

Append Skills

Class Skills

Noble Phantasm

🟢 Strengths
Second Highest 3 star Caster attack
Geronimo has surprisingly high attack for a 3 star Caster at 6857 attack. Only Medea beats him with 7418 attack. Babbage, who shares the QAABB deck with Geronimo looks on enviously.
Highest post-interlude 3 Star Caster NP Multiplier
Geronimo’s NP curiously has a starting multiplier of 400% as an arts NP, which is less than his peers’ effective 450% Buster multiplier. This is fixed post interlude to 600%, which puts him above everyone but Babbage, who ties with him post interlude.
Two Buster Cards
Having a second Buster card notably improves Geronimo’s standard card damage compared to his fellow Casters. However, this is a double edged knife.
🔴 Weaknesses
Poor overall synergy
Geronimo’s card performance buffs are selfish and only last one turn. Granted, his 2 arts cards and an Arts NP benefit well from his second skill. However, his Buster buff is largely irrelevant due to only benefitting his two plain Buster cards, and his Quick buff is even worse with one card to buff. His skills provide no utility to his team.
Low Hit counts
Although Geronimo has respectable NP gain at .9 and star generation at 11%, his Quick and Arts cards only have two hit counts, while his Busters have one. Although his extra hits for 4 times, Geronimo’s overall hit counts result in poor effective stargen and slightly above average NP Gain, which sadly cannot redeem his kit.
Two Buster Cards
Without three arts cards, Geronimo will find it more difficult to gain arts chain bonuses, lowering the availability of his NP. Thus, NP Arts Brave chains for maximum np gain become more difficult. Additionally, Geronimo’s Busters suffer from his lack of NP Buster chain potential or passives like independent action to further increase their damage.
Level Up Skill Recommendations

🖼️ Craft Essence Recommendations
- Arts Performance: Since his Arts cards comprise the majority of his deck (including his NP), it makes sense to increase its performance as much as possible.
- Starting NP: Since Geronimo’s effective np gain is gimped by his second buster card, starting NP allows him to fire off his NP a bit easier.
- Guts: In the even you decide to try using Geronimo as a solo servant, a guts CE will at least give him another round of protection to make success more likely.
Interlude Quests