Magic Gem of Archer

Table of Contents

Best Drop Locations
Best Drop Locations
Quest | APD ▴ |
Archer Training Ground - Advanced Monday - Chaldea Gate | 20 |
Archer Training Ground - Expert Monday - Chaldea Gate | 30 |
Archer Training Ground - Intermediate Monday - Chaldea Gate | 60 |
Cellar of Giants Camelot - Atlas Institute - Camelot | 102 |
A Serene Landscape SIN: Shiquan Canyon - Lostbelt 3: S I N | 107.69 |
Windy City Chicago - America | 129 |
An Auspicious Opportunity SIN: Xianyang - Lostbelt 3: S I N | 137.25 |
A Pristine Sky SIN: Prison Camp - Lostbelt 3: S I N | 140.94 |
A Visit from a Distant Friend SIN: Shanyang Hill - Lostbelt 3: S I N | 172.13 |
Cool Hand Florence Denver - America | 182 |
Mile High City Denver - America | 182 |
Jungle Hiking Agartha - Foothills Jungle - Agartha | 196.3 |
Secret Route Bountiful Sea - Okeanos | 198 |
Nothing Shameful SIN: Jingyang Field - Lostbelt 3: S I N | 205.88 |
APD = Avg AP Per Drop
The most efficient quests to farm for the item. Lower is better.
Drop rate estimates based on data collected by /u/Rathus and the Grand Order Subreddit
3rd Skill Enhancement
4th Skill Enhancement
3rd Append Skill Enhancement
4th Append Skill Enhancement
- Servant Tier ListServantsLarva / TiamatSummon Simulator (JP)Summon Simulator (NA)Summon Banner ListCBC 2025 - WalkthroughSodom's Beast / DracoLostbelt 7: Nahui Mictlan - Spoiler-free WalkthroughCBC 2025: The Story of Chaldea Heavy Industries - Business to Business, From Me to You
- CBC 2025 - Challenge GuideCBC 2025 - Quick Farming GuideTier List Change Log HistoryDemon King Nobunaga (Oda Nobunaga)Sakata Kintoki (Rider)Business Visit: Argonauts Toys, URAWA Flagship StoreTakasugi ShinsakuShuten-Douji (Caster)KukulcanQuetzalcoatl (Samba/Santa)
- Event GuidesShuten-DoujiAltria Caster[High Difficulty] Takasugi Heavy Industries Special ServiceAltria Caster (Berserker)MorganLostbelt 7: Nahui Mictlan - Main QuestsSakata KintokiSavior AescCBC 2025 - Tier List Change Log
- Business Visit: Argonauts Toys, OMIYA Branch StoreOberonKoyanskaya of LightSpace EreshkigalLady AvalonFirst HassanZhuge Liang (El-Melloi II)Dante AlighieriPilgrimage Festival: Part 1Merlin
- MelusineRabbit's Reviews - ArchiveXu FuTezcatlipocaIbuki-Douji (Berserker)Altria PendragonBoss Guide: Ch17-6 (Lostbelt 7 Nahui Mictlan Part 2)BarghestGilgameshEnkidu