# 242
Lawful Good
NPGainNP Gain
NPGainNP when Attacked (%)
NPGainStar Absorption
NPGainStar Generation per Hit
NPGainInstant Death Chance
Lv 10011,786
Lv 12013,838
Lv 10013,981
Lv 12016,432


Living Human
Heaven or Earth
Weak to Enuma Elish


Tag Icon
ATK Support
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DEF Support
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NP Gain Support
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Self Arts Up
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Crit Stars Up
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Crit Stars Down [Demerit]
Tag Icon
Self Star Gather Rate Up
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Self Crit Damage Up
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Self NP Gauge Up
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ST Arts NP
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Self Ignore Invincible
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Anti-Evil ATK Up
Blessing of the Scale A+
Increase ATK for one ally (3 turns). Increase DEF for one ally (3 turns). Increase NP Gain for one ally (3 turns).
Available from the start
Mana Burst (Star) A+
Increase Arts Card effectiveness for yourself (1 turn). Gain Critical Stars.
Unlocks after 1st Ascension
Star's Judgment A
(Can only be used with 5 critical stars or more.) Consumes 5 Critical Stars. [Demerit] Increase your Critical Star Gather Rate (1 turn). Increase your Critical Strength (1 turn). Increase your NP Gauge by 20%.
Unlocks after 3rd Ascension

Append Skills

Extra Attack Boost
Increase own Extra Attack Card effectiveness.
Load Magical Energy
Begin battle with NP Gauge charged.
Anti-Archer (ATK Up)
Deal extra Special ATK damage to [Archer] class enemies.
Special Attack Technique Improvement
Increase own Critical Strength.
Skill Reload
When using a skill, reduce the cooldown for the skill by 1 turn for the first time the skill is used per battle (Only 1 time per skill). Lv 1-5: 1 skill Lv 6-9: 2 skills Lv10: 3 skills

Class Skills

Independent Action A
Increase your Critical Strength by 10%.
Territory Creation A
Increase your Arts Card effectiveness by 10%.
Core of the Goddess B
Apply Damage Plus (Total Card Damage +225). Increase Debuff Resist for yourself by 22.5%.

Noble Phantasm

Custos MorumA+
Deal heavy damage to a single enemy. Gain 20 Critical Stars.
Deal extra Supereffective damage to [Evil] enemies.
Custos Morum (Upgrade 1)EX
Upgrades via Interlude 1 (Available 12/1/2022)

Apply Ignore Invincible to self (1 turn). [Activates first] ▲ Deal heavy damage to a single enemy. ▲ Gain 20 Critical Stars.

Deal extra Supereffective damage to [Evil] enemies.

"I am the arbiter goddess. No matter who you are, when these scales tip, I must pass judgment!" 

The eternally haughty Luvia Edelfelt appears as a Pseudo-Servant for Astraea, the Greek goddess of Justice. Astraea is both the first non-limited SR Ruler and the first Ruler with an offensive Arts NP. She excels in her role as a critical-focused Arts servant, sporting multiple sources of instant star generation, an excellent star gathering and critical damage skill, and Independent Action.

Astraea functions primarily as a selfish point Servant for Arts Critical teams, and in that role she needs relatively little help in order to operate at full strength. With her innate critical tools, her stacking NP steroids, and her common anti-trait NP bonus, Astraea’s damage potential is excellent. Additionally, she has good NP refund potential and a versatile targeted buff skill, along with the innate defensive advantage inherent to her Ruler class.

As a Ruler, however, Astraea will only rarely have offensive class advantage, which puts her at a disadvantage as a damage-dealer relative to Knight- and Cavalry-class Servants. She also has no way to withstand enemy NPs without help, as she has no evasion or invulnerability skill to carry her through a high-damage turn. While her Arts card NP gain is respectable relative to her deck and her Arts cards benefit from Territory Creation, her lackluster Quick and Buster cards mean her performance will drop significantly while her skills are on cooldown.

All in all, Astraea’s general lack of offensive class advantage means she is unlikely to be the best choice to bring to any given fight. She will, however, almost always be at least a good choice, and her self-sufficiency will make her particularly valuable for Masters without native access to the high-tier supports.

🟢 Strengths

Reliable Critical Access

Astraea generates 20 stars each time she uses her NP and can make another 30 on-demand with the help of her Mana Burst (Star). With her short-cooldown star absorption skill thrown into the mix, she’ll have no trouble critting even without star support. With good damage boosts all-around, she’s among the most self-sufficient critical-based Servants in the game.

Strong NP Loop Potential

Astraea’s base NP gain is nothing exciting -- and her Quick card is quite weak -- but with her NP gain buff active and Territory Creation factored in, her Arts card NP gain becomes much more impressive. Her Mana Burst can push her NP gain even higher for a turn, and her easy access to crits helps to ensure she maximizes this NP gain potential. With favorable card draws, Astraea will have no trouble using her NP twice in succession, and proper support can enable sustained looping.

Ruler Class Bulk

As a Ruler, Astraea takes half damage from most enemies. She also has a modest defense buff that will likely be active more turns than not, so while she has no self-healing or hard survivability, she shouldn’t have much trouble withstanding enemy cards.

Swap-In Star Support Potential

While Astraea is primarily meant as a damage-dealer, her ability to produce 30 stars on-demand and to give a general-performance boost to an ally gives her potential to be used as an alternative to Mozart. In particular, the Chaldea Combat Uniform’s Order Change ability can allow Astraea to swap-in and provide a burst of support on an important turn.

🔴 Weaknesses

Lack of Offensive Class Advantage

While Astraea has an excellent damage-dealing kit, she hits most targets for neutral and as such will likely be outdamaged by Servants with class advantage. For Masters with well-developed Servant rosters, this will likely limit Astraea’s appeal.

Lack of Hard Survival

Astraea withstands normal cards well, but her lack of an Evasion or Invincibility skill means she’s susceptible to enemy NPs without the help of supports. This is fairly easy to work around in most cases, but it stands out against what is otherwise a remarkably self-sufficient kit.

Weak Quick and Buster Cards

The lower hit-counts on Astraea’s Quick and Buster cards make them much less appealing than her Arts cards. Her in-kit buffs also skew in the direction of Arts, so Astraea’s performance is likely to dip somewhat if she doesn’t draw her Arts cards at the right time.

Level Up Skill Recommendations

Blessing of the Scale A+
Increase ATK for one ally (3 turns). Increase DEF for one ally (3 turns). Increase NP Gain for one ally (3 turns).
Mana Burst (Star) A+
Increase Arts Card effectiveness for yourself (1 turn). Gain Critical Stars.
Star's Judgment A
(Can only be used with 5 critical stars or more.) Consumes 5 Critical Stars. [Demerit] Increase your Critical Star Gather Rate (1 turn). Increase your Critical Strength (1 turn). Increase your NP Gauge by 20%.

All three of Astraea’s skills are comparably useful, and she really wants all three to be leveled evenly. All three skills benefit significantly from reaching max level, as their relatively short cooldown timers mean Astraea has little downtime in her damage-dealing capability.

  • Blessing of the Scale A+ is a general-purpose performance boost, providing modest buffs to the target’s Attack, Defense, and NP gain for three turns. While this skill is targetable, Masters are likely going to want to use this on Astraea most of the time, as it solidifies her NP gain and strengthens her NP and her crits. Supports and semi-supports with good NP gain (for example, Sherlock Holmes or Qin Shi Huang Di) may benefit from the effects as well, though, allowing for greater flexibility on Astraea’s part.
  • Mana Burst (Star) A is a weak Mana Burst from a strictly damage-oriented perspective, giving a maximum boost of 30% where most one-turn card-type buffs give 50%. In exchange, though, it also doubles as a powerful source of on-demand Critical Stars, giving a whopping 30 stars on use. With passive star generation (such as from Merlin, Hans, or 2030), this will likely bring the whole party’s crit rate to nearly 100%, and even without passive star gen it pairs nicely with Astraea’s third skill to enable crits for Astraea herself.
  • Star's Judgment A is an extraordinarily powerful skill that combines Star Absorption and Critical Damage effects on a short cooldown. This would be strong on its own, but it also gains a small NP charge effect, meaning this skill enables both Astraea’s critical damage and her NP spam potential. The 5-star demerit is a small price to pay for this combination of effects, especially considering Astraea tends to make plenty of stars on her own. The only real drawback here (if it can even be considered a drawback) is that this has obvious synergy with Astraea’s Mana Burst despite being on a shorter cooldown, so if Astraea’s team lacks an outside source of stars, the fast cooldown may be slightly wasted.

🖼️ Craft Essence Recommendations

Astraea is mostly set as far as crit shenanigans go already, so she’ll benefit most from CEs that strengthen and enable her NP while her Mana Burst is on cooldown. Arts Performance Up is the simplest answer here, boosting her NP damage, Arts Criticals, and effective NP gain. NP Gain Up can be valuable if Masters want to prioritize using Astraea’s NP as frequently as possible. Lastly, NP Damage Up stacks multiplicatively with everything in Astraea’s kit, ensuring she’ll do maximum damage any time she uses her NP.

  • Formal Craft / Another Ending / Projection: Arts Performance boosts are the most straightforward way to lift up Astraea’s effectiveness. Another Ending is particularly noteworthy given Astraea’s reliable critical access, although the larger Arts boost from Formal Craft may still be preferable.  
  • Painting Summer / Magical Girl of Sapphire / Divine Banquet: Painting Summer is an absolutely phenomenal CE for pretty much any Arts damage-dealer, pairing a 50% starting NP effect with both Arts up and NP gain up. Magical Girl of Sapphire fills a similar role, trading some damage for slightly faster effective NP gain. Divine Banquet is a weaker but more accessible option.
  • Sign of Smiling Face / The Black Grail / Afternoon in the Citadel: Sign of Smiling Face is possibly a better pick for Astraea than Painting Summer is, dropping the starting NP (which Astraea doesn’t particularly need anyway) in favor of an NP damage boost. The Black Grail is always a massive damage increase for NP-centric Servants. Afternoon in the Citadel provides a hefty boost to Astraea’s NP damage and a solid boost to her Buster and Arts cards as well. Afternoon is occasionally maligned for its full-HP stat spread, but due to her class Astraea effectively doubles that additional HP pool, meaning she benefits from the bulky stat spread more than most servants do.
  • GUDAGUDA Poster Girl / Golden Captures the Carp: GUDAGUDA Poster Girl allows Astraea to swap in, support an ally, draw enemy attacks, and then leave the field to make way for a longer-term support. Astraea can also leverage the CE’s three-turn Attack boost for powerful critical attacks before she dies. Golden Captures the Carp pairs with Mana Burst (Star) to allow Astraea to produce 50 stars on her swap-in turn for guaranteed critical hits. 
Analysis by:

Interlude Quests

Chapter Completion:Lostbelt 3 Prologue
GrowthSemi-Reverse S
Instant Death Chance17.5
Damage Distribution Quick16,33,51
Damage Distribution Arts10,20,30,40
Damage Distribution Buster100
Damage Distribution Extra6,13,20,26,35
Damage Distribution NP2,5,8,11,13,16,19,26


Bond Lv12345678910
Bond EXP2,5003,7505,0006,25010,000232,500240,000270,500309,500410,000
Scale of the Stars
Scale of the Stars
When equipped on Astraea, Increase all allies' Arts Card effectiveness by 10% and Critical Damage by 15% when she is on the field.
IllustratorToh Azuma
Seiyuu (CV)Shizuka Itoh
Release Date (NA)4/30/2021



Valentine's CE

Wine with Starry Chocolates
Wine with Starry Chocolates

Profile Entries

Character Info

Astraea chose the most fitting vessel to possess for the goddess of justice and balance. A person who was born to stand above others... If you believe that premise holds true, she certainly fits the bill. Having accepted that her duty is to wield justice as her Authority, she will never go out of control by claiming it to be her right. ...However, despite her virtuous standard, whenever she comes across anything rare or precious, she has a tendency to think it of utmost importance that it be protected. In other words, she is the most elegant (cunning hyena) even when she is from the heavens.

Profile 1

Height/Weight: 160cm, 49kg Origin: Greek Mythology Region: Greece Alignment: Lawful-Good Gender: Female Rather than the original Astraea, aspects of Lady Justice from later ages are more prominent in this manifestation.

Profile 2

She originates from one of the three Horae Sisters in Greek mythology and is said to have been a daughter of Zeus and Themis, but there are few accounts of this to be found in Greek myth. Legend has it that during the Iron Age, while many gods left Earth as evil ran rampant, she was one of the few who stayed behind until the very end and tirelessly appealed to humanity's sense of justice. The story of her scales later becoming Libra and she herself becoming Virgo garner only brief mention. However, in later ages, she and her mother Themis (with whom she is sometimes conflated), and Justitia from Roman mythology were given a different name and attendant significance. Namely, Lady Justice, or the goddess of justice. She is often seen depicted in statue form as a lady wielding a sword and scales and frequently appears in front of courthouses and law offices.

Profile 3

Originally, her functional aspects were more pronounced, and she was a good deal sterner and more uncompromising. However, her vessel's influence has softened her and now she tries to guide humanity personally. The same influence can be attributed to her insistence upon hand-to-hand combat. She may wield a sword and scales, but in a fight, she will simply toss them away to engage in techniques most often seen in professional wrestling, which she sees as her true justice. Whether this was unfortunate or simply inevitable when her vessel was chosen is not clear, but the fact of the matter is that the girl's style matched Astraea's unparalleled toughness as a Divine Spirit of judgment, ultimately becoming the most prominent Servant for unarmed combat.

Profile 4

Blessing of the Scale: A+ A skill based on the Divine Spirit Astraea's Authority. This skill deploys an impenetrable defense mechanism against targets awaiting judgment, as the scales that symbolize Astraea are embedded within her body. However, her vessel's wishes have transformed it into a skill intended for hand-to-hand combat. In other words, the professional wrestler will never fall. Star's Judgment: A Under the Authority of the stars, all targets who are to be tried, humans on Earth and even Divine Spirits, are forced to accept their judgment.

Profile 5

[Custos Morum] Rank: A+ NP Type: Anti-Crime Range: 1-100 Maximum Targets: 100 The Time of Judgment Is Now. State Thy Name. The scales that are her original Authority materialize and the target is put on trial and sent to the court of the stars. The Noble Phantasm then rains down stardust in accordance to the weight of the target's crime. Unlike Ishtar, who throws the concept of Venus with all her might, Astraea hurls countless stars from the night sky without restraint.

Profile 6

"Justice by the stars means...a suplex!" As she has ever been the embodiment of justice for humanity, she will not hesitate to assist in humanity's restoration. Should she have a Master who still has room to grow, she is all the more enthusiastic, believing that it is her duty to guide them. Her vessel's personality also factors into this, and so the Servant is quite stern with regards to her Master's demeanor. If her Master is vulgar, she will not hold back in coaching them (through physical means, including drop-kicks). For Masters who wish to stand alongside her, it would be best not to neglect their training.

Voice Lines

Battle Start 1
Time to begin your trial.
Battle Start 2
The starting bell has rung!
Battle Start 3
All the spoils will be mine! Ah, I'm ready to go!
Skill 1
O star's brilliance...shine forth!
Skill 2
O radiance, gather on my balancing scales!
Skill 3
Just listen to the voices of the gems, right?
Command Card 1
That's what you're doing?
Command Card 2
Yes, leave it to me.
Command Card 3
I'll take them down!
Noble Phantasm Card 1
Now is the time for deliberation. Listen to the voices of the stars.
Noble Phantasm Card 2
Pray upon my scales.
Noble Phantasm Card 3
This last move will lead to a fall!
Attack 1
Attack 2
Like this?
Attack 3
O light!
Extra Attack 1
My gems...finish them!
Extra Attack 2
Are you prepared for the slugfest?
Noble Phantasm 1
A judgment shall be made.
This is the weight of your goodness...
And this, the weight of your sin!
Now, brace yourself!
Custos Morum!
Noble Phantasm 2
Allow me to weigh your sins.
My storehouse of gems is the night sky itself!
The stars' number matches your sins!
And, for good measure, I will add this:
Custos Morum!
Damage 1
You will pay for this!
Damage 2
Incapacitated 1
I didn't think...I would reach the stars…
Incapacitated 2
May you all...have better fortune in battle...!
Victory 1
This victory was inevitable. Are you safe, Master?
Victory 2
A proper judgment.
Victory 3
Did you enjoy the justice of the stars?
Victory 4
One, two three... Oh, do we not need the count?
Level up
Oh, so you're offering me tribute?
Much as that is only right and proper for you, I will still express my gratitude.
Ascension 1
My outfit is becoming better-suited to battle!
Now THIS is how the sword and balancing scales should look!
Ascension 2
I can feel magical energy filling my Spirit Origin.
Why would you do so much for me?
For humanity's sake?
Or could it be for...?
Haha, I'll ask that later.
Ascension 3
Lady Justice...
That is certainly a fitting name for me given the glorious ring it has.
And now that you've come this far,going through with it until the very end will be the epitome of perfection!
I'm counting on you, Master!
Ascension 4
After all you have done for me, I will be sure your efforts are not wasted.
Be proud of yourself. You have done what a Master must. As such, I shall do what a goddess of the balancing scales must.
Bond Level 1
Be cautious so as not to be judged by my scales, Master.
If the weight of your sins is exposed, I will have no choice but to take you down.
Bond Level 2
I don't know how to express it, but you are certainly exceptional, Master.
You are a mediocre mage at best, but you have traveled the world. I'm surprised your soul is still intact.
Yes... I am finding you more and more intriguing.
Bond Level 3
I'm starting to understand.
My balancing scales are meant to measure others, and I see that your mediocrity tends to make others worry over you.
Haha... You look so puzzled...
All that matters is that you never forget who you are. Nothing else.
Bond Level 4
I told you not to make me worry!
I am a goddess of judgment. Should the scales tip, I will need to make a ruling, even for you.
Well, uh...this is the first time I've wanted to not judge someone.
Bond Level 5
I give up! I submit!
My scales will not change, but I will side with you.
This is not a judgment... It's my own choice.
Until the day your journey ends...that's right, I'm not going to leave your side even if you try prying me away!
Conversation 1
Let's head out to investigate.
My scales are itching to go!
Conversation 2
That's right. It is my prerogative to stand above others.
But for the time being, I shall entrust my fate to you.
The stars whisper the same.
Conversation 3
Master and Servant relationship?
You do whatever you want.
I'll do what I want to do, too.
Conversation 4 (Ishtar)
I can't believe she takes joy in collecting those ugly old gemstones!
Well, one of these days, I will have to show her who is truly number one!
Conversation 5 (Ishtar (Rider))
Oh my, that goddess has a summer outfit!?
Then I have no choice!
Hurry up and procure a swimsuit for me, Master!
Conversation 6 (EMIYA)
Shero... Don't mind me, that name just popped out.
I'm sure that's not his name.
I actually don't know why it even popped in my head.
Conversation 7 (EMIYA (Alter))
He must be the end result of some ideal or other. I bet he intended to burn himself to ash.
Argh, this is still getting on my nerves!
I'm going to give him an earful!
Conversation 8 (Zhuge Liang (El-Melloi II))
That mage is an incessant nag and busybody. The only thing I'll give him is that he's a good teacher!
Conversation 9 (Quetzalcoatl / Quetzalcoatl (Samba/Santa))
I can't believe Quetzalcoatl is here too!
And she's a luchadora on top of that!?
I want a wrestling match with her!!!
Conversation 10 (Chloe von Einzbern / Illyasviel von Einzbern / Sitonai)
It's wonderful to see her fight so bravely...but don't you think she's too young?
Well with humanity so unstable, her pure innocence may be of help too, but that's what makes it so heartbreaking...
Conversation 11 (Miyu Edelfelt)
I don't know why, but I can't help but look at her.
Maybe I'll have her accompany me.
Conversation 12 (Gray)
Haha. So that one girl who wields the sacred lance is here too.
If the mood takes me, I'd like to take a stroll through the London we Rayshifted to.
What I like?
Let's see...
What would you think if I said I like taking what others see as precious?
That's not fitting for a goddess of justice, you say?
I'll have you know that justice can be harsher than evil at times.
I dislike anything that lacks pride.
Since there's no inherent meaning to life or death, pride is the very thing that gives us meaning.
About the Holy Grail
If you ask me what I would wish for on the Holy Grail, that would be difficult to answer.
After all, I already have everything I've ever wanted.
But if I had to choose, it would be something that could not be measured on my scales... Haha, Master, would you be able to give that to me one day?
During an Event
It looks like something is going on!
Come on! The world is waiting for my judgment!
It's your birthday, you say?
Well, I feel like I should offer my blessing on the day of your birth.
In fact, I might even consider putting my scales down...
I have come in answer to your summons.
I bring the judgment of the scales and the justice of the stars.
My name is Astraea, a terminal of all good in this entire realm.
Even as my Master, are you prepared to be measured?
Non-Limited -Available in the general summoning pool.

Future Banners

Banner (Add 2 years for NA Date)JP Period
[JP] Weekly Ruler Pickup
[JP] Weekly Ruler Pickup
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[JP] New Master Spring 2024 Pickup Summon (Daily)
[JP] New Master Spring 2024 Pickup Summon (Daily)
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[JP] Lostbelt No.5 Atlantis Pickup Summon 2
[JP] Lostbelt No.5 Atlantis Pickup Summon 2
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