Valentine's 2025 - Challenge Guide


Enemy Layout
Requirements: Clear Main Quests, unlocks on ~Day 8.
Boss Statistics
- A Good and Evil themed challenge awaits in the Valentine's 2025 challenge quest!
- Two enemies are on the field: An Avenger (262k, 525k HP) and a Ruler (152k, 186k, 269k HP).
- A random one of 6 effects will occur every turn, which either buffs all Evil allies and debuffs Good allies, or the opposite. If Servants have Neutral alignments, then they will be unaffected (initially), although some effects from the enemies can also change the alignment of party members.
- 3 of the effects buff Evil alignment allies:
- NP Strength +40% (2 turns) for Evil, NP Seal (2 turns) for Good.
- Gain Curse when normal attacking (2 turns, 2k dmg) for Evil, inflicted by Curse (2 turns, 2k dmg) for Good.
- ATK +40% (2 turns) for Evil, ATK -50% (2 turns) for Good.
- 3 of the effects buff Good alignment allies:
- 1000 HP Regen (2 turns) for Good, lose 1 Offensive Buff when normal attacking (2 turns) for Evil.
- Crit Damage +50% (2 turns) for Good, 50% chance to get Charmed (1 turn) for Evil.
- Debuff Resist +50% (2 turns) for Good, lose 1 Defensive Buff when normal attacking (2 turns) for Evil.
- Effects are mostly not removable, except the Curse and Charm can be cleansed.
- Because of these effects, having a Balanced alignment Servant as the primary damage dealer is probably the safest.
- Both bosses have a passive that has a 50% chance to apply a trait when they are attacked:
- When attacking Anra Mainiiu, the attacker has a 50% chance to gain Evil trait for 3 turns. Note this is a debuff, and can be cleansed or prevented by debuff immunity.
- When attacking Amor (Caren), the attacker has a 50% chance to gain Good trait for 3 turns. Like the other, this is also considered a debuff.
- Anra Mainiiu starts by NP Sealing himself and gaining a 50% damage bonus vs Evil alignment enemies.
- Every 3 turns, each of the bosses will also have a special alignment-related effect:
- Anra Mainiiu: Will attempt to apply Evil trait to a single party member (3 turns), considered a debuff. This also decreases their ATK by 30% for 3 turns. Will not be used if everybody is already Evil alignment.
- Amor (Caren): Will attempt to apply Good trait to a single party member (3 turns), considered a debuff. This also decreases their Debuff Resist by 50% for 3 turns. Will not be used if everybody is already Good alignment.
- Break effects for each boss are as follows:
- Anra Mainiiu gains MAX NP Gauge, 70% increased DEF vs Evil (5 times), and unremovable Guts (5 times, 1 HP Revival). He also gains +1000% healing received. Note his NP reflects 200% of damage back to the entire party! This will occur right after the turn his HP bar is broken. Because he has 5 Guts stacks, this makes it very difficult to prevent him reflecting the damage to the entire party. Masters must use NP drain, immobilizing debuffs, NP Seal, or similar to prevent this from happening. Alternatively, the damage can be used to the Master's advantage by having Servants capable of handling the second half of this fight in the back line who swap in.
- Amor (Caren)'s 1st break gives her 50% damage bonus vs Good, and decreases Debuff Resist by 50% and ATK by 30% for the party.
- Amor (Caren)'s 2nd break gives her 70% increased DEF vs Good (5 times), and permanent extra 1 NP Charge each turn. She also applies the Chaotic Alignment trait (which she deals bonus damage using her NP to) on all party members (5 turns).
- Both Servants have on-death effects:
- Anra Mainiiu:
- He gives Caren permanent NP Damage and extra NP Charge +1 per turn buffs.
- Amor (Caren) has two effects:
- She gives Anra both 50% ATK and DEF buffs which are permanent.
- Anra gets a "Sloth" debuff that progressively debuffs his ATK and DEF by up to 100% (starts at 20%, and increases by 20% each turn).
- For this reason killing Amor (Caren) first is probably best.
Team Recommendations
- Balanced alignment damage dealers, ideally with trait bonus or Class advantage against at least one or both bosses are the best choices to avoid demerits from the field effects.
- NP Gauge Drain or Immobilizing / NP Seal Support can help keep the party alive from Anra Mainiiu's otherwise potentially devastating NP effect. The damage is otherwise unavoidable, so preventing his NP in the first place so that the party can chew through his Guts stacks is the best alternative, aside from letting the NP happen and having a strong backline set up.
- Debuff Clear / Debuff Immunity Support helps with preventing application of undesired alignment traits, or some of the other debuffs that can be applied from both bosses and field effects.
- NP Gauge and Damage Support for the damage dealer will help reach damage numbers required to deal with both of the Boss's healthy HP bars, especially without the help of an Event Damage CE. The usual suspects of Castoria, Tamamo, Koyanskaya, Oberon, Skadi/Ruler, Merlin, Reines, and Waver are all excellent choices.
- Waver in particular is very useful because his NP both drains NP Gauge from the enemy (which helps delay Anra Mainiiu's NP) and also inflicts the Curse debuff, which can passively knock a Guts stack off of Anra as well.
Video Links
- Note that these videos are not affiliated with GamePress, but showcase some lineups that are effective in clearing the final challenge. These can serve as a good reference for how to rotate skills during this quest or simply to have a look at the encounter before diving in.
Quick Servant Suggestions