Paul Bunyan
# 174
Neutral Balanced
NPGainNP Gain
NPGainNP when Attacked (%)
NPGainStar Absorption
NPGainStar Generation per Hit
NPGainInstant Death Chance
Lv 1009,391
Lv 12011,068
Lv 1009,551
Lv 12011,232


Heaven or Earth
Weak to Enuma Elish
Spiritron Dress User
Fairy Tale Servant
Bunny Servant


Tag Icon
Buster Support
Tag Icon
Crit Damage Support
Tag Icon
Heal Support
Tag Icon
DEF Down
Tag Icon
Heal Received Down
Tag Icon
AoE Buster NP
Delightful Comrades A
Increase Buster Card effectiveness for all allies (3 turns). Increase Critical Strength for all allies (3 turns).
Available from the start
Bean Soup Lake A
Recover HP for all allies.
Unlocks after 1st Ascension
Popcorn Blizzard B
Decrease DEF for all enemies (3 turns). Decrease HP Recovery Amount for all enemies (5 turns).
Unlocks after 3rd Ascension

Append Skills

Extra Attack Boost
Increase own Extra Attack Card effectiveness.
Load Magical Energy
Begin battle with NP Gauge charged.
Anti-Assassin (Crit Res Up)
Increase own Critical Rate Resist against [Assassin] class enemies.
Special Attack Technique Improvement
Increase own Critical Strength.
Skill Reload
When using a skill, reduce the cooldown for the skill by 1 turn for the first time the skill is used per battle (Only 1 time per skill). Lv 1-5: 1 skill Lv 6-9: 2 skills Lv10: 3 skills

Class Skills

Madness Enhancement D
Increase your Buster Card effectiveness by 4%.

Noble Phantasm

Marvelous ExploitsA
Deals damage to all enemies.
Decrease DEF for all enemies (5 turns).
Marvelous Exploits (Upgrade 1)A+

Deals damage to all enemies. ▲

Upgrades after Rank Up 1. (Not available, ETA 8/2024)

Decrease DEF for all enemies (5 turns). ▲

Append Skill
Ascension + Skill

“Get Crushed!”

Chopping away at anything that may get in his way, Paul Bunyan rides in on his giant blue ox named… wait. Paul Bunyan is a girl? That little ball is an ox? Originally a joke Servant created by Riyo (author of the Learning with Manga), Paul Bunyan is a budget Buster AoE NP servant with support ideal for all who wood chance upon her.

Bunyan carries her weight well for a budget Berserker. She supports and roots on her team members with Buster and Critical Damage buffs via Delightful Comrades, healing via Bean Soup Lake, and an AoE defense down on Popcorn Blizzard and her NP Marvelous Exploits. Her other main benefits come from her NP, which not only hits very decently for a 1-star Berserker, but also is the fastest NP in the game, chopping down her enemies in only 2-3 seconds on 2x speed.

While Bunyan is great with damage, she often leaves in a hurry. With the lowest HP in the game and Berserker type disadvantage, she has next to no survivability to tap into, leafing her easily felled. She also does knot have good sustained performance as her longer cooldowns, low survivability, and single Arts card means she will likely only rev up her NP once.

Paul Bunyan is a quick and easy servant to sap through an enemy wave in as little time as possible instead of lumbering around. Masters looking for a servant to speed-run farming quests, a low-cost Buster support, or a Servant to fire their NP, give buffs, and die, will be quite pleased to be able to stick her into their party. She walnut disappoint.

🟢 Strengths

Strong and Fast NP

At 2-3 seconds on 2x speed and an AoE Berserker NP, Bunyan is one of the best servants in the game to clear a wave in as little time as possible. Thanks to the plethora of buffs (48.8% bonus Buster damage at most) she possesses as well as the ease in getting her to NP5, her NPs pack quite a punch as well.

Good General Support

Bunyan packs a variety of offensive buffs for her companions, boosting their Buster skills, Crit Damage, and lowering enemy Defense for 3 turns (5 turns on her NP), making her one of the best budget Buster Supports available. In a farming team, the Buster Crit buffs will continue to carry over, potentially allowing for massive Criticals from her friends. And just for fun, she can heal her friends too if they get hurt.

🔴 Weaknesses

Low Survivability

As big as Bunyan is, she just can’t take a punch. She has the lowest HP in the game and Berserker type disadvantage, so an average attack may well take out over half her total HP. Without any strong defensive options available, she will struggle to stay alive even with external support. Some Masters may be able to use this weakness as a strength though by intentionally letting her fall to bring in a new Servant.

Weak Long-Term Performance

While Bunyan is great as a charge-and-fire servant, her contribution is much diminished after firing off her skills and NP. With only a single Arts card, she will not generate much NP on her own to potentially fire off a second NP. Along with a more steep 6-8 turn cooldown on her two most important skills, combined with her weak survivability, she will likely only be able to use her skills once.

Level Up Skill Recommendations

Delightful Comrades A
Increase Buster Card effectiveness for all allies (3 turns). Increase Critical Strength for all allies (3 turns).
Bean Soup Lake A
Recover HP for all allies.
Popcorn Blizzard B
Decrease DEF for all enemies (3 turns). Decrease HP Recovery Amount for all enemies (5 turns).

Bunyan’s skills are a boon for her entire party. As an offensive support Servant, Bunyan profits most from boosting the damage on her NP and those of her allies. As such, a Master should level Delightful Comrades first as the buffs carry over to multiple waves, then Popcorn Blizzard for more damage, and Bean Soup Lake last. Most skills can be safely left at level 6 unless a Master is highly in need of a Buster Support or a low budget enthusiast.

  • Delightful Comrades A is Bunyan’s primary support, boosting both Buster and Critical Damage for the entire party for 3 turns. As this skill lasts a full 3 turns, Masters do not necessarily have to save this skill until Bunyan’s NP turn. Level this first. 

  • Bean Soup Lake A is Bunyan’s partywide heal, giving the party up to 2000 HP at max level. While useful in theory, if the party takes sustained damage then Bunyan will most likely by dead. Level this last.

  • Popcorn Blizzard B acts as a defense down on all enemies for 3 turns, boosting the party’s damage. While it also lowers their healing received, most enemies do not have a notable heal, making this a niche application at best. Since this skill will only apply to the current wave, level it second.

🖼️ Craft Essence Recommendations

As Bunyan’s main usage is to buff and fire off an NP fast, getting a Starting NP Gauge or hybridCE will help her the most. When one is not available, Masters could look towards using Attack Up/Taunt CEs to increase her general damage and/or get her to die more quickly for a free swap. She also can benefit from a Death Effect CE for when she inevitably dies to better support her party.

  • Kaleidoscope / Imaginary Element / Dragon's Meridian: Bunyan’s primary purpose is to NP, and any CE that helps her NP earlier is always a good choice.

  • Holy Night Supper / Golden Sumo / First Sunrise / Partake with the King: If support is available to charge the rest of Bunyan’s NP gauge, these CEs will help her both NP earlier and deal more damage.

  • Gudaguda Poster Girl: If one can charge Bunyan’s NP bar to full with Servants and MCs, this CE’s target focus will help Bunyan die as a free swap, leaving Bunyan’s buffs behind. 

  • The Merciless One / 500 Year Obsession / Battle of Camlann: Bunyan is quite likely to die, so a death effect CE will often provide an additional support to the party.
Analysis by:

Interlude Quests

Chapter Completion:Fuyuki
GrowthSemi-Reverse S
Instant Death Chance65
Damage Distribution Quick16,33,51
Damage Distribution Arts16,33,51
Damage Distribution Buster16,33,51
Damage Distribution Extra10,20,30,40
Damage Distribution NP33,67


Bond Lv12345678910
Bond EXP3,0006,1256,1256,1256,125192,500210,000215,000220,000225,000

When equipped on Paul Bunyan, Increases Buster Card effectiveness of all allies by 15% while she's on the field.

Seiyuu (CV)Chiaki Omigawa
Release Date (NA)7/6/2019



Valentine's CE

Pancakes, My Favorite
Pancakes, My Favorite

Profile Entries

Character Info

A lumberjack who appears in tall tales originating in the American pioneering days. She is said to be a giant whose head brushes the very clouds. A number of legends chronicle Bunyan's many exploits, often claiming that it was her actions that created many of North America's distinct geographical features. No one's really sure why she was summoned as a young girl.

Profile 1

Height/Weight: Undetermined Origin: Legends Region: America, Canada Alignment: Neutral-Balanced Gender: Female It's plain to see that her usual height is well over three meters, but every time an attempt is made at an official measurement, her height differs, and so nothing has yet been recorded.

Profile 2

As in her legend, she is accompanied by a giant blue ox everywhere she goes. However, it looks much more like a stuffed animal than an ox... Rather, it may be one of those fearsome critters rumored to have existed during America's pioneering days, or maybe even be what is called a cryptid in present times.

Profile 3

Bunyan loves people, and so she continues to discover, expand, and develop uncharted lands because she believes that the continued progress of civilization truly leads to peoples' happiness. She will not give a second thought to destroying great swaths of nature if it means the people can live wealthy, comfortable lives. How her actions will affect humanity in the future...the young Bunyan has no way of knowing at this point.

Profile 4

[Marvelous Exploits] Rank: A NP Type: Anti-Army Astounding Achievements. Using the United States of America itself as a conceptual Noble Phantasm, the country's founding history is converted into energy and slammed into the enemy with titanic force. At least...that's what she claims. Honestly, it just looks like she's squishing them with her giant foot. Also, it's the fastest of all Noble Phantasms.

Profile 5

In actuality, the legend of Paul Bunyan was seldom told during the pioneering days. The tales of Bunyan's extraordinary feats commonly known today were mostly fabricated during the 20th century. Bunyan's folkloric heroism is shallow, and in name only, which may explain why she is unable to demonstrate such power as a Servant.

Profile 6

Clear Learning with Manga: All the Statesmen Event Paul Bunyan may be mere legend, but her delightful tales are still passed down in present times...known by a great many, even a hundred years later. Even if they aren't historically accurate, even if they are utter nonsense, legends passed down from person to person will be beloved for all time by people everywhere. Hopefully she understands that.

Voice Lines

Battle Start 1
No one can live here with all this stuff in the way...
Battle Start 2
This looks promising for pioneering!
Battle Start 3
Sorry, but can you leave right now?
Skill 1
All right!
Skill 2
We can do this!
Skill 3
(Munch, munch) ...Delicious!
Skill 4
Just a little more!
Command Card 1
Command Card 2
Command Card 3
Got it!
Noble Phantasm Card 1
Let's get them in one sweep.
Noble Phantasm Card 2
I'll flatten you!
Attack 1
Attack 2
Attack 3
Attack 4
Extra Attack 1
Extra Attack 2
Watch out!
Noble Phantasm 1
Out of my way!
Marvelous Exploits!
Noble Phantasm 2
This is the pioneering spirit!
Noble Phantasm 3
I'll crush you!
Noble Phantasm 4
Die with the frontier!
Damage 1
Damage 2
Incapacitated 1
I'm sorry...
Incapacitated 2
It's better...that I'm not around...
Incapacitated 3
I could have done more...
Victory 1
Très bien! So what materials dropped?
Victory 2
Everyone's gone, so now this is our land.
Victory 3
We did it!
Ah, I can't wait to level the land!
Victory 4
This is one small step for me... Eh? It's not small?
Level up
Merci, Master! I feel like I've gained more horsepower.
Ascension 1
I feel myself brimming with power...and it's hot.
Can I take off my jacket...?
Ascension 2
Isn't it hot around here?
Ascension 3
I'm sorry...for my appearance...
It's just that it's so hot.
But now that I can move around better!
Ascension 4
Fueeehhh, I'm full...
I'm so happy you filled me up so much for a tune-up.
I feel like I can plow through to the ends of the earth!
I'm going to work hard!
...Is it dinner time yet!?
Bond Level 1
Salut! How are you, Master?
I'm fine, thank you!
Bond Level 2
Don't you think Chaldea's ceilings are low?
If you give me the go ahead, I'll rebuild it...
Bond Level 3
This teeming with people...
Don't you think we need to thin out some unwanted people...?
Oh...maybe I'm the most unwanted...
I'm sorry.
Bond Level 4
To live in a place with a bunch of friends gathered around is pretty nice.
And...Master's always with me too!
Bond Level 5
...Heehee. It's nice to know that I have a special someone who comes right away when I call...
Master, you can call me whenever you want, too.
Conversation 1
Would you like to come outside with me...?
Oh, um...never mind...
Conversation 2
Master, you're like my superior or boss, right?
Boss, please train me to be a full-fledged lumberjack.
Conversation 3
I will go anywhere you tell me to.
No matter what kind of forest or mountain, I will level it and leave not a single blade of grass standing.
Leave it to me, okay?
Conversation 4 (Altera)
That white-veiled lady...
I have a feeling she's always watching me...
Conversation 5 (Avenger of Shinjuku + Clear Shinjuku St.13)
That dog isn't friendly at all... How can I make friends with him?
Conversation 6 (Nursery Rhyme, Jack the Ripper)
Mon amie!
I'm so happy to be reunited with my special friend! Let's eat more hamburg steak again!
What I like?
My very favorite thing is seeing everyone happy and smiling.
...And pancakes.
What I dislike...
Anyone who hates me...
They're scary...
About the Holy Grail
If the Holy Grail can grant any wish, let's make the entire Earth into one big vacant lot.
If everyone can find a place they can live, everyone will be happy.
During an Event
Something's going on...
Can I come, too?
Happy birthday!
I had a cake for you...
For you...
It was good...
My name is Paul Bunyan.
I'm a Berserker.
Nice to meet you, Master.
I wonder why I'm a girl...
Strange, isn't it?
About Spiritron Dress Mad Bunny
Did you know that rabbit's feet are used as good luck charms?
Good things will probably happen if you carry one with you.
Bonne chance! Good luck, Master!
Level up (Mad Bunny)
Merci, Master!
I think I gained more horsepower.
Unlock Wardrobe (Mad Bunny)
Hehe, did I scare you?
What do you think? It's a scary costume of a murderous rabbit that even the Knights of the Round Table were afraid of! Don't I look strong?
Huh? Bunny-yan...?
Y-yeah, that was funny...
Battle Start 1 (Mad Bunny)
A wild murderous bunny appears!
Battle Start 2 (Mad Bunny)
Farming, right? Leave it to me!
Battle Start 3 (Mad Bunny)
I have to cut off their head? Okay.
Skill 1 (Mad Bunny)
Good luck!
Skill 2 (Mad Bunny)
Cheer up!
Skill 3 (Mad Bunny)
You're so good!
Skill 4 (Mad Bunny)
I'm getting hop hopping mad!
Command Card 1 (Mad Bunny)
Got it!
Command Card 2 (Mad Bunny)
Command Card 3 (Mad Bunny)
Let's go!
Noble Phantasm Card 1 (Mad Bunny)
I'll pat your back!
Noble Phantasm Card 2 (Mad Bunny)
Want to touch my toe beans?
Attack 1 (Mad Bunny)
Attack 2 (Mad Bunny)
Take that!
Attack 3 (Mad Bunny)
Attack 4 (Mad Bunny)
Extra Attack 1 (Mad Bunny)
All smooshed!
Extra Attack 2 (Mad Bunny)
Don't get it dirty.
Damage 1 (Mad Bunny)
Damage 2 (Mad Bunny)
Incapacitated 1 (Mad Bunny)
So lonely...
Incapacitated 2 (Mad Bunny)
Bunny couldn't do it...
Incapacitated 3 (Mad Bunny)
Guess this is life...
Victory 1 (Mad Bunny)
Bunnies are at the top of the food chain...
Victory 2 (Mad Bunny)
Want to farm more? I can keep going.
Victory 3 (Mad Bunny)
Did you feel the wrath of the great outdoors?
Victory 4 (Mad Bunny)
I got blood on it again. Oh well!
Welfare -A free Servant acquired from completing an Event.