Beni-Enma Interlude 1: The Secret of Enma's Book
Table of Contents
Quest Overview
- This Interlude has 3 Parts. Part 1/3 will not feature any battle.
- During Part 2/3:
- Your team will consist of only of these three following NPC Servants:
- Fionn McCumhaill (Level 90, NP level 2, Skill level 6/6/6)
- Diarmuid ua Duibhine (Saber) (Level 90, NP level 2, Skill level 6/6/6)
- Tawara Touta (Level 90, NP level 2, Skill level 6/6/6)
- Your team will consist of only of these three following NPC Servants:
- During Part 3/3:
- Benienma must be on the front-line.
- Your team will consist of only Benienma and the three following NPC Servants:
- Fionn McCumhaill (Level 90, NP level 2, Skill level 6/6/6)
- Diarmuid ua Duibhine (Saber) (Level 90, NP level 2, Skill level 6/6/6)
- Tawara Touta (Level 90, NP level 2, Skill level 6/6/6)
- The Battle will end upon defeating both of Ibaraki's Hands.