
Hassan of the Cursed Arm

Hassan of the Cursed Arm
# 40
Lawful Evil
NPGainNP Gain
NPGainNP when Attacked (%)
NPGainStar Absorption
NPGainStar Generation per Hit
NPGainInstant Death Chance
Lv 1009,100
Lv 12010,717
Lv 10010,960
Lv 12012,889


Weak to Enuma Elish


Tag Icon
Crit Stars Up
Tag Icon
Self Crit Damage Up
Tag Icon
Self Evade
Tag Icon
Self Star Drop Rate Up
Tag Icon
ST Quick NP
Tag Icon
Instant Death
Tag Icon
Self ATK Up
Tag Icon
Self NP Gauge Up
Throw (Dagger) B
Gain Critical Stars.
Available from the start
Throw / Retrieve A

Gain Critical Stars. ▲ Apply delayed buff: Gain Critical Stars after 1 turn. ▲

Upgrade via Rank Up Quest
Self-Modification C
Increase own Critical Strength (3 turns).
Unlocks after 1st Ascension
Protection Against the Wind A
Apply Evade to self (3 times). Increase own Critical Star Drop Rate (3 turns).
Unlocks after 3rd Ascension

Append Skills

Extra Attack Boost
Increase own Extra Attack Card effectiveness.
Load Magical Energy
Begin battle with NP Gauge charged.
Anti-Lancer (ATK Up)
Deal extra Special ATK damage to [Lancer] class enemies.
Special Attack Technique Improvement
Increase own Critical Strength.
Skill Reload
When using a skill, reduce the cooldown for the skill by 1 turn for the first time the skill is used per battle (Only 1 time per skill). Lv 1-5: 1 skill Lv 6-9: 2 skills Lv10: 3 skills

Class Skills

Presence Concealment A+
Increase your Critical Star Drop Rate by 11%.

Noble Phantasm

Zabaniya (Cursed Arm)C
Deal significant damage to a single enemy.
High chance to inflict Death on a single enemy.
Zabaniya (Cursed Arm) (Upgrade 1)C+

Deal significant damage to a single enemy. ▲ If Instant Death activates, Increase own NP Gauge by 50%. ▲ If Instant Death activates, increase own ATK by 20% (3 turns). ▲

Upgrades after Rank Up 2. (Available 7/4/2023)
High chance to inflict Death on a single enemy.
Append Skill
Ascension + Skill

"My wish is for my name to echo throughout the ages."

An assassin in search of his own brand of immortality, Cursed Arm Hassan is the prime example of mastering one thing. He is comfortably one of the best cheap active Critical Star generators in the game and his low cost makes him a very good option for any Critical teams that require a consistent source of Critical Stars.

Due to his heavy Quick deck, 3 hit Quick cards, high Presence Concealment rank and both Throw (Dagger) and Protection Against the Wind to help out his Star Generation, Hassan of the Cursed Arm is remarkably consistent in the amount of stars he typically creates. Post Rank Up, his star generation capabilities are amplified even more, with his upgraded Throw/Recover skill generating stars for 2 turns on a very low base cooldown. He is also quite resilient thanks to his Protection Against the Wind, which is on the same level as Cu Chulainn's Protection from Arrows. Lastly, his NP Generation rate is rather impressive for a release Servant.

Sadly, outside of these particular niches Cursed Arm Hassan does not have much else to offer. Despite his good NP generation rate, his single hit ST NP doesn't actually hit hard. The Assassin class 0.9 modifiers, his bronze Attack stats, and his own lack of any steroids for his NP all inhibit his damage potential even if he can boost his critical damage through Self Modification C. His second main problem is the weakness of active star generation itself, with many support Servants and Craft Essences that grant passive star generation over time making his role often redundant.

Still, Hassan of the Cursed Arm is a great starter Assassin for new Masters who wish to dabble in creating critical-based teams. While his weak stats will eventually see him replaced in most rosters, the solid foundations of his kit will reward any Master who wishes to bestow some Holy Grails upon him.

ℹ️ Gameplay Tips

Cursed Arm Hassan's NP Overcharge has a scaling chance of Instant Death. Due to the mechanics of Instant Death, this effect will generally never occur against more powerful Monsters or enemy Servants. The percentage chance looks far more appealing than the reality portrays, as it is weighed against each enemy's Instant Death Resistance.

🟢 Strengths

Excellent Star Generation

With a heavy Quick card deck, good hit counts, high Presence Concealment rank and both Throw and Protection of the Wind granting critical stars directly and indirectly respectively, Cursed Arm greatly excels at making stars with which others can crit.

Impeccable Survivability

Protection Against the Wind is an incarnation of the fan-favorite hit-based Evasion skill line. It will not expire until all hits are exhausted, and Masters can activate it early so that by the time Cursed Arm is vulnerable again, he can activate it once more.

Good NP Generation

With high base NP Gain per hit, and 3 great Quick Cards, Cursed Arm can charge his NP rather quickly. With such a high base NP Gain, any Arts-led card chain will generate a significant portion of his NP bar, especially if his attacks crit.

🔴 Weaknesses

Poor Damage Output 

With no steroids other than Critical Damage, low base stats from his rarity, and Assassin class 0.9x modifiers, Cursed Arm Hassan's damage output is generally too poor to keep up with higher rarity options. Since active star generation requires a Servant to attack with Command Cards, this will eventually make him less appealing to alternatives.

Opportunity Cost of Active Star Generation

In time, Masters will level the skills of their supports (or borrow one) and acquire decent Craft Essences with Passive Critical Star Generation. Generally fielding or equipping one of these options grants the benefit of Star Generation without having to deal with the demerits of actively generating critical stars.

Level Up Skill Recommendations

Throw (Dagger) B
Gain Critical Stars.
Self-Modification C
Increase own Critical Strength (3 turns).
Protection Against the Wind A
Apply Evade to self (3 times). Increase own Critical Star Drop Rate (3 turns).

Cursed Arm's main role is not that of a damage dealer, but an enabler that aids the team through generating critical stars. Thus, Masters ideally level aspects of his kit that help with this role. Leveling his skills to 6 is highly recommend at least, as the reduced cooldowns greatly benefit his overall usefulness especially after his Rank Up.

  • Throw (Dagger) B is Cursed Arm's version of Intuition. While the cooldown is very short, the pre-Rank Up values are not quite good enough to justify leveling it first. After Rank Up though, it becomes a pretty good skill, capable of granting 30 critical stars over 2 turns on a 4 turn cooldown. Level this second.

  • Self-Modification C is Cursed Arm's main steroid. While the scaling and values are rather great, Cursed Arm is not built for damage nor will he do much of it even at max rank. Level this last unless Masters grail him and use him for offense, in which case Masters can level it second instead of Throw.

  • Protection Against the Wind A is an amazing survival skill with a very low cooldown at max rank. The added bonus to star generation will grant a few more critical stars indirectly, but it's hardly the main draw of the skill. To make Cursed Arm very sturdy indeed, level this first to 6, and perhaps 10.

🖼️ Craft Essence Recommendations

While Cursed Arm may not be built for damage, his own access to Critical Star Generation and multitude of Quick Cards will greatly reward Masters who equip him with Quick Performance Up effects. For Masters who wish more Critical Stars were available, Passive Critical Star CEs are actually more useful than further boosting his active critical star generation. Lastly, Starting NP Gauge does actually work decently, as Cursed Arm can still do enough damage to kill a strong wave 2 opponent in many cases.

  • Imaginary Around / Gandr / The Verdant Black Keys: The basic Quick options will do an admirable job in most situations, but are not as specialized compared to the following options

  • The Classic Three Great Heroes / Fortress of the Sun: As Cursed Arm is not as reliant on his NP to do his job, he will generally appreciate stronger permanent effects on his hybrid CEs at the cost of a smaller amount of Starting NP Gauge.

  • Knight of Marines / Someday in Summer: The standard Quick hybrid CE options will work pretty well for destroying second wave enemies.

  • A Fragment of 2030 / Hot Spring Under the Moon: The constant stars generated passively will be more beneficial than boosting Cursed Arm's star generation directly.
Analysis by:

Interlude Quests

Chapter Completion:Septem
Chapter Completion:
Chapter Completion:Fuyuki
Instant Death Chance44
Damage Distribution Quick16,33,51
Damage Distribution Arts33,67
Damage Distribution Buster100
Damage Distribution Extra12,25,63
Damage Distribution NP100


Bond Lv12345678910
Bond EXP3,0006,1256,1256,1256,125212,500236,000239,000245,000250,000
Shaytan's Arm
Shaytan's Arm
When equipped on Hassan of the Cursed Arm, Increase Death Rate of all allies' instant death attacks by 20% while on the field.
IllustratorTask Ohna
Seiyuu (CV)Tetsu Inada
AKA/Alias/NicknamesTrue Assassin, Cursed Arm Hassan, Uncle Hassan
Country/Place of OriginPersia (Iran)
SeriesFate/stay night
Release Date (NA)Game Launch



Valentine's CE

Hassan's Throw
Hassan's Throw

Profile Entries

Character Info

A skeletal assassin. The leader of a cult of assassins based in the Middle East. AKA "The Old Man of the Mountain." One of the leaders of the legendary group of Nizari whose name would later become the root word for the English "assassin." There are 19 Old Men of the Mountain, each with their own abilities.

Profile 1

Height/Weight: 215cm, 62kg Origin: Middle East, Old Man of the Mountain Region: Middle East Alignment: Lawful-Evil Gender: Male Height includes modified portions of the body.

Profile 2

He has a creepy visage, with a skull mask, a black robe, and a stick for a right hand. The face under the skull mask has been scraped off, leaving him faceless. In succeeding the name "Hassan-i Sabbah," everything he had as an individual had been thrown away.

Profile 3

He cannot be called a good man, but he is faithful to his Master's orders. He never betrays the one acknowledged as Master no matter how terrible the situation gets. He silently obeys orders even if they are somewhat unreasonable. He deems killing as his role or his obligation, and does not feel much grief or pleasure from it.

Profile 4

[Zabaniya] Rank: C NP Type: Anti-Personnel Delusional Heartbeat. Cursed arm. The arm of evil spirit Shaytan, it excels in cursing humans to death. Using a block of ether and a mirror image of the assassination target, it creates a secondary existence which affects the actual target. By crushing the fake image that resonates with the assassination target, he curses the target to death without laying a finger on the actual target.

Profile 5

Presence Concealment: A+ Conceals all presence as a Servant. Ideal for covert operations. Almost impossible to detect if he completely conceals his presence. However, if he readies to attack, the rank of Presence Concealment greatly diminishes.

Profile 6

People are not what they seem. Speaking to him, one can tell that he prizes the reason behind things, and believes social order is good. His powers as a Heroic Spirit aside, he is undoubtedly top tier as a retainer.

Voice Lines

Battle Start 1
I shall kill it swiftly.
Battle Start 2
I'll show you the skill of an Assassin.
Skill 1
The darkness is my ally.
Skill 2
Can someone as slow as you see through this?
Command Card 1
Command Card 2
Command Card 3
Allow me.
Noble Phantasm Card
I understand.
Attack 1
Ha ha ha...
Attack 2
Extra Attack
Scatter into a thousand pieces!
Noble Phantasm
Human souls are insubstantial things.
Writhe in agony!
Damage 1
If it keeps going like this!
Damage 2
Incapacitated 1
Incapacitated 2
No... This can't...happen...
Victory 1
Not even a challenge.
Victory 2
To die and leave a corpse, how shameful.
Level up
Ha ha ha...
Ascension 1
I'm surprised too... I didn't think it was still a possibility...
Ascension 2
Good. Very good.
Ascension 3
I'm thankful, Master. You are my shining star.
Ascension 4
Wow! So this is my body!
Dance in the night, sneak in the shadows, and vanquish evil!
You are the greatest Master, Lord Mage.
Bond Level 1
We are but one part of a ruthless clan of assassins.
If you have any dirty work that needs to be done, don't hesitate to ask.
Bond Level 2
Even if it's for the Grail, fighting day after day must be exhausting.
Lord Mage, you must take some time to rest.
Bond Level 3
Ha ha ha.
I saw the opportunity, so I cleaned the workshop for you, Lord Mage!
Bond Level 4
My wish is for my name to echo throughout the ages.
It wouldn't be an impossible wish for you either, Lord Mage.
Bond Level 5
I truly desire for my name to echo throughout the ages.
However, I understand that the battle at hand takes priority.
Master, I may have been born solely to protect you.
Conversation 1
I regret nothing!
It is time for us to meet our deaths, Lord Mage!
Conversation 2
What is wrong, Lord Mage?
Conversation 3
Master and Servant is a relationship built on trust. Leave the fighting to me.
Conversation 5 (Hassan of the Hundred Personas)
I might not be particularly talented, but I believe I'm a jack of all trades.
I much prefer to be "not very strong." It's better.
Conversation 6 (Hassan of the Serenity)
I never thought a girl like this would be here...
If you ask me, the Old Man of the Mountain's rules are strict...
Things I like? Hmm... I like a place where I can relax, such as a clean room.
Things I hate? Disployal and immoral people who are driven by righteous indignation.
About the Holy Grail
I care not the origin of the Holy Grail. As long as it grants my wish, that's all that matters.
During an Event
The scent of death is thick in the air.
Birthday? So you actually remember the day you were born?
Assassin-class Servant. I heard your call from the shadows.
Non-Limited -Available in the general summoning pool.