
Astolfo (Saber)

Astolfo (Saber)
# 270
Chaotic Good
NPGainNP Gain
NPGainNP when Attacked (%)
NPGainStar Absorption
NPGainStar Generation per Hit
NPGainInstant Death Chance
Lv 10012,801
Lv 12015,025
Lv 10015,609
Lv 12018,345


Heaven or Earth
Weak to Enuma Elish
Feminine Appearance
Bunny Servant


Tag Icon
Self NP Regen
Self Debuff Clear
Tag Icon
Self NP Gauge Up
Tag Icon
Crit Stars Up
Tag Icon
Tag Icon
Tag Icon
Self Evade
Tag Icon
Self ATK Up
Tag Icon
Self Crit Damage Up
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Self Star Gather Rate Up (Buster)
Tag Icon
ST Quick NP
Tag Icon
NP Seal
Tag Icon
Self Quick Up
Declaration of Destruction C
Gain NP Gauge each turn for yourself (3 turns). Remove own Debuffs.
Available from the start
Declaration of Destruction (Strong) B+

Gain NP Gauge each turn for yourself (3 turns).
Remove own Debuffs. Increase own NP Gauge. ▲ Gain Critical Stars. ▲

Upgrades after Interlude 1. (Available 6/15/2023)
La Black Luna C
Apply Terror to all enemies (3 turns) - chance to inflict Stun at the end of each turn; debuff removed when Stun succeeds. Apply Evade to self (3 times, 3 turns).
Unlocks after 1st Ascension
Majestic Triumphant Return EX
Increase own ATK (3 turns). Increase own Critical Strength (3 turns). Increase own Buster Card Star Gather Rate (3 turns).
Unlocks after 3rd Ascension

Append Skills

Extra Attack Boost
Increase own Extra Attack Card effectiveness.
Load Magical Energy
Begin battle with NP Gauge charged.
Anti-Rider (ATK Up)
Deal extra Special ATK damage to [Rider] class enemies.
Special Attack Technique Improvement
Increase own Critical Strength.
Skill Reload
When using a skill, reduce the cooldown for the skill by 1 turn for the first time the skill is used per battle (Only 1 time per skill). Lv 1-5: 1 skill Lv 6-9: 2 skills Lv10: 3 skills

Class Skills

Magic Resistance A
Increase your Debuff Resist by 20%.
Riding A
Increase your Quick Card effectiveness by 10%.

Noble Phantasm

Vulcano CaligoranteB
Deal significant damage to a single enemy. Inflict NP Seal to a single enemy (1 turn).
Increase Quick Card effectiveness (3 turns). [Activates first]
Append Skill
Ascension + Skill

“Why? I have no idea.”

After years of clamoring for a true bunny girl, the Fate Gods answer and gave us… Astolfo. As a Single Target Quick Saber Servant, Astolfo serves to blow up their enemies in a quick and efficient manner. They’re best served on teams looking for a high-HP boss killer.

As a Single Target damage dealer, Astolfo’s main goal is to kill enemies, and they do so with effective ease. They have one of the highest single target bursts of all characters with Riding A’s passive combined with an Attack boost on Majestic Triumphant Return EX and an overcharge on their Noble Phantasm which buffs their Quick attacks before doing damage. A combination of their La Black Luna C’s evasions and Declaration of Destruction C’s debuff cleanse also makes them quite durable against incoming damage. What really makes them shine is Declaration of Destruction’s charging skill, which allows them to use better CEs than their competition and hence do more damage.

While cute as a bunny girl, Astolfo as a Saber has some pretty severe weaknesses. For one, they have poor self-synergy, such as having a skill which boosts Critical Star Gather for their Buster cards when they only have one. They also have an RNG skill in La Black Luna. Their NP gain is also a little lackluster, having poor hit counts on their Quick cards.

All in all, Astolfo serves as a rather vanilla damage dealer and could be a good addition to a team lacking a single target Saber. They work well for larger HP final bosses, and also provide some measure of utility for challenge quests with their debuff clear, stun, and NP Seal capabilities. As a plus, they’re a bunny girl. But for those waiting for a true bunny girl, you’ll have to wait for Scathach’s costume.

🟢 Strengths

Charge Skill

Unlike Astolfo’s most comparable counterpart in Okita Souji, Astolfo has access to a 20% per turn charge. This skill not only allows quick access to Noble Phantasms, but also to use more efficient CEs for less cost. For instance, with a Skadi and a Mage’s Association Mystic Code, Astolfo could fire off a Noble Phantasm turn 3 with a Black Grail CE, without considering any other sources of NP charge. 


Astolfo has high damage thanks to their attack up skill and Quick up overcharge. Combined with Quick typing which allows external Skadi support, they can really pack a punch with their hits. Unfortunately, this is burst damage as their lack of an effective gather skill or star creation skill until their interlude makes them a less-than-optimal sustain. Although they have a Buster Card Star Gather skill, their card set only has a single Buster card, which in practice makes it less likely to be applicable.


Astolfo really makes sure they don’t get hit. Their 3-hit 3-turn evasion skill acts as a stronger-than-usual hard counter against damage, and even if they avoid it for a turn they still have it on for the next. They also have Terror on skill 2, which gives a chance of avoiding all damage from an enemy for a turn via Stun, as well as a Debuff cleanse on skill 1 to take care of any debuff-related problems. To add to these, whenever they use their Noble Phantasm, its NP Seal effect ensures the enemy cannot counter with a Noble Phantasm of their own. 

🔴 Weaknesses

Poor Synergy

Astolfo’s skills are all over the place. Some boost Noble Phantasm gauge and attack, and others boost Critical performance, but they typically do not work together making Astolfo (Saber) a Jack of all trades and master of none. Most notably is how they have a skill to boost Criticals and gather stars to their Buster card, yet they only have a single Buster card. Astolfo also unfortunately cannot guarantee stars on a turn until after their skill upgrade.

Chance-Based Skill

Terror is one of the worst debuffs in the game as it is only a chance of happening each turn and never occurs the first turn it is used. The chance at maximum level is only 40%, so Masters relying on it to succeed will often be disappointed, and it may  fail to proc at the worst possible time.

Low NP Card Gain

While Astolfo’s Noble Phantasm and charge skills give fairly good regeneration, their cards are not particularly impressive with respect to NP Gain. Their two Arts cards are standard and their Quick card has low hit counts, which further contributes to their mediocre card NP Gain.

Level Up Skill Recommendations

Declaration of Destruction C
Gain NP Gauge each turn for yourself (3 turns). Remove own Debuffs.
La Black Luna C
Apply Terror to all enemies (3 turns) - chance to inflict Stun at the end of each turn; debuff removed when Stun succeeds. Apply Evade to self (3 times, 3 turns).
Majestic Triumphant Return EX
Increase own ATK (3 turns). Increase own Critical Strength (3 turns). Increase own Buster Card Star Gather Rate (3 turns).

A Master looking to make the best use of Astolfo will attempt to improve their Noble Phantasm’s damage as much as possible, given that their NP is arguably one of the greatest assets Astolfo offers over other competition in the ST Saber roster. Their skill selections should be based solely upon how hard the Noble Phantasm hits as well as how fast they can use it with as minimal effort as required.

  • Declaration of Destruction C is an absolutely massive NP gain skill, giving Astolfo access to a 40% charge by the start of turn 3. With outside support, this charge can effectively allow them to use their Noble Phantasm with any CE they choose even if they don’t get the right cards. Getting this charge up to max is crucial and should be done first by all Masters. Its ability to remove debuffs is rather niche and not commonly used, but nice when the situation calls for it.
  • La Black Luna C provides a powerful evasion of 3-hits and 3-turns, such that even if Astolfo gets hit they still are safe the following turn. Its terror skill is not reliable, only giving a small chance to stun an enemy each turn for three turns. Leveling it only levels the stun chance a trivial amount, so this skill can be safely ignored for leveling purposes aside from improving its cooldown. 
  • Majestic Triumphant Return EX provides Attack up, Critical Up, and Critical Gather for Buster cards up buffs for Astolfo. None of the three buffs are particularly strong, and the Critical parts have minimal synergy with the rest of Astolfo’s kit until the first skill’s interlude upgrade. Masters should level this second to take advantage of the attack up and use it with Astolfo’s Noble Phantasm. It can be left at lower levels if necessary if Masters are missing materials. 

🖼️ Craft Essence Recommendations

Thanks to Astolfo’s first skill, they should mainly try to concentrate on damage via NP Damage Up CEs. Lacking that, a Mixed Damage / Starting Gauge CE will give them quick and easy access to their Noble Phantasm on the usually boss-containing turn 3. Masters may wish to give them a Starting NP Gauge CE to give them earlier access to their NP, but these typically are worse options than Mixed CEs for a charger like Astolfo.

  • The Black Grail: Most Masters will want to use Astolfo’s skill 1 on turn 1. This would mean on turn 2 they have 20% charge, and on turn 3 they have 40%. As a Skadi can provide a 50% charge and 10% Charges are much easier to find, this would allow them to give a super-boosted Noble Phantasm on turn 3.
  • Knights of Marines / Holy Night Supper / Golden Sumo: Boulder Tournament: Mixed CEs work well for Astolfo since their skill can help fill in any remaining gauge. Knight of the Marines is especially good in MLB form as it begins at 60% charge so the 2 turns of charging will lead to a filled gauge. 
  • Kaleidoscope / The Imaginary Element / Dragon’s Meridian: It is always good to have a starting NP charge, although due to the nature of Astolfo’s charge skill, these will prove to be less effective.

Interlude Quests

Chapter Completion:Fuyuki
Skill 1
GrowthReverse S
Instant Death Chance24.5
Damage Distribution Quick16,33,51
Damage Distribution Arts16,33,51
Damage Distribution Buster10,20,30,40
Damage Distribution Extra3,7,10,14,17,21,28
Damage Distribution NP2,4,6,8,11,13,15,17,24


Bond Lv12345678910
Bond EXP1,5002,2503,0003,7504,500245,000280,000300,000330,000436,000
Leaving Behind the Sword for a Moment
Leaving Behind the Sword for a Moment
When equipped on Astolfo (Saber), Increases own NP Damage by 30%. Increases own Critical Damage of Buster Cards by 100% for 3 turns
IllustratorOtotsugu Konoe
Seiyuu (CV)Rumi Okubo
Country/Place of OriginFrance
SeriesFate/Grand Order
Release Date (JP)11/27/2019
Release Date (NA)12/14/2021



Valentine's CE

Chewy Kagami Mochi Chocolate
Chewy Kagami Mochi Chocolate
Bunny Ears!
Bunny Ears!

Profile Entries

Character Info

Could it be...? Impossible...! A Saber Astolfo!? There is absolutely no rhyme or reason to any of this, but it seems he's manifested as the class touted to be the very best.. Yeah! See that? Woohoo!

Profile 1

Height/Weight: 164cm, 56kg Origin: Legend of Charlemagne Region: France Alignment: Chaotic-Good Gender: ??? Per Astolfo's request, their gender is a secret.

Profile 2

Astolfo technically has the right to manifest as a Saber since they were a member of the Twelve Paladins of Charlemagne. But since Astolfo was considered to be one of the weakest amongst the knights, it appears there weren't many people eccentric enough to want to summon Astolfo even as a treasured Saber.

Profile 3

Astolfo's alignment remains Chaotic-Good, so if you really think about it, it's still the same Astolfo, just carrying a sword. While at essence a Rider, Astolfo has abilities that are slightly improved due to wielding a sword. As a Saber, Astolfo's knightliness seems to have increased, which allows for about a five percent increase in politeness and sanity retention for about five seconds longer. It also means bowing five degrees lower and gripping your hand five times firmer when shaking it as well.

Profile 4

[Vulcano Caligorante] Rank: B NP Type: Anti-Personnel Range: 1 - 5 Maximum Target: 1 The Lucky Capturing Net. A net that is said to have the ability to capture even gods, set by the giant Caligorante. At least that was what it was supposed to be, but Caligorante hears the trumpet of Astolfo's magical horn and flees in fear, ironically falling into his own net. After far too many complications to note here, the net was reforged into a sword when Astolfo became a Saber. The blade is also known as a whip-sword or a chain-linked sword, which is the dream of all warriors.

Profile 5

[Crazy Trip Drive Idol] Rank: B+ NP Type: Anti-Personnel Range: 0 - 99 Maximum Target: 1 Irrational Idol Going Berserk. A sealed secondary Noble Phantasm. This Noble Phantasm can call upon Hippogriff's power when summoned as a Rider. It's everywhere yet nowhere, and its imaginary existence confuses the enemy. In this particular case, Astolfo not only creates many clones, but also creates uncertainty about whether they are truly there or not, enabling a form of evasion. Making matters worse, after enough time passes, the Astolfo clones multiply exponentially, leaving almost a hundred Astolfos running amok... The idea of a hundred Astolfos chanting and screaming as if at a concert is, to some Servants, a nightmare.

Profile 6

It all started during the 2021 Christmas event. After Astolfo took the wish-granting device, the Holy Grail (bell), from Nightingale, their subconscious desire to become a Saber was inadvertently granted. But once Nightingale obtained the Holy Grail, Astolfo lost the power of a Saber. Feeling sorry for Astolfo, Nightingale turned them back to a Saber, and thus Astolfo Saber was officially born. Perhaps not surprisingly, the first thing Astolfo wanted to do the moment they turned back into a Saber was to shout the following to Master: "I am your sword!" They really wanted to say that with their head held high as a Saber. Yeah...that's pretty much their entire motivation for becoming a Saber in the first place.

Voice Lines

Battle Start 1
It's time to start!
Battle Start 2
Okay, I hope my swordsmanship is acceptable... You think it's good? Me too!
Battle Start 3
Yep, I'm gonna do it! I'll show you my powered up swordsmanship! Not that I have any real reason to say it's powered up!
Battle Start (Christmas Event)
Merry Christmas! I'm Astolfo, but I'm different from the Astolfo who thinks they're Santa! Do you think I'm having an identity crisis?
Skill 1
I'm gonna do it! I'm gonna do it!
Skill 2
How about this?
Skill 3
Skill 4
Command Card 1
Command Card 2
Command Card 3
'Kay 'kay!
Noble Phantasm Card 1
It's time to show off my killer technique!
Noble Phantasm Card 2
I hope I won't get tangled up!
Noble Phantasm Card 3
Sword of Caligorante, let's go!
Noble Phantasm Card 4
The giant's been captured!
Attack 1
Here goes!
Attack 2
Attack 3
Going for the chest!
Attack 4
'Kay 'kay!
Attack 5
Wind them up!
Attack 6
Let's grind them up!
Extra Attack 1
Tornado attaaack!
Extra Attack 2
Spinning round and round!
Throw 'em while I laugh!
Extra Attack 3
I'm spinning it more than usual!
Extra Attack (Christmas Event)
It's a Christmas present. Here you go!
Noble Phantasm 1
Even bunnies who stare up at the moon sometimes lose their reason! It's time to catch the violent giant and march onward!
Let's go!
Vulcano Caligorante!
Noble Phantasm 2
The moonlit beauty dances and scatters sweetly!
I'll tie 'em up again and again!
Yep! I'm so cool!
Vulcano Caligorante!
Noble Phantasm 3
I'm dancing! I'm tying them up!
I'm attacking! Ready...go!
Is my awesome pose totally cool and cute!?
Wait a minute...what was the name of my Noble Phantasm again!?
Ack! I'm out of time!
Damage 1
Ow ow ow ow...! Stop, stop!
Damage 2
Damage 3
Incapacitated 1
Unnngh...I didn't reach the moon... Bummer.
Incapacitated 2
I failed! It's okay, let's move on!
Incapacitated 3
Nine miles to the moon is too far away... (Sigh)
Victory 1
Yay! We won, we won! Heh heh... Gimme a reward, Master!
Victory 2
Did you see that!? Victory for Astolfo! Huh, what's that? No, I didn't copy anyone's catchphrase! No, you got it all wrong!
Victory 3
Boing boing boooing! Huh? You're wondering what I'm doing? I'm in good spirits, so I'm hopping!
Level up
Woo woo, level up!
Make me stronger, okay?♡
Ascension 1
Costume change!
I threw on a jacket. Does it look good on me?
Heh heh. Adding something new here to the bunny is such a devilish move!
Aw man, I'm so cute!
You'd call something like this hoppin' cute, right?
Ascension 2
No change!
Heh. Were you looking forward to my costume change?
Ascension 3
I'm not going for a devilish look this time, but an angel in a white apron!
Maybe I'll chase a bunny carrying a pocket watch on my way to go see the queen!
Ascension 4
Master! The fact that you raised my weak self to this point meansthat you have some attachment to me, right!?
Then I'll reciprocate that feeling!
I'm going to try my best to show you how capable I am, just like a Saber should be♡
Bond Level 1
Master, Master! Let's play!
Bond Level 2
Whoa, Master. Did you need something from me?
If not, then let's go play! Come on, let's go!
Bond Level 3
Yep, yep. You really do love me!
I know, I know. I can totally see through those feelings because I'm a paladin!
Bond Level 4
Meow meow meow meow!?
I guess it's weird for me to meow when I'm not a cat.
But I'll have you know, Master, you have to wait longer after you knock!
Even I need some time to brace myself!
Bond Level 4 (2)
Huh? You're asking me about this sword?
It's the very sword I used to capture Caligorante!
Wasn't it a net in my legend, you ask?
See, you split it here to use it.
Fufufu. I totally get it. A gimmick like this really is exciting!
Bond Level 5
Right now, you're my king.
I declare my most sincere loyalty to you...and I'm spicing it up with love!
I'm gonna make your heart race, and leave you at the mercy of my every whim!
Conversation 1
Hey, hey, Master, Master!
Let's go out! Let's go!!!
Let's play! Come on!
Conversation 2
Master and Servant relationship?
Hmmm, hmmm, hmmm???
Forget it. I'm not gonna think about it!
Conversation 3
The relationship between us?
That's something for you to decide.
Whatever floats your boat!
Conversation 4 (Bradamante)
Oh hey, it's Bradamante!
It's! The beautiful knight, Astolfo!
Ha! I'm a Saber this time around!
Huh? You're asking where Hippogriff is?
Uh...Hippogriff is...
Ah! I forgot to bring him along when I got summoned!
Conversation 5 (Astolfo)
Whoa, it's me!
Wow, wow, wow!!!
I'm sooo cute!
Hm. I'm just impossibly cute whether I'm a Rider or Saber. Ha-ha!
Conversation 6 (Anne Bonny & Mary Read (Rider or Archer))
Mn! I sense the presence of a bunny! They're bunnies, but pirates!?
That's not fair!
Oh, but, I'm a knight and a bunny too.
Fine! I'm not gonna let them outdo me!
Conversation 7 (Jaguar Warrior)
It's a beast!!! A jaguar!!!
Waaahhh! Don't come near me!!!
Conversation 8 (Nursery Rhyme)
Hm? You want me to carry around a pocket watch?
Because I'll be like a character from a children's story? Sure thing!
But then again, I don't really mind being late and stuff!
Huh? Never mind?
That's a bummer.
What I like...
I like not thinking!
As a Saber, I have reason!
And that's why thinking is such a drag!
What I don't like...
Making swift decisions and move instinctually with no worry about reason...
That's me!
About the Holy Grail
The Holy Grail...
There's no stopping me from naming everything I want, so I'll leave the decision to you, Master!
During an Event
Master, Master, it's an event! An event!
It's important. It's critical.
Come on, let's head out!
What!? Today is the day Master was born!?
We need to celebrate!
I'm going to call everyone in Chaldea, so hold on a minute!
Hey everyoneee!!!
Wahaha! Waah hahaha! I'm here! I'm finally here!
Class: Saber. Astolfo!
I'm telling you, I'm really the most valuable Saber!
For you, I'll go anywhere!
Ahem. Anyway, take good care of me, my loving Master!
Christmas 2021: Nightingale's Christmas Carol 1
Yahoo! It's Christmas!
I feel like I'm on cloud nine... I might actually hit the moon!
Now come on, hurry up and make exchanges!
Tick-tock, tick-tock♪
Christmas 2021: Nightingale's Christmas Carol 2
Christmas is the season of presents.
Spinning the roulette round and round is what life's all about!
Just be careful not to hold your phone up while you're laying down and accidentally drop it on your face!
Christmas 2021: Nightingale's Christmas Carol 3
Here you go!
Um, so I'm supposed to take their hand and give them the items...
Here! Squeeze!
Christmas 2021: Nightingale's Christmas Carol 4
Okay, okay. Let's make all your efforts take shape!
Keep on taking them away!
Christmas 2021: Nightingale's Christmas Carol 5
You sure have brought a bunch. Good, good.
Do you want me to pat your head? Want a hug?
Or how about a s-l-a-p?
Wait. That doesn't sound right.
Um... What was it...? Slap...slap...ow...
A lap hippo?
Limited -Can only be summoned during certain events

Future Banners

Banner (Add 2 years for NA Date)JP Period
[JP] FGO Summer 2026 Pickup 2 Summon (Daily)
[JP] FGO Summer 2026 Pickup 2 Summon (Daily)
Banner Type: Single