
Sasaki Kojirou

Sasaki Kojirou
# 39
Neutral Evil
NPGainNP Gain
NPGainNP when Attacked (%)
NPGainStar Absorption
NPGainStar Generation per Hit
NPGainInstant Death Chance
Lv 1008,912
Lv 12010,503
Lv 1009,588
Lv 12011,275


Weak to Enuma Elish


Tag Icon
Self Evade
Tag Icon
Self Crit Damage Up
Self Debuff Clear
Tag Icon
Crit Stars Up
Tag Icon
Quick Resist Down
Tag Icon
Self Sure Hit
Tag Icon
Self Star Drop Rate Up
Tag Icon
ST Quick NP
Tag Icon
Self Quick Up
Mind's Eye (Fake) A
Apply Evade to self (1 turn). Increase own Critical Strength (3 turns).
Available from the start
Vitrify B+
Removes own mental debuffs. Gains critical stars.
Unlocks after 1st Ascension
Vitrify A+

Removes own debuffs. ▲ Apply buff (3 turns): Decrease Quick Resist for an enemy by 10% (3 turns) when attacking with Quick Cards. ▲ Gains critical stars.

Upgrades after Rank Up Quest 3. (Available 4/9/2023)
Knowledge of the Sowa B
Apply Sure Hit to self (3 turns). Increase own Critical Star Drop Rate (3 turns).
Unlocks after 3rd Ascension
Knowledge of the Sowa B++

Apply Sure Hit to self (3 turns). Increase own Critical Star Drop Rate (3 turns). ▲ Increase own Critical Star Gather Rate (3 turns). ▲

Unlocks after Rank Up Quest

Append Skills

Extra Attack Boost
Increase own Extra Attack Card effectiveness.
Load Magical Energy
Begin battle with NP Gauge charged.
Anti-Saber (ATK Up)
Deal extra Special ATK damage to [Saber] class enemies.
Special Attack Technique Improvement
Increase own Critical Strength.
Skill Reload
When using a skill, reduce the cooldown for the skill by 1 turn for the first time the skill is used per battle (Only 1 time per skill). Lv 1-5: 1 skill Lv 6-9: 2 skills Lv10: 3 skills

Class Skills

Presence Concealment D
Increase your Critical Star Drop Rate by 4%.

Noble Phantasm

Swallow Reversal-
Deal significant damage to a single enemy.
Gain large amount of C. Stars.
Swallow Reversal (Upgrade 1)-
Deal significant damage to a single enemy. ▲ Increase your Quick Card effectiveness by 20% (3 turns). (Activates First) ▲
Upgrade via Rank Up Quest 2
Gain large amount of C. Stars.
Append Skill
Ascension + Skill

Sasaki Kojiro, the Japanese swordsman famous for his signature move, the Swallow Reversal, is one of the Assassin-class Servants available in the initial release roster. He is a solid single target Quick-type Assassin despite his low rarity, and he can act as a competent fill-in for those lacking other single target Assassin options. His skill set is quite synergistic, allowing him to be a self-sufficient Critical Damage Dealer and Star Generator, while having a one-turn dodge for emergencies. His low rarity provides the benefits of easy access, low party cost, and lower costs for ascension and skill leveling. However, he does suffer from lower base stat caps in return, and is overshadowed by most higher rarity Assassins when comparing pure damage output.

His Rank Up quest improves his ability to perform as a primary Damage Dealer by adding critical star absorption to Knowledge of the Sowa. This is particularly useful for him as he does not generate stars on the order of ~50 per turn unlike some other star generators (such as Jack the Ripper) due to his low hit counts. Additional absorption will therefore help him capitalize upon those stars he is able to generate from his Quick chains, NP, or skills.

Overall, Sasaki Kojiro is a cheap, solid single target Quick Assassin who hits many marks for a critical damage dealer and star generator, and can be of great assistance to masters who lack access to other Assassin options.

🟢 Strengths

Good Star Generation

Despite his low Quick card hit counts, both his Quick NP’s overcharge effect and his skill, Vitrify, can generate a decent sum of stars. He also has a triple-Quick card deck, and star generation boosts on Knowledge of the Sowa as well as from his passive skill, Presence Concealment.

Reliable Critical Damage

After Rank Up, Knowledge of the Sowa gives him increased star absorption of up to 500%. Mind’s Eye (Fake) also boosts his own critical damage by up to 40% for 3 turns. Combined with his good star generation, he can land critical hits reliably when he needs to.

On-Demand Evasion

With Mind’s Eye (Fake), he has some built-in survivability that allow him to tank an enemy’s NP turn or simply avoid potentially dangerous auto-attacks for a turn.

Ignore Evasion

Although it’s a niche form of utility, his ignore evasion skill lasts for 3 turns, so he may be useful to bring if encountering enemies that constantly use evasion skills.

🔴 Weaknesses

Low Rarity Stats

Being one of the few one-star Servants in the game, his base stats are comparatively lower and he is outclassed by Assassins or Berserkers of higher rarity in terms of general damage output. This can be problematic as Sasaki Kojiro functions best when he is the center of attention, which can be hard to justify at times.

Low Hit Counts

His cards have relatively low hit counts compared to other more reliable star generators, and without Vitrify on hand, and with other Servant cards diluting the command card pool, he often won’t be doing Quick chains to maximize his star generation. In these cases, he may have trouble having enough stars to perform the critical hits that are essential to his damage output.

Level Up Skill Recommendations

Mind's Eye (Fake) A
Apply Evade to self (1 turn). Increase own Critical Strength (3 turns).
Vitrify B+
Removes own mental debuffs. Gains critical stars.
Knowledge of the Sowa B
Apply Sure Hit to self (3 turns). Increase own Critical Star Drop Rate (3 turns).

Mind’s Eye (Fake) A: This skill is Kojiro's main survival tool, and also contributes to his damage output by boosting critical damage in conjunction with his Knowledge of the Sowa. In harder battles, this skill's usage should be more geared towards survival by evading heavy enemy damage turns, rather than boosting his damage output.

Vitrify B+: Vitrify is not an entirely bad skill as it provides flat star generation. Its best feature is the low cooldown (4 turns at maxed level) and that it improves his burst critical star generation. However it is not as crucial to Kojiro as his other two skills, and its secondary effect of mental debuff removal is not very useful in practice, and thus can be prioritized last.

A note on Vitrify’s “mental debuff” clear effect: this only works on charm, terror (Gilles de Rais (Caster)’s delayed stun skill), and confusion (Fuuma Kotarou’s skill seal effect). He cannot use skills when already charmed or skill sealed, so the effect is only useful for terror.

Knowledge of the Sowa B: This is Kojiro's best skill in terms of critical damage potential and reducing its cooldown will make him a consistent Critical Damage Dealer with good Star Generation. It is highly recommended that you max this skill first.

🖼️ Craft Essence Recommendations

OVERALL: Sasaki Kojiro wants to unleash his famed Tsubame Gaeshi upon his enemies, and wants his critical hits to hurt. Given his three Quick cards and a Quick NP, performance boosts for his Quick cards are highly effective. Quick Up / Critical Damage Up Craft Essences thus work well with him.

  • Imaginary Around / Holy Night Sign / Knights of Marines: All of these CEs provide a Quick performance boost. Some have beneficial secondary effects, with Holy Night Sign providing a boost to critical damage. Knights of Marines provides some extra starting NP gauge to get out the first Tsubame Gaeshi more quickly.

  • Guda-O / Summertime Mistress: In order to support his critical damage output, these provide a boost to his critical damage. In addition, Guda-O boosts NP damage, while Summertime Mistress provides starting NP gauge.

  • Golden Sumo: This CE provides starting NP gauge and a boost to attack damage, which improves the performance of all his cards.
Analysis by: NorseFTX

Interlude Quests

Chapter Completion:Septem
Chapter Completion:Chaldea Gate
Chapter Completion:
Chapter Completion:Fuyuki
Skill 2
GrowthReverse S
Instant Death Chance55
Damage Distribution Quick33,67
Damage Distribution Arts33,67
Damage Distribution Buster100
Damage Distribution Extra10,20,30,40
Damage Distribution NP16,33,51


Bond Lv12345678910
Bond EXP2,5003,7505,0006,25010,000167,000170,000195,000220,000295,000
Heaven Among the Mountains
Heaven Among the Mountains
When equipped on Sasaki Kojiro, Increase Party's Quick Card performance by 15% while he's on the field.
Seiyuu (CV)Shinichiro Miki
AKA/Alias/Nicknames(Fake) Assassin, VIVA LA FRANCE, SAVIOR OF FRANCE, Gate Keeper, regend
Country/Place of OriginJapan
SeriesFate/stay night
Release Date (NA)Game Launch



Valentine's CE

Full Moon Viewing
Full Moon Viewing

Profile Entries

Character Info

A swordsman known as the rival of Musashi Miyamoto, one of the greatest swordmasters of Japan. A true prodigy who masters Ganryu at a young age, and seen as someone without match. However...

Profile 1

Height/Weight: 176cm, 63kg Origin: History Region: Japan Alignment: Neutral-Evil Gender: Male "If you kill someone, no matter who you are, you are evil."

Profile 2

Admirer of the beauty of nature, a tasteful man who dresses elegantly. Although he is detached from the world and has a care-free persona, he is still a true warrior at heart and prefers to fight someone fair and square. Due to living in a time when human death was common, his views on life and death sometimes feels merciless to modern-day people.

Profile 3

Swallow Reversal Anti-Personnel Mystic Sword. Captures a maximum of 1 target. A sword skill so refined it reaches the realm of a Noble Phantasm. An ultimate technique that slashes the enemy from three angles simultaneously, it is a Multi-Dimensional Refraction Phenomenon. Originally, this skill was created to cut down a flying swallow.

Profile 4

He calls "Swallow Reversal" a secret sword skill. But to those around him, it is without a doubt in the realm of Mystic Sword skills as it cannot be achieved by normal humans. He says he only created the skill to cut down flying swallows, but you don't need something like this to cut down a bird. On the other hand, he must be blessed with both the talent in swordsmanship, and absolute determination in order to refine a skill for such a simple purpose.

Profile 5

Knowledge of the Sowa: B Even if the same skill or sword skill is used on the opponent multiple times, the accuracy of the attack will never decrease because the opponent will never see through the attack What this means is that he will never use the same attack pattern twice, so the opponent can never "get used to it."

Profile 6

Sasaki Kojirou, unlike Musashi, is an imaginary swordsman whose real life events were never completely proven. This "Sasaki Kojirou" is merely a namless swordsman, called forth to fill the role of the legendary swordsman because he could recreate the skill of the "Swallow Reversal." His purpose for materialization was to fill in for a imaginary figure, yet what went through the mind of this nameless prodigy is... "Well, I guess this is fine."

Voice Lines

Battle Start 1
Now then, let us end this.
Battle Start 2
That's a head worth taking.
Skill 1
I saw what you tried to do, very clearly.
Skill 2
Petrified Spring Thunder, in a single stroke of my blade.
Command Card 1
As you wish.
Command Card 2
Command Card 3
I understand.
Noble Phantasm Card
...This is where I will be victorious.
Attack 1
Attack 2
Attack 3
Too slow!
Extra Attack
Now's my chance to show off!
Noble Phantasm
Hidden Sword... Swallow Reversal!
Damage 1
Damage 2
Incapacitated 1
Too soon...
Incapacitated 2
Have I been defeated?
Victory 1
The war gods heard my prayers. You underestimated me.
Victory 2
My blade is without fault. It is pristine.
Level up
Hmph, have I gotten even more handsome?
Ascension 1
Cheers to the moon. This is truly something to celebrate.
Ascension 2
I have grown by the justice of my blade.
Ascension 3
Isn't this refreshing, Master?
Ascension 4
My swordsmanship has developed into something exquisite. Thank you, Master. Use my blade however you see fit!
Bond Level 1
I call myself Sasaki Kojirou, but not even I know if that is really me.
Ahh, I'm just an eccentric who's dedicated his life to the way of the sword.
Bond Level 2
I don't have any complaints about you, Master.
You don't have that specific pride of a Mage, and I like that.
Bond Level 3
I'm aware I'm a free man, but you're quite something, Master.
Undertaking a mission to save the world is no laughing matter. It's impressive. Quite impressive.
Bond Level 4
Tools have their own kind of happiness.
I failed as a human. I'm happy to be used by someone like you.
Bond Level 5
What say we toast to the moon and have a drink sometime?
What, you're a minor? You can't drink yet?
Forgive me. I'll wait a few years. I can continue to guard you until then.
Conversation 1
Shall we depart soon? I am ready.
Conversation 2
You want to know if I have any complaints? I am but a humble warrior. I shall follow your orders, Master.
Conversation 3
Just think of me as a single sword.
Conversation 4 (Medea (Lily))
What karma is this? I can't believe I was fated to meet that trickster of a woman again... What's more, that Caster. She's a little... Actually, she's like a completely different person now.
I hate to admit it, but... She's quite lovely...
Conversation 5 (Miyamoto Musashi, Miyamoto Musashi (Berserker))
No, I'm not the true Kojirou, I've never met this master swordsman...
I suppose that's why they say truth is stranger than fiction. I feel as if I'd like to go up against him, but at the same time, perhaps not...
What do I want? Swinging my sword is all I need to be satisfied.
What disgusts me? I can't stand the sight of ugliness. I mean ugliness of the heart, not the physical sort.
About the Holy Grail
The Holy Grail... The sake cup that is too grand for moon viewing, correct? My head is still working.
During an Event
Hmm. I sense something out of the ordinary...
Is today a celebratory day for you, Master? I pray you have a pleasant day.
I am Sasaki Kojirou, an Assassin-class Servant.
And I have been called upon to your service.
Non-Limited -Available in the general summoning pool.