
Leonardo da Vinci (Ruler)

Leonardo da Vinci (Ruler)
# 320
Lawful Summer
NPGainNP Gain
NPGainNP when Attacked (%)
NPGainStar Absorption
NPGainStar Generation per Hit
NPGainInstant Death Chance
Lv 10011,087
Lv 12013,018
Lv 10014,254
Lv 12016,752


Summer Form


Tag Icon
Quick Support
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Arts Support
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Buster Support
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NP Gauge Support
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NP Gain Support
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NP Damage Support
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Overcharge Support
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Crit Rate Down
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ST Buster NP
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Crit Stars Up
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ATK Support
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Self NP Damage Up
Dreaming Machine A
Increase Quick Card effectiveness for an ally (3 turns). Increase Arts Card effectiveness for an ally (3 turns). Increase Buster Card effectiveness for an ally (3 turns).
Available from the start
Treasure Checker B
Increase NP Gauge for an ally. Increase NP Gain for an ally.
Unlocks after 1st Ascension
Shining at Twilight EX
Increase NP Strength for all allies (3 turns). Increase NP Overcharge Level by 1 for all allies (1 turn). Decrease Critical Rate for all enemies (3 turns).
Unlocks after 3rd Ascension

Append Skills

Extra Attack Boost
Increase own Extra Attack Card effectiveness.
Load Magical Energy
Begin battle with NP Gauge charged.
Anti-Alter Ego (ATK Up)
Deal extra Special ATK damage to [Alter Ego] class enemies.
Special Attack Technique Improvement
Increase own Critical Strength.
Skill Reload
When using a skill, reduce the cooldown for the skill by 1 turn for the first time the skill is used per battle (Only 1 time per skill). Lv 1-5: 1 skill Lv 6-9: 2 skills Lv10: 3 skills

Class Skills

Riding EX
Increase your Quick Card effectiveness by 12%.
Item Construction A
Increase your Debuff Chance Rate by 10%.
Magic Resistance B
Increase your Debuff Resist by 17.5%.

Noble Phantasm

Dinosaur Summer GoodbyeA
Deal damage to a single enemy. 33% Chance (Green Bullet) to gain 30 Critical Stars. 33% Chance (Blue Bullet) to increase NP Gauge for all allies by 20%. 33% Chance (Red Bullet) to increase ATK for all allies by 20% (3 turns).
Increase own NP Strength (1 turn) [Activates first].
Append Skill
Ascension + Skill

“Da Vinci-chan, here I go!”

After many years of receiving quests from Da Vinci in her many forms, at long last she has agreed to come to our Chaldea without having to spend a single Saint Quartz. As the first free Welfare Single Target Damage Dealing and Support Ruler, Da Vinci truly shines as a benefit for newer masters and perhaps a budget option for older ones.

Da Vinci’s main strengths lie in being a jack of all trades. First, she’s an excellent support Servant, capable of giving damage boosts to a single ally through Dreaming Machine, NP damage boosts to the entire party through Shining at Twilight, and help with looping with Treasure Checker. She also has a fairly decent Noble Phantasm, doing significant damage. Furthermore, she’s rather bulky and tough to bring down.

Unfortunately, none of her skills particularly stand out. They are all at rather low modifiers, so for experienced Masters there are often better options to support the team in each role. She also lacks a hard defense, having to rely entirely on her HP pool to keep her alive. Furthermore, her Noble Phantasm’s bonus effects are entirely random so cannot be relied upon or built around.

For a new Master, Da Vinci Ruler is an excellent Servant to build a team around, especially due to her access to coins through the event to unlock her Append skills and perhaps extra damage. But, as she does not have the super-cute ice skates of her Rider counterpart, she’s nowhere near as appealing. 

🟢 Strengths

Excellent Support

Da Vinci Ruler was made for support. For one, she has a nice triple-card boost for a single ally which lasts for three turns, supporting any type of Servant. To add to that, her Noble Phantasm damage up is a rare but powerful steroid for the entire team, typically with multiplicative effects to those on the field when cast. Add to that a targeted charge with NP gain rate up to aid with looping and we have a Servant capable of every offensive-related support. 

Decent Damage

Da Vinci Ruler has easy access to NP5 as well as a full 480 coins from her event. This gives Masters the potential to unlock her Append 2 skill, and if they wish, grail her all the way to level 120. Even without that, she does a fairly large chuck on damage which can easily be boosted with other supports, even at neutral Ruler levels. 


Da Vinci Ruler is exactly that: a Ruler. Taking half damage from every main class, she will be able to take a couple of hits without issue.

🔴 Weaknesses

Jack of All Trades, Master of None

Most strong support Servants have something special about them such as a 50% card type up or a 50% charge. Da Vinci Ruler has mediocre numbers on everything, allowing her to support all types of other units, but never turn them into superstars. 

No Hard Defense

Nothing in Da Vinci Ruler’s kit allows her to avoid damage in any way. Further, she is typically run with supports who don’t provide a hard invulnerability or an evasion either, meaning she is going to take damage from Noble Phantasms. 

Random Noble Phantasm 

Da Vinci Ruler’s Noble Phantasm gives excellent buffs, be it a powerful 3-turn attack up, a boatload of stars, or a charge for the party. Unfortunately, which one is chosen at random and cannot be relied upon. This further complicates things as the attack up is best at the start of the chain, which a charge is best at the end. 

Level Up Skill Recommendations

Dreaming Machine A
Increase Quick Card effectiveness for an ally (3 turns). Increase Arts Card effectiveness for an ally (3 turns). Increase Buster Card effectiveness for an ally (3 turns).
Treasure Checker B
Increase NP Gauge for an ally. Increase NP Gain for an ally.
Shining at Twilight EX
Increase NP Strength for all allies (3 turns). Increase NP Overcharge Level by 1 for all allies (1 turn). Decrease Critical Rate for all enemies (3 turns).

All of Da Vinci’s skills are designed around support. Whether using her as the main damage dealer or a support, she will want to cast all her skills on the first turn on whoever is doing the damage. They all benefit from max level, but Treasure Checker is the only one which has to be maxed.

  • Dreaming Machine A gives a 20% boost to every type of card to a single ally for 3-turns. It’s a rather vanilla skill, but far better than an attack up as these also boost the benefits from these cards such as NP gain on Arts cards. This should be leveled last as it only applies to a single target, and can be left at level 6 or 9 safely as it only provides small boosts per level. 
  • Treasure Checker B gives both a 20% charge and a NP gain rate boost to a single ally. This skill is crucial to aid Masters trying to loop other Servants with Da Vinci Ruler, and is used to get their refunds going. As charges can make or break setups, this should be leveled first and to max.
  • Shining at Twilight EX gives a team-wide NP damage boost while also increasing overcharge for that given turn. For some Servants, this overcharge boost can be incredibly damaging such as with supereffective damage situations. The NP damage boost is further a benefit if Oberon is in the mix as it will be doubled turn three by him. This skill also gives a critical rate down on enemies, but this likely will not come into play. Level this second, but it can be safely left at level 9 if missing materials.

🖼️ Craft Essence Recommendations

If a Master is planning to use Da Vinci as a DPS, her Craft Essence selections are the traditional Noble Phantasm Damage Up and Mixed Starting Gauge / Damage CEs. However, as a support she benefits significantly for the team with Star Generation CEs and Bond / Event CEs, or potentially Starting NP Gauge CEs to get an initial support burst out with her Noble Phantasm.

  • The Black Grail: Like all damage dealers, a Black Grail boosts her damage the most possible. Note that the demerit is not halved by her Ruler classing.
  • Aerial Drive / Holy Night Supper / Golden Sumo: Boulder Tournament / Partake with the King / Starry Nights: Giving Da Vinci a strong starting charge can allow her to access her Noble Phantasm earlier for both damage and support.
  • Fragment of 2030 / Golden Catches the Carp: Da Vinci’s only major problem with support is no guaranteed way to drop stars, so this allows her to do so.
  • Chaldea Lunchtime / Chaldea Teatime: As a support, Da Vinci doesn’t really need a CE to function, so she may become a CE holder for bond EXP or events.
  • Kaleidoscope: Alternatively, Masters may want to use her Noble Phantasm early for whatever random beneficial effect it can give. With a 20% starting charge from her Append 2, this will allow instant access even without a MLB.
Analysis by: Meliran
GrowthReverse S
Instant Death Chance21
Damage Distribution Quick16,33,51
Damage Distribution Arts16,33,51
Damage Distribution Buster16,33,51
Damage Distribution Extra16,33,51
Damage Distribution NP16,33,51


Bond Lv12345678910
Bond EXP2,5003,7505,0006,25010,000232,500240,000270,500309,500410,000
Summer Adventure Memory
Summer Adventure Memory
When equipped on Leonardo da Vinci (Ruler), Increase Quick, Arts and Buster cards effectiveness of all allies by 8% when she is on the field.
Seiyuu (CV)Maaya Sakamoto
AKA/Alias/NicknamesDa Vinci Summer
SeriesFate/Grand Order
Release Date (JP)09/08/2021
Release Date (NA)08/31/2023



Valentine's CE

Chaldea Summer Order
Chaldea Summer Order

Profile Entries

Character Info

Adventure's in the air this summer! And with that prediction, Da Vinci in her young girl form obtained a swimsuit Spirit Origin. She has researched and pored over countless past event records, and now she is ready to enjoy this excursion to the fullest.

Profile 1

Height/Weight: 144cm, 36.5kg Origin: History, Fate/Grand Order Region: 2019 Antarctica Alignment: Lawful-Summer Gender: Young Girl-Type Her True Name is Gran Cavallo (after the large horse sculpture Leonardo never completed).

Profile 2

Though she may have a swimsuit Spirit Origin now, she's still the same young girl-type Da Vinci she always was. Although her class has changed from Rider to Ruler, her personality seems to be unchanged. That said, she does seem more curious than usual, and she has to hold herself back from running around excitedly wherever she goes, though that may just be because she's in a Singularity. And who can blame her, since she finally has the chance to experience something she's so far only been able to observe from the sidelines? Da Vinci had almost started to ask Master to tell her all about the latest adventure, as she always does, but then, she remembered that she would get to experience it herself this time, and flashed an embarrassed, but happy smile.

Profile 3

Dreaming Machine: A A series of support-type dinosaur mecha Da Vinci gave up sleep to develop. Each one has its own unique (though admittedly simple) AI that gives them a degree of autonomy, and they all move just as you'd expect dinosaurs to move. Triceratops: Fiamma (Italian for "flame") Futabasaurus: Mare (Italian for "ocean") Archaeopteryx: Vento (Italian for "wind") Treasure Checker: B A treasure-tracking skill Da Vinci gained for her very first treasure hunt. While it's normally meant to detect gold, silver, and other similar ores, in battle, it also serves as a form of active sonar. Shining at Twilight: EX Every adventure has to end sometime. Once the Singularity disappears, it will be as though the adventure never happened. But, no matter how strong the twilight may have been, there was always something bright shining. Although this skill may resemble Dream Upon the Star, it has very different effects.

Profile 4

[Dinosaur Summer Goodbye] Rank: A NP Type: Anti-Personnel Range: 1 - 10 Maximum Targets: 1 Unforgettable Summer Vacation, Dream Of White. Da Vinci transforms her mecha dinosaurs into bullets and fires them with her trusty magical pistol. Each mecha dinosaur "round" has different effects. Although older Mystics are usually stronger, Da Vinci's mecha dinosaurs fall into the cutting-edge category, so unfortunately, their Mystic power is somewhat lacking. Fortunately, Da Vinci's ingenuity is more than enough to compensate for this particular shortcoming.

Profile 5

Looking at the records of minute Singularities is one of the few ways Da Vinci is able to entertain herself. "What in the world happened here?" "How did such a crazy Singularity even exist?" She would think about how the Servants who were trapped there must have felt, or laugh at seeing her predecessor's complaining in the accompanying records, even though she knew she shouldn't. Though Da Vinci had always admired Singularities, she never thought she would get to experience one herself. That she finally has a chance to do so feels like nothing short of a miracle, and she plans to make the most of it in every way she can.

Profile 6

Unlocks after clearing FGO Summer 2023: Chaldea Summer Adventure and reaching Bond Lv5.

Voice Lines

Battle Start 1
It's time for summer adventure! Let's all do our best!
Battle Start 2
Hmmm, it's getting cluttered! Time to organize, organize☆
Battle Start 3
Battle? Aw, fine! Da Vinci's heading out!
Skill 1
I'm counting on you!
Skill 2
Let's move forward, anywhere!
Skill 3
Ah, it's so blinding...
Skill 4
On the road to adventure!
Command Card 1
Command Card 2
Got it!
Command Card 3
Yeah let's do that!
Noble Phantasm Card 1
Fufu. This is the ace up my sleeve!
Noble Phantasm Card 2
Let me show you my newest invention!
Attack 1
Come here!
Attack 2
Attack 3
Come, Tricera!
Attack 4
Shoot it!
Attack 5
Attack 6
Extra Attack 1
Extra Attack 2
Everyone, go!
Noble Phantasm 1
This time around, it's gonna!
The path to adventure, the flight into the unknown.
Dinosaur Summer Goodbye!!
Noble Phantasm 2
This time around, it's gonna!
The path to adventure, the battle cry into the unknown.
Dinosaur Summer Goodbye!!
Noble Phantasm 3
This time around, it's gonna!
The path to adventure, the voyage into the unknown.
Dinosaur Summer Goodbye!!
Damage 1
Damage 2
Incapacitated 1
Disappointing...if only I could go more...
Incapacitated 2
That's it for today! Don't worry, summer vacation is long!
Victory 1
What did you think of my new invention? Fufufu, amazing?
Victory 2
Yay! We overcame an obstacle. Now let's move forward!
Victory 3
I'm too free-spirited? Heh heh. I'm a genius who follows the rules but isn't bound by them! That's important, so don't forget!
Level up 1
I'm going to keep on growing! I'll make progress!
Oh? Do you have any complaints?
Level up 2
Output increeeeased! Increased excited heartbeat!!!
Thanks for your constant support!
Level up 3
Maintenance, maintenance...
Steady efforts will always help you in the end.
Ascension 1
Ta-da! Da Vinci's secondary form...
It didn't change.
Ascension 2
I don’t look any different...
This is not because of the swimsuit Spirit Origin, but rather because of my Spirit Origin itself.
Ascension 3
Either way, I should still live up to your expectation. After all, I'm a genius no matter what form I'm in. I'll give it my all!
Ascension 4
Thanks. I grew with your help...even though I may not have changed visually.
But to me, I was able to experience more than even I predicted. I'm not joking. Which means I need to repay you somehow.
Huh? You don't need anything? Don't say that. Come on, tell me your wish. I can grant anything, to a certain extent, since I'm universal and all!
Bond Level 1
We're going to head out to the Caribbean Sea...a paradise filled with dreams, emotion, danger, and romance!
In the spirit of the "when in Rome..." expression, we should enjoy ourselves happily and enthusiastically!
Bond Level 2
We've been on a lot of journeys so far, but I never thought of them as adventures.
Hehe... A summer adventure...
So exciting!
Bond Level 3
I know you're used to journeys. You've made plenty of trips to many places with Mash...or at times, alone
Now that I really think about it, you're amazing. It might be a little late to say, but I mean it.
Bond Level 4
Your journey continues.
And one day, you all might go somewhere so far that I won't be able to see or reach you... Yeah, I know I'm talking in general terms.
After all, the journey to take back humanity should be done with everyone together till the end, you know.
Bond Level 5
Did you enjoy the summer adventure? Are you sorry it's over?
Keep in mind that your journey keeps on going as long as you're alive.
New encounters and new joys will always be waiting for you. The many memories will be the foundation that will create a path for you in life. And I am no exception; no matter how the journey ends or how far you'll go, I'll follow that path that leads to you once again.
Conversation 1
Time to head out? I wonder what we'll see next. I can't wait.
Conversation 2
Master, do you feel like you're missing something? I could make it for you as long as it's simple.
Conversation 3
There's so many things I've learned even in this Spirit Origin. You're really a good teacher to me, Master.
Conversation 4
Goredolf, you're acting like a guardian more than ever this summer. You should enjoy yourself more.
Hehe. Is this what dads are like?
Conversation 5
Mash, let's check over there! There might be something interesting!
Conversation 6 (Sherlock Holmes)
What's up, Holmes? No, there's no need to blurt it out. I have not once forgotten my role as technical advisor.
Hm? I'm acting giddy? I'm enjoying myself?
...Actually, yeah. You're right. Can't hide anything from the great detective, with his observational skills...
Huh? It doesn't take a great detective to figure that out?
Come on, don't joke around!
Conversation 7 (Odysseus)
What's going on, Odysseus? Why is your face all lit up?
As fellow adventurers, I'm like your kouhai?
Huh? What? Why?
Conversation 8 (Rider of Resistance, Clear FGO Summer 2023)
Oh, hi, Columbus.
No, it's okay.
See you.
Dinosaurs are so cute! I love them!
I don't think there's anything I dislike at this point.
Oh but...I might not like feeling powerless. That's so frustrating, don't you think?
About the Holy Grail
The Holy Grail?
I know what it is. It's that giant magical energy resource. Hmmm, that's all it is to me.
During an Event
An event! Okay, let's head out! Off to an adventure!
Happy birthday Master.
Let's bake a giant cake and put a big candle in the middle!
Hehe... And let's have a party!
Once again, thanks for having me!
And thanks for sticking with me on my adventures!
It was really fun!
I now know these are what people call lifelong memories.
And I will never forget.
What about you?
So there you have it. I am Da Vinci who splendidly changed my Spirit Origin!
Hm? I look more spirited than usual?
Yep, yep, you betcha!
It's because it's the season of summer adventure!
My heart's just bursting with anticipation!
Let's make this a fun summer vacation, Master!
About the Event 1
Okay, let's open up the treasure chest!
This is so exciting! My heart's racing!
About the Event 3
Have you been checking the information? Don't miss out on important announcements.
About the Shop 1
Welcome to Da Vinci's shop! I hope you can support this shop too!
About the Shop 2
Collect a bunch and exchange a bunch!
About the Shop 3
Okay. Here you go!
About the Shop 4
Hehe. Not a bad choice.
Is this for personal use? Or not?
About the Shop 5
Ah, you have a good eye! There are no classifications between items, but rare items still get me excited, yeah!
About the Shop 6
Ah, you have a good eye! There are no classifications between items, but rare items still get me excited, yeah!
Hehe...did I sound a bit boyish there?
About the Shop 7
Whoa, a treasure map. You sure look motivated, Master!
About the Shop 8
Ah! Treasure hunting!
About the Shop 9
Just taking a side trip!
About the Shop 10
Oh? This place is...
About the Shop 11
March, march!
About the Shop 12
I wonder what's here?
About the Shop 13
Don't forget to stay hydrated!
About the Shop 14
My heart's pounding...
About the Shop 15
Opening Treasure Chest Voice 2
Open the chest!
Don't rush! Approach it carefully☆
Welfare -A free Servant acquired from completing an Event.