
MMM - Reckless Royal Rushes Revelry of a new Reign, Relinquishes his Realm with the Reciept (New Year 2025)

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The Modern Magus Magazine

And a Happy New Year to you all! With 2025 now on the calendars for good, we have a brand new year of FGO to look forward to, and one with plenty to be excited for, even just based on what we learned from the New Year stream.

But what’s relevant to this writer is the new Servant who…is unsurprisingly the tie-in for Strange Fake’s anime. Not as thrilling as some predecessor New Year Servants, but it leaves me thinking, given the delays on the Strange Fake anime, was Richard planned for last year, or even to not be a New Year Servant period? Food for thought, if you ask me.

JP Release DateNA Release Date

Richard I

The greatest of Arthur fanboys, the man who will literally beat you to death with a stick and call it Excalibur, and capable of spontaneously combusting his Master with excessive Mana usage in battle, all I have to say is…Brahmastras made sticks lethal first, and Karna is the original king of Master Mana burnout.


Maybe he should’ve not put my country into debt fighting Crusades if he wanted a more positive outlook.

As you could expect of an SSR Saber who fanboys over King Arthur, he packs the same Attack stat as Proto Arthur, giving him the tied 3rd highest Attack stat for his class and rarity, albeit with worse HP than his idol, packing the tied 4th lowest HP for an SSR Saber.

It’s worth bearing in mind with how bloated the Saber pool is, having the 3rd highest Attack, even if tied, is very good, and represents a powerful offense that can only really be beaten by Berserkers or Avengers by any significant margin, and having that in exchange for sub-par HP is still a great deal.

Packaged with his great base stats is the standard fare for most knightly Sabers, the combo of Magic Resistance and Riding. Having that small protection against negative effects is always handy, while Richard gets some solid mileage out of the Quick boost, as he has two Quick cards to his name.

So how is Richard panning out on the whole? Well on the one hand, he’s the true Red Lion of England, name to one of the few Crusades that could be called “successful”, and let me tell you, not many Kings would own up to blowing up a building on live TV:

  • +Richard’s offensive might may not shine in farming contexts, but he’s quite the monster in difficult content. With his amazing star generation, and the capability to capitalize on it, he can deliver some of the most deadly Buster Crits in the Saber lineup, while continually dishing out some reliable AOE damage off his NP. Many of those benefits extend to his teammates, boosting their NP gain and also letting them reap off the frequent crits his high star generation enables.

However, he’s also an irresponsible lout who lead the nation into debt, damaged the trust between the crown and the clergy, and managed to spend more time in his reign getting into incidents on foreign land than actually managing his people:

  • -For all Richard might be capable of in a difficult content setting, his kit is on the whole…incredibly bare. Most of his skills can be surmised as either straight damage boosts or critical damage enablers, and in spite of it he remains mediocre for NP damage output and simply pretty good for Critical Damage - the fact half his buffs only apply to Buster cards is a pretty annoying caveat to it. He can’t capitalize on any effective damage boosts, he has no special utility outside of skill cooldown reduction, and utterly lacks any form of defensive tool.
  • -While it’s more of a mixed bag, Richard’s farming capabilities are more or less phoned in. He might be able to manage farming class-neutral quests when the requirements are less strict on waves 1 or 2, but most of the time he’s restricted to farming class advantage. And let me tell you, there is an absolute host of other AOE Sabers out there capable of slapping a Lancer farming node around. Many of them have less elaborate setups than what a Buster Servant demands.

I have to say, New Years might only come once a year, but it’s even more uncommon that we get a New Year Servant that’s as…middling as Richard. He’s not bad by any stretch of the imagination - capability for farming and difficult content damage output is more than some Servants can boast, but he fundamentally lacks the oomph in either specialization or damage output that would really push him to being more notable.

The fundamental issue is that some of his skills focus on too narrow an area, getting Critical Damage buffs only for Buster cards, or stargen buffs, well, everywhere, to the point that he’s definitely going to produce more stars than you actually need on most turns. Where other Servants may have effects that provide defensive support or utility to help make them stand out, Richard is ultimately just a very pointy stick that has more edges than you really need.

To be clear, he’s still serviceable as a farming option, and certainly one of the stronger critical damage-focused damage dealers you can call upon for difficult content, but he does neither to a point that he can be considered the best, and likewise he lacks anything else to truly stand out, especially since over-solving the team’s star generation simply isn’t needed in FGO currently. He can certainly fill a Saber-shaped hole in a team lineup if you’re dying for one, but he’s far from the first choice I’d consider, especially since there’s a GSSR right next to him offering plenty of better options across FGO’s entire SSR pool.


Well, we’ve got a big ‘ol year ahead of us now. With the silhouette image out there to confound us (and perhaps actually confirm some incoming names) and a surprisingly detailed schedule of how the future will pan out, FGO’s 10th Anniversary Year and the end of its second story arc is looking to be a great one.

I’m sure that the year has also gotten to a great start in real life too…right? Right? Hahahaha….

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