Magic Gem of Saber

Table of Contents

Best Drop Locations
Best Drop Locations
Quest | APD ▴ |
Saber Training Ground - Advanced Sunday - Chaldea Gate | 20 |
Saber Training Ground - Intermediate Sunday - Chaldea Gate | 25 |
Saber Training Ground - Expert Sunday - Chaldea Gate | 35 |
Rise and Fall Shimousa - Castle Town - Shimousa | 52.4 |
Terrifying Wasteland Atlantis: Deimos Island - Lostbelt 5 Part 1: Atlantis | 61.2 |
Temple of Justice Atlantis: Astraea Island - Lostbelt 5 Part 1: Atlantis | 69.3 |
Nameless Sacred Mountain Shimousa - Rear Mountain - Shimousa | 81.4 |
The Thousand Year Kingdom Camelot - Royal Castle - Camelot | 84 |
Ancient Battlefield Shimousa - Arakawa Field - Shimousa | 86.8 |
Kifune Castle Shimousa - Toke Castle - Shimousa | 91.3 |
Senji Sengen Shimousa - Monastery - Shimousa | 101 |
Desolate Settlement Shimousa - Village - Shimousa | 127.3 |
The Remains of Soldiers' Dreams Shimousa - Battlefield - Shimousa | 130.4 |
Amazons' Banquet Agartha - Riverside Town - Agartha | 132.4 |
The Raid Party of Knights Camelot - Fortress of the Round Table - Camelot | 148 |
Altar of Death Atlantis: Thanatos Island - Lostbelt 5 Part 1: Atlantis | 157.9 |
Royal Family's Hunting Ground Regent Park - London | 173.5 |
APD = Avg AP Per Drop
The most efficient quests to farm for the item. Lower is better.
Drop rate estimates based on data collected by /u/Rathus and the Grand Order Subreddit
3rd Skill Enhancement
4th Skill Enhancement
3rd Append Skill Enhancement
4th Append Skill Enhancement
- Servant Tier ListServantsSummon Simulator (JP)Lostbelt 7: Nahui Mictlan - Spoiler-free WalkthroughSummon Banner ListSummon Simulator (NA)Arjuna (Alter)Valentine's 2025 - WalkthroughSodom's Beast / DracoKukulcan
- Takasugi ShinsakuAdvanced Quest 14: Combat Training Program - HighlightsLarva / TiamatAltria CasterAdvanced QuestsLostbelt 7: Nahui Mictlan - Main QuestsValentine's 2025 - Quick Farming GuideMelusinePope JohannaTezcatlipoca
- Boss Guide: Ch17-6 (Lostbelt 7 Nahui Mictlan Part 2)Xu FuKoyanskaya of LightOberonMorganAltria Caster (Berserker)Altria PendragonBoss Guide: Ch23 (Lostbelt 7 Nahui Mictlan Part 2)Zhuge Liang (El-Melloi II)Amakusa Shirou
- KarnaValentine's 2025 - Challenge GuideNitocris (Alter)Mash KyrielightTlalocSavior AescEnkiduChaldea Boys Collection 2025 Pre-Release CampaignSpace EreshkigalLady Avalon
- Jeanne d'Arc (Alter)Ibuki-Douji (Berserker)Lostbelt No.7: Golden Sea of Trees, Nahui Mictlan - Those Who Rule the PlanetSolar HideOno no KomachiRabbit's Reviews - ArchiveCosmic Sea of Trees Decisive Battle / Invasive Mobile Life-form ORTDemon King Nobunaga (Oda Nobunaga)Medusa (Saber)