

Increase NP Strength for all allies (3 turns). ▲ Apply Damage Cut to all allies (2 times, 3 turns). ▲

Increase ATK for all allies (3 turns). ▲ Removes own debuffs. Recovers own HP. Increase own NP Gauge by 20%. ▲
Append Skills

Class Skills

Noble Phantasm

Hektor’s kit, on the whole, does not apply itself to any particularly role, and packs both low points and high points. On the low points, he does not possess particularly powerful team support or selfish buff skills, and his star generation is fairly low. However, Hektor does pack arguably the best stun skill in the game, with a good chance to both stun and reduce the NP gauge of its target at skill level 10, while being the only stun skill with a base 7 turn cooldown. Furthering this, his NP is defense pierce, allowing him to inflict damage regardless of his foe’s defense buffs, which comes particularly in handy versus buff-spamming foes such as Orion or Romulus. On top of all that, he’s one of the few 3 stars to get an NP interlude at a fairly early point, allowing him to output more damage than most despite his weak skill set.
Hektor has nothing to blow you away, but his solid NP and exceptionally useful stun skill can make him a valued contribution to almost any team composition.
🟢 Strengths
- A powerful stun and NP drain skill gives him good supportive ability, as well as aiding in stall teams.
- Being one of the few servants with a defence pierce NP, then again AOE, he can easily wipe out enemies with large defense buffs stacked on them.
- Military Tactics, while on the whole a weak skill, lets him up his otherwise mediocre NP damage as well as aid his allies, while also stacking multiplicatively with more typical offensive buffs like Charisma.
🔴 Weaknesses
- While Disengage is fairly useful, it isn’t an amazingly powerful defensive skill, and as such Hektor has some durability issues versus enemies with high burst damage.
- Hektor’s damage output in a vacuum is a little weak until his NP interlude, while his regular cards have little noteworthy about them.
- His best skill is highly reliant on having a high skill level to function well, which isn’t particularly attainable in the game’s current state.
Level Up Skill Recommendations

🖼️ Craft Essence Recommendations
- Limit / Over Zero / Verdant Sound of Destruction – Hektor has two Buster cards and a Buster NP, while also packing an offensive buff to stack multiplicatively with this CE’s effects. In an NPBB chain with this CE, he can really bring the pain.
- Divine Banquet / Prisma Cosmos – Though often overlooked, Hektor has Lancer NP gain with a fairly good defense debuff on an AOE. If he can spam said NP with a proper star supply, the damage output of his team increases immensely. That being said, it’s better to go for other options.
Interlude Quests