved Maria.

Voice Lines

Battle Start 1
Be silent! I shall bring to you the most exquisite time!
Battle Start 2
It's time for some fun music.
Skill 1
Now, which Bach do you prefer?
Skill 2
A goddess' divine protection resides in a good piano.
Command Card 1
Yes, yes.
Command Card 2
Louder there.
Command Card 3
Quieter there.
Noble Phantasm Card
Time for a performance. Enjoy it to the fullest!
Attack 1
Attack 2
Attack 3
Extra Attack
A change of tone here, I think!
Noble Phantasm
Listen, to this bewitching sound!
Requiem for Death.
Damage 1
Damage 2
Incapacitated 1
Maria... The promise, the piano...
Incapacitated 2
The concert... will be canceled...
Victory 1
Hmm, I'm sorry. Honestly, this performance was only third rate.
Victory 2
Amazing, I'm such a genius!
Level up
The next piece is... Ah, I should reconsider taking on so much work...
Ascension 1
There's no point striving for strength alone.
Let's talk the night away. Unfortunately, indecent topics are banned.
Ascension 2
The type of magecraft blessed by Orpheus,
I shall show you its heights... or not.
Come on, let's take it easy. Even if we slack off life will catch up to us quickly enough.
Ascension 3
...My fingers feel fluid...
My performance skills have risen another step...
Though the jealousy of others is troublesome when you're a genius.
Ascension 4
How many times did I reach this stage in life? I feel I could turn any event into music.
Tremble with emotion, Master. I am now unmistakably almighty.
Bond Level 1
One of the lowest ranks of Caster! That's me! I'm sorry, but don't rely on me for fighting! Hahaha!
Bond Level 2
So, what can you rely on me for?
Come now, isn't that obvious? Everything other than fighting. I will enrich your life to new levels, me and my music!
Bond Level 3
It's not like the other unsociable artist Servants. I'm pretty considerate of others.
Only Salieri who I, well, we've had a series of misunderstandings and mistakes between us.
Bond Level 4
You're a strange one, to value me so highly. I might be a genius, but in the end I'm just a musician. You can leave me in the corner and think of me like a gramophone if you want.
...Hmm, I might have to start taking things seriously...
Bond Level 5
Eine kleine Nachtmusik.
This summons has been a great journey and sound.
Enough to make me wish this long night would never end.
Thank you Master. We've been together awhile, and I hope we'll continue to get along.
Conversation 1
Please request a piece if you'd like. I'm always ready to go.
Conversation 2
No matter how demonic a performer I may be, I am a Servant. I yield the conductor's baton to you.
Conversation 3
Our relationship? Hahaha.
Please do not ask me to comment on your conducting! I don't want to start a fight!
My likes? Music is my reason for living, it's not a matter of like or dislike... So it'd have to be dirty jokes... No, nothing!
My dislikes, hmm? I would have to say Charles Sanson. He is not at all honest!
About the Holy Grail
The Holy Grail originates from the cauldron.
I wonder what it would sound like if you made it ring...
During an Event
I sense trouble... I think this will be a busy orchestra. Master, don't follow too closely.
Congratulations! Today is the day on which your melody was born! Okay, let's go buy some music!
I am Amadeus Wolfgang Mozart!
Leave battles aside, I promise only to decorate your life!
Non-Limited -Available in the general summoning pool.