
Altria Pendragon (Lily)

Altria Pendragon (Lily)
# 4
Lawful Good
NPGainNP Gain
NPGainNP when Attacked (%)
NPGainStar Absorption
NPGainStar Generation per Hit
NPGainInstant Death Chance
Lv 1009,355
Lv 12010,984
Lv 10012,880
Lv 12015,138


Weak to Enuma Elish
Heaven or Earth


Tag Icon
Crit Stars Up
Tag Icon
Self NP Gauge Up
Tag Icon
Heal Received Up
Tag Icon
Self Buster Up
Tag Icon
NP Gain Support
Tag Icon
AoE Buster NP
Tag Icon
Self Heal
Intuition B
Gain Critical Stars.
Available from the start
Road of Falling Flowers A

Gain Critical Stars. ▲ Increase own NP Gauge. ▲ Increase own HP Recovery Amount (3 turns). ▲

Upgrades after Rank Up 2. (Available 7/3/2023)
Mana Burst A
Increase own Buster Card effectiveness (1 turn).
Unlocks after 1st Ascension
Journey of the Flowers EX
Increase NP Gain for all allies (3 turns).
Unlocks after 3rd Ascension

Append Skills

Extra Attack Boost
Increase own Extra Attack Card effectiveness.
Load Magical Energy
Begin battle with NP Gauge charged.
Anti-Caster (ATK Up)
Deal extra Special ATK damage to [Caster] class enemies.
Special Attack Technique Improvement
Increase own Critical Strength.
Skill Reload
When using a skill, reduce the cooldown for the skill by 1 turn for the first time the skill is used per battle (Only 1 time per skill). Lv 1-5: 1 skill Lv 6-9: 2 skills Lv10: 3 skills

Class Skills

Magic Resistance B
Increase your Debuff Resist by 17.5%.
Riding C
Increase your Quick Card effectiveness by 6%.

Noble Phantasm

Deal heavy damage to all enemies.
Greatly restores your HP.
Caliburn (Upgrade 1)B+

Deal heavy damage to all enemies. ▲

Upgrade via Rank Up Quest.

Greatly restores your HP. ▲

Append Skill
Ascension + Skill

Note: Altria Pendragon (Lily) will be added to the Friend Point gacha from January 2022 for the global server at around 0.05% Summoning Chance

"Please watch me---as I emerge victorious!"Named “Lily” for her dress sharing the appearance of the flower by the same name, Altria Pendragon (Lily) is a form of Altria as she was after drawing Caliburn from the stone, but before she receives Excalibur. She is a younger, more naïve incarnation of Altria, and as such, is not as proficient in combat as the other Altrias.

Altria Pendragon (Lily)'s main strength, and essentially her only purpose as compared to other available lower rarity options, is that of a massive (budget) AoE Buster NP cannon. And, despite what her stats may tell you, she does that exceedingly well. Due to both her Rank Up and her Mana Burst, Saber Lily will readily surpass any NP1 gacha Sabers with her own NP5 Caliburn when it comes to raw NP Damage alone. In addition, Caliburn packs a decent hit count, allowing Masters with Star Generation Up to generate some Critical Stars while doing so.

Unfortunately, Saber Lily is the only welfare Servant that costs 12 to field, yet only possesses the stats of a 3* Saber along the lines of Fergus or Bedivere. While this greatly reduces her offensive potential on its own, both her Intuition and her Journey of the Flowers have poor skill values to boot. In addition, her use outside of farming is rather limited considering she only has the healing from her Overcharge to improve her poor survivability. 

Thus, Saber Lily is a Servant best supported with (Buster) Supports such as Shakespeare, Waver, Merlin or Helena Blavatsky that charge her NP for her and add even more steroids to her already chunky NP. That way, her low base stats are not as noticeable considering her high cost. In its own way, her Rank Up provided her with a decent budget niche of her own at last.

🟢 Strengths

Decent Budget AoE Damage

With an extraordinarily high, and unique, NP Damage modifier, Caliburn deals far more damage than is to be expected from someone with stats similar to a 3* Servant. Altria Pendragon (Lily) can therefore keep up with Servants such as Suzuka Gozen even at equal NP levels when it comes to NP Damage.

NP Gain and Critical Star Support

While Saber Lily's support potential is rather small, she can provide that extra boost to charge NPs a turn earlier and/or set up a critical turn with some clever buffing. Her 8-hit NP along with a sizable Star Generation buff, Overkill and/or her Intuition can set up a strong wave 3 for another Servants.

🔴 Weaknesses

Poor Base Stats

For a 4* unit, Altria Pendragon (Lily) has base stats comparable to a silver Servant. While this is not an issue for her NP Damage, it is an issue when it comes to any follow up attacks as her Command Card damage is below par for her cost and she may struggle to carry a Master through a node on her own.

Weak Support Skills

While on release Saber Lily skills were fairly rare and somewhat competitive in value, both Intuition and Journey of the Flowers are woefully undertuned and have very little noticeable impact especially at lower levels.

Expensive to Level

Unlike all other welfare Servants, Saber Lily behaves exactly like a normal Servant when it comes to material costs. As such, ascending her is more expensive material-wise for new Masters, while the returns on leveling her skills past 4 need to be seriously considered.

Poor Durability

In spite of her Overcharge's sizable heal, Saber Lily's durability is rather terrible, with a lower base HP stat for her rarity and a complete lack of means to attempt to survive any heavy enemy damage.

Level Up Skill Recommendations

Intuition B
Gain Critical Stars.
Mana Burst A
Increase own Buster Card effectiveness (1 turn).
Journey of the Flowers EX
Increase NP Gain for all allies (3 turns).

There is but one skill that truly helps Saber Lily do her job better, Mana Burst, while the other skills provide minimal returns. Masters who lack a powerful AoE Saber may want to invest heavily into Mana Burst however, but the rest of her skills are probably best left at rank 4 at which point skill material costs shoot up.

  • Intuition B might well be any launch Servant's nightmare skill. With undertuned values and for only a single turn on a kit that has little synergy with Critical Hits, Masters can best leave this alone or leave it for last.
  • Mana Burst A is Saber Lily's bread and butter and scales very well with Caliburn's stupendous NP Modifier. Getting it to level 6 is a good middle of the road solution for Masters relying on her NP Damage, and fans of her should definitely consider bumping it to 10. Given the nature of her kit though, don't expect to use this skill twice very often though. Level this first!
  • While compared to Intuition, Journey of the Flowers EX is rather decent, its values are not high enough to truly justify investing heavily into raising the skill past 4 or 6. It works quite well with Arts-deck Supports though, which help to set up Arts chains to unlock more damaging NPs For Saber Lily. 

🖼️ Craft Essence Recommendations

Note: Given Saber Lily's low attack stat, it is essential that her CE grants as much attack stats as possible for better performance.

Altria Pendragon (Lily) finds her best use in farming or wave-clearing situations. As such, Masters should try to get her to fire Caliburn as soon as possible and/or as hard as possible depending on how strong the unfortunate enemies will be. Prioritize Starting NP Gauge first and foremost, followed by providing her with NP Damage Up or Attack Up. Buster Performance Up is always an option as well, but stacks additively with Mana Burst.

  • Kaleidoscope / Imaginary Element / Dragon's Meridian: Generally, the best way to speed up a fight with Saber Lily is to get her to fire her NP faster. 

  • Aerial Drive / Golden Sumo / Holy Night Supper: A hybrid 50% Starting NP Gauge CE is best when more damage is needed for farming and/or NP Charging supports are available.

  • Black Grail / Heaven’s Feel / Hero Elly's Adventure: If a certain wave has exceedingly high HP, and Masters have time to actually charge Saber Lily's NP from scratch, well, a heavy NP Damage CE scales the hardest by far. Doubly so in combination with Buster supports.

  • Limited/Zero Over / Verdant Sound of Destruction / The Crimson Black Keys: In absence of better options, simply boosting her Buster performance is always a safe option. 
Analysis by: Sizzle, NorseFTX

Interlude Quests

Chapter Completion:Orleans
Chapter Completion:
Chapter Completion:Fuyuki
Skill 1
Instant Death Chance21
Damage Distribution Quick33,67
Damage Distribution Arts33,67
Damage Distribution Buster100
Damage Distribution Extra12,25,63
Damage Distribution NP2,5,8,11,13,16,19,26


Bond Lv12345678910
Bond EXP2,0003,0004,0005,0006,000210,000230,000270,000350,000400,000
Voyage of the Flowers
Voyage of the Flowers
When equipped to Altria Pendragon (Lily) only, Increase ATK of all allies by 10% while on the field. Increase Critical Star Drop Rate of all allies by 10% while on the field.
IllustratorTakashi Takeuchi
Seiyuu (CV)Ayako Kawasumi
AKA/Alias/NicknamesYoung Saber, White Saber
Country/Place of OriginUnited Kingdom
SeriesFate/unlimited codes
Release Date (NA)Game Launch



Valentine's CE

Ranch Chocolate
Ranch Chocolate

Profile Entries

Character Info

Pulling Caliburn the Sword of Selection out, this is the Altria who just started walking the path of kingship. Because of such, she's still a half-boiled knight. She's as fresh faced as a lily, and her eyes are filled with glimmering hope. She walked across the country to experience many things, and left many adventures to tell. Those saved by her praise her as the Princess Knight from her elegance.

Bond Level 1

Height/Weight: 154cm, 42kg Origin: Legend of King Arthur Region: England Alignment: Lawful-Good Gender: Female Training to be a knight is rough, but if I can take care of my horses, I'm happy.

Bond Level 2

A romantic knight who betters herself daily to become the ideal king. She is still half-boiled so she still acts like a girl, and her heart is filled with dreams and hope. When she vacations in different countries, she spends her time with her brother-in-law Sir Kay, and their accompanying mage Merlin. Things usually start with Altria making a fuss, then frustrating Merlin, and Kay picking up the pieces.

Bond Level 3

Intuition: B Always "feels" the optimal flow for herself during battle. Her honed sixth sense is almost precognition. Reduces the effect of any interference to her sight and hearing. However, having good hunches is not so good... She acutely picks up the worries of everyone she meets, so she ends up helping each and every person she comes across.

Bond Level 4

[Caliburn] Rank: B (Conditionally A+) NP Type: Anti-Personnel Golden Sword of Assured Victory. Originally a sword used to select a king, the "Anti-Personnel" is not against an enemy, but to one who will wield the sword in the future. If the wielder stays just as a king, and is finally deemed worthy, its strength will be appropriate for a sacred sword.

Bond Level 5

The destined child born to save Britain from its destruction and path to ruin. A "reincarnation of a dragon" created by the previous king Uther and the mage Merlin. This is why she is referred to as the Red Dragon that protects Britain. Has the heart of a dragon, the highest rank of phantasmals, and the amount of magical energy that can be created within her body overwhelms all other Heroic Spirits.

Clear "Sword of a Young Flower"

Caliburn and Excalibur are different sacred swords. Caliburn nurtures royalty, and raises Arthur into a king. Originally, Caliburn was used for ceremonies. Using this as a weapon by releasing its True Name can exert the same firepower as Excalibur, but the sword will not be able to withstand Altria's magical energy and will likely disintegrate.

Voice Lines

Battle Start 1
I accept your challenge.
Battle Start 2
I'll give it everything I've got.
Skill 1
This next strike shall be the last.
Skill 2
The battle starts now!
Command Card 1
Command Card 2
Let's go!
Command Card 3
I've got this!
Noble Phantasm Card
Please watch me--as I emerge victorious!
Attack 1
Attack 2
Attack 3
Extra Attack
Must be stronger!
Noble Phantasm
Sword of Selection, grant me your power! Cleave the wicked! Caliburn!
Damage 1
I won't...die here...
Damage 2
Incapacitated 1
Merlin... Everyone... I'm so...sorry...
Incapacitated 2
I-I'll go train again...
Victory 1
Until the Selection is made true, I shall not fall.
Victory 2
I'm not gonna take your life. Please, care for your wounds.
Level up
Well? Do you think I've grown stronger?
Ascension 1
I'm a little faster now. This should help me move easier, Master.
Ascension 2
Thank you for the precious resources, Master.
Ascension 3
I'm more about agility than strength...but still, this is too lightly dressed... But whatever makes you happy, master. I'll always do my best!
Ascension 4
I never thought my spirit would ascend this far. Thank you, Master. I may still be immature, but now I feel more confident about being chosen by the holy sword.
Bond Level 1
I'm still training. I haven't achieved anything worthy to be called a Heroic Spirit, but I will do my best as a Saber.
Bond Level 2
You're still growing, too, Master. That's why it feels like I just gained a friend. Hehe, let's see who ends up being the best.
Bond Level 3
I'm still working on my swordsmanship and have a long way to go to become a knight. It's not just about skills, but mental fortitude as well. One day, I will have the strength worthy of the sword.
Bond Level 4
Umm... I know I said "in the years to come" when you first summoned me, but I really didn't think we'd get this close. Now, your presence alone is enough to give me strength, Master.
Bond Level 5
I'm grateful, Master. I may still be immature, but now I know the difference between what I should protect and what I want to protect. Oh? You feel the same? Hehe. It's like we're reading each other's minds. Someday I will part ways with this sword, but please fight with me until then, Master.
Conversation 1
Resting too much isn't good for you, Master. So let's work hard again today!
Conversation 2
You speak of kings and retainers? Th-That's not happening anytime soon, and I'm not prepared in the slightest... S-Sorry!
Conversation 3
I am currently training. I will learn by your side, Master.
Things that I like? Well, I like village festivals and grooming horses. I know I have to forget about all that, but I doubt I ever will.
Things I hate? There isn't any...but there is something I'm bad at. I'm great at dancing with women but can't dance with men for the life of me...
About the Holy Grail
A Holy Grail that grants wishes, you say? Such a thing would certainly come in handy.
During an Event
Seems that a major event is happening. We have to hurry before we're too late, Master... Somehow, this reminds me of the time of Selection.
It's your birthday? That calls for a celebration! I'll bake a pie for you! Ah, but I'm not much of a cook... Please don't get your hopes up too much...
It is nice to meet you, Master. Since I am still in training, please call me Saber Lily. I look forward to working with you in the years to come.
SABER WARS - The Caliburn Awakens - 1
Thank you so much for helping me train! I hope I can count on your encouragement and guidance until the end!
SABER WARS - The Caliburn Awakens - 2
This is what I've accomplished so far! I suppose you could call it a training program. I'll do my best!
SABER WARS - The Caliburn Awakens - 3
I enjoy practicing my swordplay... But repairing a spaceship is hard... Maybe it's just not for me...
SABER WARS - The Caliburn Awakens - 4
Please use your breaks to read notices and catch up on information. As they say, knowing is half the battle!
SABER WARS - The Caliburn Awakens - 5
What is Altrium anyway?
SABER WARS - The Caliburn Awakens - 6
Well done, Master. I wonder if this has made me more useful? I've heard that Master X will trade us for extra parts.
Welfare -A free Servant acquired from completing an Event.