# 281
Neutral Good
NPGainNP Gain
NPGainNP when Attacked (%)
NPGainStar Absorption
NPGainStar Generation per Hit
NPGainInstant Death Chance
Lv 10011,439
Lv 12013,427
Lv 10017,082
Lv 12020,076


Fairy Tale Servant
Entity of the Outer Realm
Can Fly In Space


Tag Icon
Self NP Gauge Up
Tag Icon
Self Debuff Immune
Tag Icon
Crit Stars Up
Tag Icon
Self Evade
Tag Icon
Self Quick Up
Tag Icon
Quick Resist Down
Tag Icon
Star Gather Rate Support
Tag Icon
Crit Damage Support
Tag Icon
Crit Rate Resist Support
Tag Icon
AoE Quick NP
Tag Icon
Anti-Heaven ATK Up
Tag Icon
NP Gauge Support
Tag Icon
Self NP Damage Up
Tag Icon
Quick Support
Voyager of the Stars A
Increase own NP Gauge. Apply Debuff Immune to self (3 turns). Gain 10 Critical Stars.
Available from the start
Swing-by A
Apply Evade to self (1 turn). Increase own Quick Card effectiveness (3 turns). Decrease Quick Resist for a single enemy (3 turns).
Unlocks after 1st Ascension
Protection of World's End (Space) B
Increase Critical Star Gather Rate for an ally (1 turn). Increase Critical Strength for all allies (3 turns). Increase Critical Rate Resist for all allies (3 turns).
Unlocks after 3rd Ascension
Protection of World's End (Space) B+

Increase Critical Star Gather Rate for an ally (1 turn). Increase Quick Card effectiveness for an ally (3 turns). ▲ Increase Critical Strength for all allies (3 turns). Increase Critical Rate Resist for all allies (3 turns).

Upgrades after Rank Up 1. (Not available, ETA 8/2024)

Append Skills

Extra Attack Boost
Increase own Extra Attack Card effectiveness.
Load Magical Energy
Begin battle with NP Gauge charged.
Anti-Lancer (ATK Up)
Deal extra Special ATK damage to [Lancer] class enemies.
Special Attack Technique Improvement
Increase own Critical Strength.
Skill Reload
When using a skill, reduce the cooldown for the skill by 1 turn for the first time the skill is used per battle (Only 1 time per skill). Lv 1-5: 1 skill Lv 6-9: 2 skills Lv10: 3 skills

Class Skills

Entity of the Outer Realm C
Gain 2 Critical Stars per turn. Increase your Debuff Resist by 6%.
Independent Voyage A
Increase your Critical Strength by 8%. Increase your Arts Card effectiveness by 8%.
Contact with Civilization D
Increase own Buff Removal Resist by 10%.

Noble Phantasm

Pale Blue DotB
Deal damage to all enemies. Deals 150% special attack damage to [Heaven] Trait enemies. Increase NP Gauge for all allies by 20%. Further increase NP Gauge for all [Pseudo-Servant] allies by 10%.
Increase own NP Strength (1 turn). [Activates first]
Pale Blue Dot (Upgrade 1)B+
Upgrades after Rank Up 2. (Not available, ETA 9/2025)

Deal damage to all enemies. ▲ Deals 150% special attack damage to [Heaven] Trait enemies. Increase NP Gauge for all allies by 20%. Further increase NP Gauge for all [Pseudo-Servant] allies by 20%. ▲

Increase own NP Strength (1 turn). [Activates first]
Append Skill
Ascension + Skill

“Have you ever played hide-and-seek with a fox in a wheat field?”

Voyager is a delightful blend of space travel and the classic book “The Little Prince.” Not only is he one of the most unique Servants in the game conceptually, but he’s also pretty good mechanically. What Voyager lacks in raw damage, he makes up for in NP charge and party utility. He may not be as flashy as harder-hitting SSRs, but he does have a lot of nice tools and will happily keep his team using their NPs regularly.

Voyager’s biggest strength is his easy access to NP recursion. Voyager of the Stars gives Voyager a big NP charge, and Pale Blue Dot recharges Voyager’s NP further. His NP also charges his team’s NP gauges, helping supports or other damage-dealers to use their NPs as well. Furthermore, Voyager makes critical stars with Voyager of the Stars and Pale Blue Dot, and he increases the whole party’s critical damage with Protection of World's End (Space), letting anyone on the team output a little more damage.

In exchange for these strengths, Voyager has very low damage, suffering from both low attack and low innate damage boosts. Compounding this, Voyager is a Foreigner, which means he will very rarely benefit from offensive class advantage. Voyager also has weak normal cards in terms of both damage and NP gain, meaning he is heavily reliant on his NP in order to function.

Voyager has a lot of great tools in exchange for his low damage. Masters who really like him can aim for high NP levels in order to offset his weaknesses. For everyone else who pulls him, Voyager may not be the strongest damage-dealer, but his utility makes him a nice Servant in defense-oriented teams.

🟢 Strengths

NP Recursion

Between his AoE Quick Noble Phantasm, his 50% NP charge skill, and the party NP charge each time he uses his NP, Voyager can easily loop his Noble Phantasm. When he can deal enough damage, this makes him good at both farming and hard fights.

Party NP Charge

Each time Voyager uses his NP, he charges the whole team’s NP gauge. This is useful for helping support Servants access their NPs without needing to prioritize their normal attacks. It gives even more charge to living Servants (which means Pseudo-Servants, plus a few unusual cases like Shiki), which can be nice for specific teams.

Party Critical Tools

Voyager makes stars with the hits on his NP, as well as from one of the effects on his first skill. His second skill, meanwhile, increases the whole team’s critical damage by a bit and lets him focus stars to one ally. While Voyager’s critical buffs are not especially strong, they let him help an ally crit for a little bit of extra damage when needed.

🔴 Weaknesses

Low Damage

Voyager has low attack and low-to-middling damage buffs. Some of Voyager’s damage increases are debuffs, which is sub-optimal for farming and can be resisted in hard fights. Additionally, unlike many powerful Servants, Voyager’s damage does not increase over the course of multiple turns. Altogether, this leaves Voyager’s damage relatively unimpressive as AoE Servants go.

Limited Class Advantage Context

As a Foreigner, Voyager only gets class advantage against Berserkers, Pretenders, and other Foreigners. Voyager would really like class advantage to offset his low base damage, but unfortunately Pretenders and Foreigners are rare enemies, and everyone gets class advantage against Berserkers, which leaves Voyager as a rather niche damage dealer choice.

Weak Normal Attacks

Voyager has unimpressive NP gain on his Arts cards and very low NP gain on his Quicks. Furthermore, his damage buffs that apply to normal attacks are quite low. As such, he is strongly dependent on his NP for both damage and NP gain, as well as his NP charge skill, which may not always be available.

Level Up Skill Recommendations

Voyager of the Stars A
Increase own NP Gauge. Apply Debuff Immune to self (3 turns). Gain 10 Critical Stars.
Swing-by A
Apply Evade to self (1 turn). Increase own Quick Card effectiveness (3 turns). Decrease Quick Resist for a single enemy (3 turns).
Protection of World's End (Space) B
Increase Critical Star Gather Rate for an ally (1 turn). Increase Critical Strength for all allies (3 turns). Increase Critical Rate Resist for all allies (3 turns).

Voyager of the Stars is Voyager’s NP charge skill, and the NP charge effect scales with levels, so it should be leveled first. Swing-by increases Voyager’s damage, so it should be leveled second. Protection of World's End (Space) is a nice skill, but its effects are fairly marginal even at max level, so it can be leveled last. Voyager wants his first two skills maxed as quickly as possible in order to be maximally effective, but he can safely leave his third skill at lower levels and do fine.

  • Voyager of the Stars is most notable for being a 50% NP charge skill, which is always great for farming especially. The skill’s other effects are more useful for hard fights: 3-turn debuff immunity lets Voyager get past certain gimmicks, and star gen effects are nice for enabling easier crits. This is a great skill overall and does a lot for Voyager.
  • Swing-by is important to Voyager, but it also pairs its effects in an unfortunate way. The fact that half of the damage boost on this skill is a debuff means Voyager cannot fully benefit from his damage buffs while farming. In hard fights, the skill forces a survival-damage trade, too. While each of the effects on this skill is individually nice, they do not play well together.
  • Protection of World's End (Space) combines a bunch of critical-centric utility. The skill lets Voyager funnel stars to himself or an ally for a turn for more reliable crits, and it also marginally increases crit damage to the party. 30% crit damage up is low for crit damage skills, but more damage is always nice. The skill also provides critical attack resistance, a rare form of utility that acts like crit chance down, except as a buff. Negating crits can help with party survival in hard fights, making this a nice utility skill in general.

🖼️ Craft Essence Recommendations

NP Damage Up craft essences are the best way to increase damage, and Voyager’s low base damage output means he appreciates as much extra damage as he can get. Attack Up craft essences are also nice due to Voyager’s lack of in-kit attack buffs, and Quick Card Performance Up craft essences benefit both damage and NP gain. Starting NP Gauge craft essences can also be helpful for stabilizing Voyager’s NP loops while farming.

  • The Black Grail / Heaven’s Feel / Holy Night Supper: The Black Grail is the biggest damage increase Voyager can get from a CE. The other two CEs are also useful damage boosts, helping to offset Voyager’s biggest weakness.
  • Golden Sumo: Boulder Tournament:  This CE gives Voyager starting NP gauge, as well as a useful attack buff. While this won’t increase damage as much as an NP damage CE, it fills a damage bracket Voyager does not otherwise have the ability to innately access.
  • Imaginary Around / Three Anglers / Decapitating Bunny: Quick buffs are less valuable for damage than NP damage or attack buffs are, but in exchange, they increase Voyager’s NP gain and star gen. Imaginary Around is the largest standard Quick buff, while Three Anglers mixes in NP damage and crit damage, and Decapitating Bunny grants Ignore Invincible to help get past gimmicks in hard fights.
  • Kaleidoscope / The Imaginary Element / Traces of Christmases Past: These CEs provide starting NP gauge, letting Voyager NP with just his own NP charge skill, or loop more flexibly in farming setups.
Analysis by: 22whiterabbit22

Interlude Quests

Chapter Completion:Fuyuki
Skill 3
Chapter Completion:Fuyuki
Instant Death Chance7
Damage Distribution Quick16,33,51
Damage Distribution Arts16,33,51
Damage Distribution Buster16,33,51
Damage Distribution Extra6,13,20,26,35
Damage Distribution NP6,13,20,26,35


Bond Lv12345678910
Bond EXP2,0003,0004,0005,0006,000230,000250,000300,000380,000438,000
Titan IIIE Rocket
Titan IIIE Rocket
When equipped on Voyager, Increase all allies' Damage to Enemies with Sky trait by 20% when he is on the field.
Seiyuu (CV)Yuka Iguchi
SeriesFate/Grand Order
Release Date (JP)05/25/2020
Release Date (NA)05/06/2022



Valentine's CE

Chaldea Portrait
Chaldea Portrait

Profile Entries

Character Info

In 1977, the unmanned probe Voyager was launched into the stars from an air base in Florida. The probe recorded many observations about the planets of the solar system, including Jupiter and Saturn, then continued its endless interstellar mission. Even now, he continues to journey through the starry sea outside the heliosphere.

Profile 1

Height/Weight: 127cm, 26kg (First and Second Ascension) 148cm, 40kg (Third Ascension) Origin: Fate/Requiem, History Region: North America, United States of America Alignment: Neutral-Good Gender: Male His golden scarf is always flapping.

Profile 2

Voyager is considered a young Servant for two reasons: he originates from a very recent period of history, and possesses the physical body of an eight-year-old. He is essentially a piece of exploratory equipment made of aluminum alloy that survived the Holy Grail War and ultimately gained a spiritron body equivalent to a human body in order to communicate better with his Master. In consequence of this miracle, he lacks common sense, has a limited vocabulary, and his body is far from sturdy. His appearance is greatly influenced by the preference of Utsumi Erice, a Master with whom he has a close connection. Nevertheless, through multiple Ascensions at Chaldea, he is sure to grow into a formidable being fit to be a guardian of humanity.

Profile 3

As befits a space probe, he is very curious, always seeking out new things and experiences. New smells and tastes excite him, and he is a sucker for delectable dishes and unique desserts. Even when he is exploring the unknown, he can use his keen sense of direction and spatial awareness to keep from ever getting lost. He also has a great sense of hearing, and can remember anything he hears. Even though he has limited vocabulary, he is versed in various languages. He also enjoys listening to music of all kinds, and he can't help but feel drawn to live performances. He doesn't seem to like taking baths.

Profile 4

Voyager of the Stars: A A limited version of the skill Pioneer of the Stars, this is a representation of voyages that span the stars, where any seemingly impossible journeys are made possible. Swing-by: A A specialized combat maneuver. The target's kinetic energy is either taken away or imparted to change their speed beyond the usual limits. Protection of World's End (Space): B A skill normally applied to the sacred lance. Voyager has this skill because he possesses an anchor of the stars that is the embodiment of the end of the world.

Profile 5

[Pale Blue Dot] Rank: B NP Type: Anti-Star Range: 0 - 999 Maximum Target: --- O, Distant Blue Planet. A faint, tiny light Voyager barely saw when he turned around to look after travelling six billion kilometers. The thoughts of the people who sent him out into the unknown...all of their hopes and dreams for the future live in that tiny 0.12 pixel photo. And as he continues on his journey, the warm wind blows his golden sails.

Voice Lines

Battle Start 1
I'm fast.
Battle Start 2
(Giggle, giggle)...
Battle Start 3
Skill 1
Skill 2
Skill 3
I need to go.
Skill 4
I'm not alone.
Command Card 1
Command Card 2
Hmmm, fine.
Command Card 3
There's so much to do.
Noble Phantasm Card 1
Watch me.
Noble Phantasm Card 2
Let's end this.
Attack 1
The sound of rain.
Attack 2
The sound of wind.
Attack 3
The sound of waves.
Attack 4
The sound of thunder. Wow!
Attack 5
Time for a swing-by!
Attack 6
The song of the stars! Go...go...goooooo!
Extra Attack 1
Okay, let's go. Liftoff.
Extra Attack 2
I'll carve to the stars.
Extra Attack 3
I will not forget.
Noble Phantasm
I'll be the guide.
Humanity's dreams. Humanity's hope. I'll deliver them all to the distant starry sky. I'll reach it one day. Pale Blue Dot.
Damage 1
Damage 2
Damage 3
Go away...
Damage 4
Incapacitated 1
Ahhh...I don't want to...
Incapacitated 2
I'm not sad...
Victory 1
Farther than anyone else! Faster than a dream!
Victory 2
Did they fall asleep?
Level up 1
Thank you.
Level up 2
Level up 3
You work hard.
Ascension 1
Even a small thorn hurts.
I'll...need to be careful.
Ascension 2
Having someone a good thing.
But sometimes...that can be lonely...
Ascension 3
Wow, we've come so far!
The farther we go, the bigger and stronger our thoughts get. And that's why we can reach the light of the stars.
Ascension 4
You want to travel again when one journey ends.
But all things must come to an end. Until then, you'll be my Master.
Bond Level 1
This place...there's lots of I get a little tired...
Bond Level 2
I'm thirsty...
Want to the cafeteria? I hope there's somewhere we can make a pit stop, too.
Bond Level 3
I'm still...on my journey.
So I can't stay for long...don't get sad. If you do...I'll get sad too.
Bond Level 4
Have you almost gotten stepped on by an elephant?
Have you played hide-and-seek with a fox in a wheat field? Have you crossed the ocean with a swan? ...I want to see and ask so many things.
Bond Level 5
See? Here it is.
This blue planet right here. It's my most important...memory. You...and my there. Whenever I think about that...I can always smile.
Conversation 1
You're going?
Conversation 2 When Male Protagonist
Hmmm. So that makes you a king. Your Majesty. Teehee. So weird.
Conversation 2 When Female Protagonist
Hmmm. So that makes you a queen. Your Majesty. Teehee. So weird.
Conversation 3
Good thing you...were at that observatory.
Conversation 4 (Super Orion)
The hunter Orion! He really is big! Hey, if you're up to it, could you put me on your shoulders...?
Conversation 5 (Ivan the Terrible)'s an elephant...
That' good... We need to stack...elephants... Or else Chaldea would get full fast.
Conversation 6 (Nuersery Rhyme)
Nursery told me that my form was based on the wish of the very first Master who summoned me.
That means...I need to thank that person. Think about it: If I looked like my normal self, I wouldn't be able to eat donuts.
Conversation 7 (Kijyo Koyo)
Koyo the Berserker is strong, scary, and nice.
But sometimes she stares off into space looking lonely. ...Do you think... She had a child a long time ago...?
Conversation 8 (Utsumi Erice)
The Erice I met before is the same as this one.
She's like a thorny plant, and it's hard to water her to nurture her. (Giggle giggle) If it's okay with you, maybe you could be her friend.
I like to travel.
There are many kinds of journeys...but mine is reeeally far. It'll probably be hard for me to come back...
I'm afraid...of snakes...
But...looking at them closer, they're really pretty, and there are good things about them.
About the Holy Grail
I already have a Holy Grail.
During an Event
Maybe we'll see something rare.
Then taking a pit stop wouldn't be bad.
Today's the day you were born.
You...weren't always here. And then one day, you came to be. You came to this Earth. Then you met lots of people and said goodbye to them. I'm a part of that group. I may not be with you forever, but I'll never forget that I met you on this planet. I'll engrave it to my discus and carry it with me always. Happy birthday.
I...ask you...
Are you worthy of being my Master?
Battle Start 1 (Asc 3/4)
Battle Start 2 (Asc 3/4)
Battle Start 3 (Asc 3/4)
Tally-ho. I found you.
Skill 1 (Asc 3/4)
The wind's picked up.
Skill 2 (Asc 3/4)
Shields up!
Skill 3 (Asc 3/4)
I memorized it.
Skill 4 (Asc 3/4)
Houston, can you hear me...?
Command Card 1 (Asc 3/4)
Roger, copy.
Command Card 2 (Asc 3/4)
Aye, Master.
Command Card 3 (Asc 3/4)
Noble Phantasm Card 1 (Asc 3/4)
I'll watch over it.
Noble Phantasm Card 2 (Asc 3/4)
Attack 1 (Asc 3/4)
First cosmic velocity! Ei! Yah!
Attack 2 (Asc 3/4)
Beam me up!
Attack 3 (Asc 3/4)
Centaur! Full thrust!
Attack 4 (Asc 3/4)
Haaah! Second cosmic velocity!
Attack 5 (Asc 3/4)
Attack 6 (Asc 3/4)
Extra Attack 1 (Asc 3/4)
Hup, ready...third...cosmic...velocity!
Extra Attack 2 (Asc 3/4)
Extra Attack 3 (Asc 3/4)
Noble Phantasm (Asc 3/4)
I'll be the guide.
Humanity's dreams. Humanity's hope. I'll deliver them all to the distant starry sky. We'll reach it one day. Pale Blue Dot.
Damage 1 (Asc 3/4)
Damage 2 (Asc 3/4)
Damage 3 (Asc 3/4)
No...not yet...
Damage 4 (Asc 3/4)
Incapacitated 1 (Asc 3/4)
Incapacitated 2 (Asc 3/4)
Victory 1 (Asc 3/4)
Godspeed, you.
Victory 2 (Asc 3/4)
Bravo, Zulu.
Level Up 1 (Asc 3/4)
Thank you.
Level Up 2 (Asc 3/4)
Ah...I'm so happy.
Level Up 3 (Asc 3/4)
I got even faster.
Bond Level 1 (Asc 3/4)
The moon's so pretty.
Yep...I can see it clearly.
Bond Level 2 (Asc 3/4)
In a different world, I don't think I would have been in this form...
Because it's probably dangerous...
Bond Level 3 (Asc 3/4)
Hey, don't you think this is wonderful?
It flaps and it's sparkly. The sky is super cold like ice; they gave me this so I wouldn't catch a cold. If you start shivering, I'll wrap it around you.
Bond Level 4 (Asc 3/4)
I forgot something.
That's why I'm going to say this while my voice can still reach you... The fact that I need to leave things behind is heartbreaking, but let me take just one thing with me.
Bond Level 5 (Asc 3/4)
Having friends is really nice.
You should cherish them. Even if you're all by yourself, you won't feel alone.
Conversation 1 (Asc 3/4)
Stand-by, okay.
Conversation 2 (Asc 3/4)
In a different place, my class would be Voyager, but in this universe, I'm a Foreigner.
I wonder if there's anyone else like me?
Conversation 3 (Asc 3/4)
If it wasn't for you, I wouldn't be able to fight.
Conversation 4 (Chiron) (Asc 3/4)
So you're a centaur from myth.
Thank you. I rode on your back as I was leaving Earth. I know this might just be how I imagined it, but I felt like you were protecting me.
Conversation 5 (Jason) (Asc 3/4)
I told that ship's captain...I told Jason that his boat was the best in the night sky. I told him I was no match against him. He just smiled and said, "Obviously, kid."
And then he said, "If you're a boat too, then find a good captain for yourself." Hehe.
Conversation 6 (Thomas Edison) (Asc 3/4)
You're wondering why I always bow in admiration to him?
How could I not? If it wasn't for his competitive spirit, showmanship, and his reckless sense of adventure, I probably wouldn't have been born. That's essentially how journeys start. And...he never gave up on that attitude until the very end. That's why I bow to him.
Conversation 7 (Utsumi Erice) (Asc 3/4)
Utsumi...Erice. Hehe.
When she first summoned me, I just obtained this human body. I was like a bratty younger brother, and she was like a troublesome older sister. But now, I might be older than her... (Giggle)
Likes (Asc 3/4)
This body's nice.
Not just visually. I can hear, touch, and smell. It's so fun. Is it okay if I touch you too?
Dislikes (Asc 3/4)
The thorns that come flying towards me are scary, even though they're tiny.
Like, you wouldn't want to get scratched by a tiger, right?
About the Holy Grail (Asc 3/4)
I made a promise with the Holy Grail.
That it would grant just one of my wishes. Teehee.
During an Event (Asc 3/4)
Hey. There's some strange missions.
I'm itching to do them.
Birthday (Asc 3/4)
Today's the day you were born.
You...weren't always here. And then one day, you came to be. You came to this Earth. Then you met lots of people and said goodbye to them. I'm a part of that group. I may not be with you forever, but I'll never forget that I met you on this planet. I'll engrave it to my discus and carry it with me always. Happy birthday.
Fate/Requiem Board Games of the Apocalypse 1
Hey. Let's do our best.
Fate/Requiem Board Games of the Apocalypse 2
Even if it's full of strange planets, the sky sure is vast.
It's okay. I'll guide you.
Fate/Requiem Board Games of the Apocalypse 3
First star, second star...the night sky is scattered with stars.
Your heart is a star that never wanders.
Fate/Requiem Board Games of the Apocalypse 4
There you are.
Did you have your dice and game piece? would be awesome if we had something sweet.
Fate/Requiem Board Games of the Apocalypse 5
Announcements... I wonder what they say?
It's probably nothing important.
Fate/Requiem Board Games of the Apocalypse 6 (Ended)
You didn't forget anything you could get, right?
...A journey ending is a good thing. Because you can share all your memories with someone. (Giggle, giggle)
Fate/Requiem Board Games of the Apocalypse 7 (Ended)
I'll be the guide.
Humanity's dreams. Humanity's hope. I'll deliver them all. Your song. Your hot passion. And endless the beyond. Everything that is distant...into the sea of stars. I'll reach it one day. ...God speed, you, Master of Chaldea. May you have a good journey.
Fate/Requiem Board Games of the Apocalypse 8
Clear! Yep, you're doing good.
What did you get?
Fate/Requiem Board Games of the Apocalypse 9
Mission clear!
Wow! This one's valuable.
Fate/Requiem Board Games of the Apocalypse 10
Open, next mission!
Let's go! Let's hurry out!
Fate/Requiem Board Games of the Apocalypse 11
My antenna's picking it up loud and clear! I found a new quest.
Fate/Requiem Board Games of the Apocalypse 12
Looks like you encountered an unknown spot. Be careful.
Fate/Requiem Board Games of the Apocalypse 13
Whoa, that's a surprise. I never thought that would happen.
You're gonna have it tough. ...If you say something like that, Erice is going to get mad.
Fate/Requiem Board Games of the Apocalypse 14
You're finally at the last quest.
Fate/Requiem Board Games of the Apocalypse 15
You really got it all done!
Fate/Requiem Board Games of the Apocalypse 16 (Ended)
I'm working as a shopkeeper. Do you want something?
Fate/Requiem Board Games of the Apocalypse 17
Sitting all day is boring.
I know. Could you tell me stories about your journey?
Fate/Requiem Board Games of the Apocalypse 18
Let me see...okay. Found it. This, right?
Okay, here you go That's a good one. Fufu.
Fate/Requiem Board Games of the Apocalypse 19
That's a weird item.
Fate/Requiem Board Games of the Apocalypse 20
Games are supposed to be fun.
But Erice really hates to lose... You know where I'm going with this...
Fate/Requiem Board Games of the Apocalypse 21
Did you forget anything?
Played enough? I'm happy if you're happy.
Fate/Requiem Board Games of the Apocalypse 22 (Ended)
I'll be the guide.
For the dreams of people...the hopes of people... I'll deliver them all. Your voice...your lonely heart. I'll take them on an endless journey to the beyond. All is the sky filled with stars. One day I'll reach them. ...Bye.
Fate/Requiem Board Games of the Apocalypse 23
So this is a Token.
Fate/Requiem Board Games of the Apocalypse 24
Collecting them all is hard.
Fate/Requiem Board Games of the Apocalypse 25
We've collected a good amount.
Fate/Requiem Board Games of the Apocalypse 26
We need to use them carefully.
Fate/Requiem Board Games of the Apocalypse 27
Want to read the announcements?
Fate/Requiem Board Games of the Apocalypse 28 (Ended)
Is it almost over?
That was a lot of fun.
Fate/Requiem Board Games of the Apocalypse 29 (Ended)
You sure outdid yourself.
Limited -Can only be summoned during certain events

Future Banners

Banner (Add 2 years for NA Date)JP Period
[JP] Evocation Festival 9 Pickup Summon (Daily)
[JP] Evocation Festival 9 Pickup Summon (Daily)
Banner Type: Single
[JP] New Year's 2025 Guaranteed Lucky Bag Summon (Gender x Class x NP Type)
[JP] New Year's 2025 Guaranteed Lucky Bag Summon (Gender x Class x NP Type)
Banner Type: Guaranteed Gacha
[JP] Multi Collaboration Event Pickup Summon (Daily)
[JP] Multi Collaboration Event Pickup Summon (Daily)
Banner Type: Single